Chapter 34

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Ruby's POV

I was awoken suddenly by the shrieking of what sounded like it came from Daniel. I opened my eyes, confused by my surroundings for a split second before remembering we were in the new apartment.

I turned onto my side and watched Luke as he peacefully slept beside me, his eyes flickering gently before opening. His lips curved upwards into a smile as our eyes met, mine doing the same.

"Morning." I smiled, stroking the side of his face gently with my hand.

"Sleep well in the new bed?" He asked. Before I could answer I was interrupted by a second shrieking noise coming from downstairs, I wasn't sure whether to be scared or just laugh.

I smiled at Luke and shook my head sarcastically. "I'll go check on the gremlin." I smirked as I pushed myself out of bed, making Luke chuckle.

I paced down the stairs, trying to sort out my hair with my hands, although it wasn't too bad. I walked into the kitchen to see Daniel jumping up and down, laughing and smiling like a maniac down at his phone.

"What the fuck?" I asked with utter confusion, making his head turn my way.

"Lucy's coming!!!" He shouted at me with joy, that would explain it. Lucy was his girlfriend that lived in America so he hadn't seen her since the American leg of the tour. He suddenly gasped, looking with intensity at me. "YOU'LL FINALLY MEET HER!" He shouted with a grin yet again.

I couldn't help but laugh at how excited he was, even if it was scaring me a bit. "Yay!" I laughed, trying to sound as excited as I could at this time in the morning. "What time is she coming?" I asked.

"She'll be here in 5 hours so around 2pm." He grinned, finally calming down a bit.

"Alright, I'll go and tell Luke." I smiled, using it as an excuse to go back to bed.

I turned out into the hall and up the stairs, walking back into our room to see Luke fast asleep again - making me smile. I climbed back into bed, curling up beside him and falling asleep again.

A couple of hours later I woke up again, this time to an empty bed which made me wonder where Luke was. I decided to jump into the shower as the bathroom was free so I could get ready for when Lucy got here, which was in just under 3 hours.

I wasn't sure what to feel about Lucy, most fans seemed to like her and say nice things about her - and of course Daniel did, so I had high expectations.

The three hours passed and it was about time for Lucy to arrive. She had gotten a taxi over, rather than having one of us pick her up from the airport.

We heard the doorbell ring and Daniel went sprinting in, I'd never seen him this excited before. After a minute or so she came walking into the lounge room, a grin on her face as she saw us all.

"Hi guys!" She said sweetly, smiling at Danni and I and then towards the other boys, taking them all into hugs.

"I'm Ruby by the way." I smiled as she pulled me into a hug.

"I thought so," She giggled. "And you must be Danni?" She directed to Danni.

"That's me." Danni laughed, also hugging her. She seemed like such a sweet person.

"Showing me to my room then babe?" Lucy asked sweetly, picking up her bags as Daniel nodded and took hold of her suitcase.

"She seems lovely!" I said as I could hear them heading to the top of the stairs - the others nodded in agreement. "How long is she staying for?" I asked to anyone that was listening.

"I don't even know, maybe a week, maybe a year." Beau said casually, making me roll my eyes

"Helpful." I laughed sarcastically, making him smirk. "What's happening for dinner?" I asked, I know it was early but food is always the priority.

"I VOTE PIZZA!" James yelled, making us all jump. The others agreed and we told Daniel and Lucy once they had came downstairs, which they both sounded happy with too.

A few hours had passed and Lucy had really grown on me and Danni, we all seemed to get along so well and she was really as nice as most of the fans had made out.

"Oh guys," Lucy began as if it was something she couldn't wait to say as she had a mouthful of pizza. "I kinda agreed to meet up with some of my fans in London, anyone fancy coming?" She asked.

"Of course!" Daniel replied with a grin before anyone else had the chance to reply. I could tell he really was in love with her.

~ ~ ~

The next day came around and it was time for Lucy's fan meetup. I'm almost certain most of her fan base also were Janoskianators meaning they would be ecstatic to see the boys there too.

We got a taxi over to Hyde Park and made our way to the meetup point. Lucy, Danni and I went over alone first so the girls wouldn't suspect a thing. They all seemed to excited already, all getting photos with Lucy and talking to her - quite a few talking to me and Danni as well.

"How's Luke?!" One dark brown haired girl asked me with a grin.

"He's great, thanks for asking. That reminds me, I just need to text him. One sec." I replied innocently.

'I think they're ready for you ;) xxx' I sent to Luke, triggering them all to come running over within about 30 seconds.

No one had noticed until one girl screamed "JAMES!", causing all of the others to shoot their head in the boys' direction. They all started screaming as the boys finally reached us, making me and Danni giggle and remind us of how we were only about a month ago.

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