𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 19: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤

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Belle opened her eyes seeing Zoro's face popping over hers. There was worry and frustration present in his eyes but lying on his lap made Belle feel extreme comfort and peace. It was absolutely comfortable and soft. Zoro smiled at her upon seeing that Belle had finally gained her consciousness and had finally stopped losing blood after Nojiko tended to her wounds. Sanji and Usopp sighed in happiness after seeing Belle was quite okay and wasn't in a state of anger or anything. Zoro wanted to ask as to why she had got to so angry after hearing Arlong call Luffy useless but debated against it thinking it wasn't the proper time to ask such questions at all. He brushed away the pieces of hair that fallen in Belle's hair and gave her a head-butt.

"Ouch what was that for?" Belle pouted rubbing her forehead annoyed at Zoro.

"Don't do things that put strain on your frail body, woman," Zoro lectured Belle who rolled her eyes not really listening to the guy.

"Hey Belle chwan, you were amazing out there! How did you do that?" Sanji slithered right next to Belle in hopes of being close to her to which Zoro glared.

"Honestly had I known you were this powerful I would have just left that Chew to you," Usopp said nodding his head knowing that in the future he would use Belle to defend himself.

"Are they still fighting?" Belle sat up tying her slightly opened up kimono tightly.

"Luffy's and Arlong's fight make take a few hours. They are evenly matched," Sanji explained staring at Arlong punching Luffy, "Anyways Belle-san why did you get so mad and lose control of yourself when you heard Arlong trash talk Luffy?"

Usopp, Nojiko and Zoro glared angrily at Sanji idiotic words knowing that it wasn't the right time to talk about such stuff. Belle wasn't like the other girls or even like the other Straw hat members. Something they all knew was that Belle found it hard to relay her emotions due to her ignorance, stupidity and probably sometimes because she doesn't know how to relay her emotions being only around boys. Luffy was probably the only one she had been with most of the time and talking about him always sparked something in her... They all knew that but Sanji being a newcomer he really didn't know much about Belle. One more thing they were sure about was that Belle was extremely overprotective of Luffy. She would straight away go and hurt anyone who'd hurt her brother. She could do anything for her brother. She might even kill herself so that Luffy would be happy. Belle was that type of sister who loved her brother dearly and was ready to do anything for him. There were countless times the others wondered why Belle was so ready to give up everything for Luffy but Luffy had asked them not ask such questions from Belle since he said that it would bring back unnecessary trauma. Zoro rested his hands on the back of his head trying his best not show his worry for the response she would give later on.

"Trash-talk... doesn't everyone get angry when someone trash talks a person close to you even after hurting another person? I think everyone does get angry. Obviously what he said about Luffy wasn't true at all. I hated how he assumed that Luffy was weak when he clearly wasn't and tried to use Luffy against. I hated it," Belle answered before looking right at Usopp, Sanji and Zoro, "If he had said such a thing about you guys too, I would have got mad in the same way. After all we are like family now aren't we?"

Sanji's and Usopp's heart thumped against her ribcages after hearing such angelic words. How could even a girl like Belle be so sweet and be so sadistic at the same time? She was not just beautiful from her appearance but from her words too. It was making Sanji swoon and Usopp rely completely on Belle knowing that she would protect him forever even if it meant that she had to die meanwhile Zoro was feeling a bit uncomfortable. He wanted to be special in Belle's eyes. He didn't want to be in the same level as Sanji and Usopp. No matter what she said, he would go up to her love level even if mean that he had to force himself to the top. If there was one thing that was in common between the three of the Straw hat members present next to Belle was that either they didn't have a family or they had lost a loved one. Hearing Belle's words sparked an ignite inside of them. Belle was the best replacement for that.  She was sweet, kind, caring, loving and would be ready to protect them at any time. Even though she was the youngest in the crew, at certain times like this she seemed to be the most mature and the oldest. She knew how to unite a squad and a crew. Unity was the most necessary asset to a crew and Belle was the one who brought it together. In fact, her Devil's fruit power nor her sword using ability was her actual power but rather the ability to unite the crew without even thinking so.

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