Chapter Fifty Six

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Kim Namjoon

    I'm strategic in the way I maneuver everyone into one ship. I give Taehyung very strict instructions and a vague response to contact me as I carry an unconscious Jin towards the other shuttle.
     I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm planning on taking him but one thing is clear. I need him and I to be alone. Completely alone. I want to work out our problems and let him get it all out. But I'm not letting him go.
     He is mine.
     I will not relinquish ownership of this human. Ever.
     Taehyung knows I'm not joining them back at the space ship but I asked him not to mention it to the others for the time being. This isn't going to be permanent. I will return and do my Captain duties.
     I may or may not return with Jin, however. Cruel and selfish as it seems, I don't want Jin and Hoseok near each other anymore. I need distance. They will both hate me for this. I don't care. Let me be selfish. Let me be hated by them both. I'll gladly accept it.
     I place Jin carefully in the shuttle and cover him up comfortable as I get into my seat and man the controls. I follow far behind the other shuttle and just as it turns right towards Jooheon's ship, I turn left.
      I do know where I'm going to take him.
     I'm taking him to Rakinyous. It's a secret moon base off of Cedian Red. Close to the home planet but just far enough away no one would search. It's been abandoned since the war started. Having Jooheon's ship docked there would make sure no one would come investigate.
I can hide Jin there. He would be safe and there are plenty of supplies. We could live there together for awhile. He could have the baby safely there. I could also keep contact easily with the others. Taehyung could bring Jimin. Eventually maybe Hoseok...
I don't want to think about that right now. I can't go back to that. Keep my mind focused solely on the present. The future. Anything but the past.

Jin doesn't stir until we're over halfway to our destination. I slip into warp speed to hasten our trip but will have to refuel sooner. He moans and sits up, rubbing his eyes. I want nothing more than to kiss him and shower him in love.
That would be pointless though. He looks around and out of one of the window ports. "Where are we? Where are the others?"
I shift again and put on auto control to steer towards our destination. We're nearly there.
I decide it's better to rip off the bandaid at once and just bluntly tell him what's up. No point in hiding it any longer. He looks suspiciously at me as I sit across from him.
"We aren't rejoining the others. They are already back on Jooheon's ship."
He stares at me, uncomprehending. Blinking blankly. "What? I don't understand—"
I reach over and grasp his hand, squeezing it in mine. "I'm taking you somewhere. Just us."
His eyes widen and he tries to jerk away from me but I hold steady and refuse to let him go. My grip on his wrist tightens. "Why? Why are you doing this?!"
"Because you are mine. I'm not letting you go, Seokjin. We are going somewhere far from the others. Just you and me. You will accept the reality of whether you hate me or not—there is no escaping me."
"Are you fucking for real?! You sound insane! Take me back now!" He yells, struggling to free himself from my grasp.
I reluctantly release him but stay firm. "Yes, perhaps I have gone insane. I'm resolved in working out our issues. However long they take."
"I hate you! I don't want to be with you! You're a psycho and a rapist and a cheater and...and..." He fumes in rage. "Take me back!"
"No." I stand and point out the window port. "We're almost to our new home, love. You'll grow to like it. It's better than my home planet." Not much else though.
He gapes at me, tears in his eyes. "—can't be serious? Please take me back. I won't leave! I can't leave even if I want to! Where would I go? Please don't take me away from Jimin and Hoseok. Please." He sobs. "Don't do this."
He almost breaks me but I use my training to remain hard and emotionless. This is hard for me. I never wanted this. "It's too late. They are long gone now."
He cries harder, burying his body into the blanket and just collapsing in on himself. Yes, I'm cruel. I won't take him back, though. When he's ready, I will tell him he will be able to see them again but for now...I just want him to be forced to focus on me. Just me.

      When we reach the moon base, I end up having to sedate him in order to get him off the shuttle and into the base. He expired all his strength fighting me until I had no choice. I carry his limp body to one of the empty rooms and tuck him into the bed.
     Reluctantly I handcuff his wrist to the nightstand so he can't run. It would be dangerous for him to exit the base. He would die instantly. I'm afraid he might do something crazy like run out on purpose. I can't let that happen.
     Once he's settled to sleep for awhile, I walk to the main control room of the base and call Taehyung. He answers quickly, looking concerned.
    I give him a rueful smile, exhausted. "We've landed well. I'm trusting you arrived back on board ship with no problems?"
     He nods. "Jimin and Hoseok are upset but otherwise yes." He admits.
     I knew they would be. "I arrived at the moon base. You remember Rakinyous." It's not a question.
     He nods at once. "Of course. Training moon base behind Cedian Red."
     "When all is well, I will ask you to join us." I pause. "You and your mate will be safe here."
     He stares at me in shock. "Captain...will they really be safe from our planet? I never want Jimin there."
     "Yes. I will speak with Jooheon and ask him to let his people know we are peaceful here and not to attack. We just want a neutral space. Our men will not come for us here. Until I have things set up, remain with your mate and the others on the ship."
     "Yes, Captain."
     I end the call and put in a message to Jooheon as well as a call for supplies. This place isn't bad but needs upgraded desperately.
    Here, I can make this place a home. I will work with Jooheon about maybe giving the appearance of an attack and our false deaths to send back to our planet. They will deem the mission a failure and send others to try again.
     They won't look for us. We can just live off grid—as the earthlings call it.
    Sure, I'll miss home but what about Jin and Hoseok and Jimin and Jungkook? None of them will ever be able to see their home planets again. Why should I be special? I can do it as well. It's worth it to keep Jin by my side.
    Guilt eats at me when I think of how I've not only abandoned him but forced Jin to as well. I know he is safe and looked after back on the ship but he should be in his home world. He never should have been brought back up here.
     Jooheon never should have taken him.
    I can't be responsible for him anymore. He isn't mine. I have to let him go. If I want to keep Jin by my side, I can't falter any longer. I will do whatever I have to do to prove myself to him. No matter how long it takes.
     Jooheon brought Hoseok back here. He should take him back to his home. I'm leaving the responsibility for him now. Maybe that makes me cruel or evil but it's what I have to do. I messed up too many times with him. I can't fix it even if I want to.
     Jin is my priority. Now and forever. I made a mistake and I will work toward repenting it. Jin will see one day how much I love him. Cherish him. I'll do anything for him.
     Anything except release him.
     Perhaps when his hatred has burned out, he will remember that he still loves me as I love him.
     I will make him remember.
     He can't hate me forever and even if he does? So be it. I'm prepare to wait it out. He can't go anywhere out here. We are completely alone.

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