Chapter One

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Kim Seokjin

I glare up at my best friend in annoyance as he groans loudly for the hundredth time. I tap my pencil ominously against my chem book. "Problem?"
Hoseok nods, pouting. "I'm bored! This is borinnnngggg..."
I roll my eyes at the dramatics. "Seriously? You knew coming to the library with me meant I planned to study the whole time. It's literally only been like...not even an hour."
He scoffs. "Right! An hour of my poor life wasted watching you drown in notes neither of us understand."
"Where the hell are your notes?" I retort, eyeing the empty table before him.
Smirking, he shrugs. "I'll have them tomorrow."
"You know you can't flirt and pay your way through college with shortcuts. Eventually someone will make you actually do work and you'll combust."
He drops his head on his arms. "At least that would be interesting. Why are we so boring? Man, we used to have the best fun but we've become dull."
"High school ended and we became mature adults." I deadpan. "Shut up and let me work."
Huffing, he gets up and gathers his backpack. "Whatever. I'm gone. Catch a Uber back to campus?" He asks, jiggling the car keys we share in his hands.
Rolling my eyes, I hold out my hand. Grimacing, he digs in his pocket for some money for my ride home. "Enjoy." The sarcasm is not lost on me.
Flipping him off, I pocket the twenty and get back to my studying as he leaves me in peace.
I put in my earbuds and get lost in the calming music and the ridiculously over-excessive advance chemistry homework and notes I have to have completed by morning. Ugh. Hoseok is right. Our lives do suck.

It's dark when I get finished and only managed to beat closing time by about ten minutes. The librarian giving me a dirty look as I exit, feeling accomplished at least.
Walking out onto the street, I call for an Uber while waiting under the dim light pole, watching the cars fly by, everyone just going about their lives. It somehow makes me feel small and insignificant.
Not receiving a reply after five minutes, I decide to just start walking and will have them meet up with me if they call me back for an available car. The campus is over a few miles away anyway. I could use the fresh air.
     Stretching, I move my head side to side and hitch up my backpack, tired and sore. My phone dings and I sigh. Hwasa. My maybe soon to be girlfriend. Possibly.
      She's beautiful and sweet and badass and I have no idea what she could possibly see in me. Perhaps being my friend for over three years has kept me in her favor.
      I smile as I text her. Hey.
      Hey handsome. My dorm to watch some depressing k-dramas with me? I'm getting lonely. Pizza?
     Heading back from the library. Be there in half an hour or so.

    Sounds great. I'll order ahead. ❤️
     I pocket my phone with a goofy smile. She's so pretty and likes me for some reason. I quicken my pace towards the dorms, texting Hoseok real fast to let him know I'm going to Hwasa's first.
      I roll my eyes at his perverted reply. No thank you.
     About five minutes from campus, I'm crashed into by a guy running by me. He shoulder bumps me, knocking me down into the alley and against the rough brick wall. I trip over a trashcan cursing. The hell was his problem?
      I hear slow heavy footsteps and glance up to see a tall guy looking down at me curiously. I glare at him and stand up, grabbing my backpack. "Thanks for the help." I mutter sarcastically.
      He tilts his head strangely. "You are welcome." 
      My mouth parts in disbelief. Seriously? Does no one understand sarcasm anymore? Scoffing, I walk past him, hitting his side hard in annoyance. He turns and follows me.
      "Excuse me, could you give me directions please? I am not from here." His voice is deep and rhythmic. His words aren't weird but the way he says just off.
      I brush it off and sigh. I'm really too nice. "Alright. Where are you trying to go?" Hwasa will just have to wait. Damn. So will my pizza.
      He smiles and I'm struck by his thick dimples. He's really attractive. I'm sure women love him with his black stylish glasses and greyish blue hair. He looks around my age but gives for an air of higher maturity. He's dressed in a weird suit, though. Kinda looks like a sleek black uniform of some sorts. Is he a soldier?
       He grabs my elbow and leads me back towards the alleyway. "Let me show you my map." He whispers and for some reason his voice gives me chills.
I drag my feet a bit, unnerved by his close proximity but he doesn't seem to notice. Just keeps urging me deeper and deeper into the alley. I don't like this.
"W-What's your name?" I stutter, trying to distract him so he'll loosen up.
He flashes me a knowing smile. "Namjoon. Kim Namjoon."
"Ah. S-So...are you a soldier?"
He pauses, tilting his head in confusion. "Soldier?"
I nod towards his clothes. "The uniform." I feel dumb.
He raises a brow. "Ah, Yes. I'm a...soldier of sorts. Right this way." He pushes me towards the corner and I gasp, tripping over air.
I hit something hard and realize with a start that the clear air underneath me is beginning to materialize a ship. A fucking space ship!
Namjoon strides right inside as the door slide open beside me and grabs my wrist, tugging me in. My backpack falls onto the ground as I'm dragged into the ship and the door is shut firmly.
I scream and begin to fight, terrified and unsure what's happening. I wearily watch as another soldier walks cautiously towards me with a large needle. He's tall and blonde and wearing a deceptively calm smile on his doll-like face. I don't trust it one bit.
"Let me out!"
"Please calm down so you do not hurt yourself."
I huff, shocked by his audacity. "Fuck you! Open the door!" I'm pulled up hard by Namjoon and struggle to move as he jerks my head to the side. Holding me in place with massive strength. I wince as the large needle is injected into my neck and everything begins to darken and waver.
I slump into his arms and feel myself being lowered onto the ground as I stare at the ceiling, paralysis overcoming me. I can't move or speak. I watch groggily as the two men move around me and speak in weird hush tones I don't understand then I hear the loud roar of an engine.
I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket but can't move to grab it. I close my eyes and feel my world go black. What's going to happen to me? Who are these people?
      Am I...being abducted?!

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