Chapter 70

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Ruby's POV

"I'll see you soon," I called to Harriet as I left her house. I think it was a good idea staying over night as it gave me a bit of space to myself - allowing me to reflect on what I would do about Kiana.

I walked up to the front door of the boys apartment and rang the doorbell, not really knowing what I would say if anyone asked why I'd left so rapidly last night.

James opened the door, "Where have you been?" He wasn't his usual happy self at all, he seemed almost angry or irritated with me.

"I went to Harriet's house - she needed me and I didn't have chance to come in and explain to you." I lied. He nodded, seeming utterly uninterested, and allowed me to pass through the doorway; pointing to the kitchen where I could hear the other's voices.

I walked in sheepishly, still concerned about James' strange behaviour, to see Luke and Kiana sat beside each other eating breakfast as the others were stood and sat around them. They all looked over to me as they realised I had entered the room - immediately looking at Luke.

"Morning to you too," I laughed, receiving not even a smile back from anyone, only a dirty look from Kiana.

"Maybe we should give you two some space." Beau said to Luke before leading everyone out, just leaving Luke and I in the room together.

"So, are you going to tell me what's going -" I began, before being interrupted by Luke.

"I know. I know what you've said to Kiana and I," He paused, taking a breath. "I know you're only with me to get over Wayne, it's always been that hasn't it?"

What he said baffled me, how could he ever think that? "You are joking, right?" I said, knowing that this was obviously Kiana's doing.

"Kiana told me everything you said to her in the kitchen, about the fact she needs to stop coming near me and that I'm 'always going to choose you even though you're only with me to get over Wayne'."

"Wow, you actually believe her over your own girlfriend, Luke? How could you even say that?" I was broken that he would even consider what she said was true, let alone believe it.

"She told me you'd deny it," He said firmly though I could sense the sudden uncertainty in his voice now. He must of knew she was lying, how couldn't he?

"Do you want to hear the truth about what happened last night?" I said loudly, causing his eyes to dart in my direction for the first time - before refusing to make eye contact. "She told me I was worthless and no good for you. She made me feel like I was nothing and that I should never have walked into your life, but Harriet helped me realise that I am something and that we do deserve each other - even ask her, I went to her house last night as I couldn't stand being with Kiana for another second."

He looked down, obviously realising how stupid he was to believe a single word that came out of Kiana's mouth. "But maybe you don't deserve me, just go get with Kiana and you can be her halfwit puppet."

"I'm sorry, she just made it sound so convincing, please forgive me - I know you aren't like that really." He sounded so desperate and pathetic, I couldn't stand it.

"I'm sorry too, that I ever fooled myself into getting back with you. You promised me you'd never hurt me again, but guess what? That's just what you've done." I turned around to leave the room.

"Don't leave, just let me -"

"I'll be back later to pick up my stuff." I left the room, walking past the living room to see James and Jai looking in my direction. I just looked at them with disgust as I shook my head, I never thought they would believe Kiana as well, but obviously even your closest friends can deceive you.

I left the apartment quickly, racing up the drive way in hope that no one would come out after me, which they didn't - surprise surprise. I pulled out my phone and called Danni, I needed to speak to my best friend more than anything now - she would understand.

She answered within a few seconds in her usual joyful tone which gave out a warm sense of familiarity. "Ruby! How are you?" She asked.

"I've been better," I told her. "How about you?"

"Tell me what's happened." She commanded. I explained what had happened which seemed to infuriate her almost as much as me.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. I've made one friend but it's not really like I can just stay at her house at my own request."

"I'll come over, I'll get a plane tomorrow - I know it's sudden but I'm so bored here anyway - I need to come and see you." She said, filling me with joy.

"Only if you're sure?" I questioned, I couldn't believe it.

She confirmed the plan and we said our goodbyes, now I just had to find a hotel for the night so I could spend the night alone.

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