Chapter 37

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Luke's POV

"I hope you're happy now." Beau said bluntly to me as a sad looking Danni followed him into the kitchen. "You've upset me and Danni as well as Ruby, you know? And I'm sure the others won't be happy that she's gone - or the reason why."

I sighed, sitting down at the kitchen bench, I knew I'd get so much grief for this but it wasn't all my fault. "I don't see why she took it far enough to leave." I said, instantly regretting it as Danni looked at me like I was dirt.

"You told her your relationship meant nothing to you. You used her Luke and I don't think you realise how hopelessly in love she was with you." She said, my stomach dropping as I remembered what I said to Ruby last night. I didn't mean anything but I knew that she would've taken it to heart, as she always did.

"I know, but I didn't mean it." I sighed. "She ended it with me anyway, it's not like she's going to take me back." I said, even if she did forgive me I knew she wouldn't take me back. She had made her mind up about this stupid threat thing.

"Nice to know you tried." Beau spat at me sarcastically, he really was pissed at what had happened. Daniel and Lucy came downstairs, looking at all of us in confusion as they saw our expressions.

"Has someone died?" Lucy asked, half smiling, making me fake smile as Beau and Danni glared at her.

"Why don't you tell them, Luke?" Danni said intimidatingly.

I sighed, looking down at the floor. It wasn't fair pinning all the blame on me, I had to tell them about the threats too. "Ruby left. She ended it with me because of these threats we've been getting but I took the break up badly. I guess it was partly my fault." I said quietly, looking down at my connected hands, not wanting to look at anyone.

"Oh," Is all Lucy managed to get out. They must've been a little shocked about the threats since we hadn't told anyone. "What do you mean by threats?" She finally asked.

I looked up to see everyone staring at me intensely, luckily Beau and Danni's faces had softened from the look of anger. "I kept getting texts saying they'd hurt and even kill Ruby if we didn't split up. They sent photos of us through the windows too," I said, showing the messages to them.

"What the fuck, why didn't you say anything?" Daniel said after looking at my phone. I honestly didn't know.

"I didn't think it was anything to worry about, it's probably just a jealous fan." I said, copying what I had said to Ruby the night before.

We discussed it for a bit longer after Jai and James came down and they finally forgave me a little, although Danni still seemed upset. I don't blame her.

Now to text Ruby. I didn't really want to have to speak to her after last night, although I felt bad for what I said, she hurt me too. I didn't realise it was that easy for her to give up on us.

'I'm sorry for what I said last night, I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now but I just wanted you to know that I didn't mean it. I still love you Ruby and I care about our relationship more than anything. Come back soon xxx' I sent.

I waited for a few minutes, flicking between the pages of my home screen as I waited for a reply and a message came through just before I was about to give up.

'Maybe I would've stayed if you could've said this to my face instead of just through a text, at least then I could've at least been fooled into thinking you cared again.' She replied, I couldn't believe I had lost her already.

I had no idea how to reply so I left it, knowing it'd probably make her hate me even more but I didn't want to lie, saying sorry over and over when I didn't mean it. I knew it wasn't all my fault, and I'm sure she knew that too.

"How about you come to the party Daniel and I are going to on Friday to get your mind off things? My friend is coming over soon so we're meeting her there." Lucy asked, surprising me as I was in an intense daydream.

"I don't know, I-" I started before she stopped me.

"It'll be fun, I promise!" She grinned at me.

"Okay fine." I gave in with a smirk. I suppose I needed a break from all this stress even if it was just for one night.

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