Chapter Sixty Four

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Kim Seokjin

     Okay, I throw my hands up for all women back on earth. This shit...isn't it. It fucking hurts! I can't do this. I don't want to do this. Men were not meant to do this! Men are babies and more susceptible to pain for good reason! We can't do what women do. It's just not possible. We are wimps! I'll gladly accept it.
      I hold back a scream and grab the closest thing to me and hurl it across the room. The glass of weird smelling tea shatters again my throat wall and soaks the floor. I take a few deep breaths and try not to die.
      You'd think my body would adapt like it has to everything else done to me. Nope. This apparently isn't going to go well for me. If I survive through body is without a doubt going to be so fucked up that...
     No, I can't even imagine it. Not going there.
     Namjoon paces annoyingly back and forth, silent panicking. The Hell? He acts like he's the one suffering right now, the bitch. I want to hurl the next thing at him.
     This is all his fault. He forced me into this. He made me change myself and made this possible. I hate him for that. For this. I could be happily just living a normal life right now.
     Instead I'm here, a male human-alien hybrid thing, about to deliver an alien spawn of God-knows-what. A true nightmare for any rational human being. We weren't meant to experience this. Humans are meant to remain speculative yet completely oblivious to space aliens and things like this. This is only for movies to induce nightmare fuel.   
      And I am. Wide awake and about to do the impossible. I'm terrified to ask...but I don't even know how it comes out. I don't want to know but I can't not know, either. It's happening whether I'm ready and willing or not.
      Clearing my throat, I stare at Namjoon who has taken to cleaning up the broken shards of glass on the floor. His head snaps up and he's by my side in an instant. "Are you alright? Any changes?"
     "Besides the soul-sucking pain steadily getting worse? No." I sigh. "When is Jungkook getting here?" It's been over a day since we last spoke to them.
     Yes, I've been in labor for over 24 hours! Apparently Median births can take anywhere between two to four days to deliver! Not like the hours long birth of earth women.
     This is utter bullshit. Why? I glare at Namjoon. Remembering not only has he done this to me—he also got Hobi pregnant in the past, too. Sure, theirs was intentional but still. Past life or not, my bestie suffered because of this asshole, too. We were both idiots.
       He sighs. "I can no longer reach a connection. I'm hoping that meant they are soon approaching our orbit."
      Of course he has to word things so weird. Maybe I'm just overly pissed because of the crazy amount of hormones coursing through me in order to deliver a damn alien baby!
      Or he's just stupid. That too.
      "Love, it will be soon."
      I nearly scoff. Don't love me. The audacity of this moment is just ugh.
      I'm about to lose my shit and snap when I hear a loud whirring sound in the distance. Jungkook! Finally!
      Namjoon practically runs to the door and releases the airlock that leads into the docking station. I focus on him to try and get through the pain as Jungkook and Yoongi emerge from the door. Yoongi hangs back while a heavily pregnant Jungkook waddles over to my side in an instant.
      I immediately feel like shit. Of course. He has it so much worse than I do. I shouldn't complain so much.
     Now I want to cry. He smiles reassuringly at me and checks my vitals in his strange way, pulling from an already prepared medical bag.
     "What's going to happen?" Can he hear the shaking of my voice? I'm terrified.
       He's silent for several moments while listening to my frantic heartbeat. "Mhm, you still have a good few hours, I think. I can give you something to speed it up, however, if you wish." He holds up a syringe, waving it around vicariously.
      I flinch. "A-anything to get this over with." Honestly.
      He nods. "This won't hurt." He proceeds to jab the needle into the back of my neck, surprising me.
     "D-doesn't that usually go farther down?" Like the spine or something?
      He hums. "No. This special formula works to change your bodies response times and nerves. The top of your spine is at the base of your neck and skull." Obviously. "It will work faster this way. You can be delivering in the next hour or so."
      I wring my hands, nervous. "H-how does this work? Like, the birthing?"
     He cocks his head to the side. "Much like your human female labors, I believe. Your body will dilate and expand to push out the baby."
     I look down at my body and bulging stomach. "My ass, right?"
     He pauses for a breath before snorting. "Well, yes. You do not have a vagina. On our planet, men's bodies are meant to do all of this. Your body has been altered to handle the same thing. It's going to be natural for you as if you were meant to have children. Your body will adapt and then return back to its normal state once the baby is out."
      "How long does recovery take?"
      He bites his lip. "Honestly, it differs. Some could take days or maybe weeks. A hard birthing could take months."
      I think about that. Think about how my life was supposed to turn out when going to Median. A breeding whore. My sole purpose to produce as many babies as possible...would they have given me a recovery or just expected me to accept being raped and forced to bare children indefinitely until my body gave out?
      It's a horrifying thought and I hate it so much I want to throw up. I can understand why Jungkook hid the fact he could conceive. He had every right to fear the same outcome even though they are his own people. Desperation makes immoralities and even the best into monsters.
       I glance back down at his stomach and shudder. He notices and gives me a knowing half smile. We both glance over at Namjoon and Yoongi who are talking low in the corner.
     "I understand your fears of the unknown. I've yet to come to terms with what will actually happen to me when I go into labor." He admits. "Yoongi avoids explaining anything in depth to me and just keeps vaguely talking about after. I'm scared, too."
      My eyes widen and I feel myself tearing up for him. He didn't deserve this fate, either. Fate is cruel. No matter where you are from or who you are. Life isn't fair.
      I ultimately chose to love Namjoon and go through this. Sure, at first it was different but I gave into him within my own free will. Jungkook very much did not. He had no choice in anything at all. He's way worse off than me.
      "I know what your thinking. Stop worrying for me. Too much stress isn't good for the baby." He rubs my stomach lightly. "I think you're about ready."
      Frowning, I notice for the first time the lack of real pain. "Did that shot have pain meds?"
      He smiles. "I mixed in some pain numbing receptors. It helps, right? This should go smoothly. You're doing great, Jin."
      Taking several deep breaths, I keep my mouth shut. I have to disagree. I've taken all this the opposite of great.
      Jungkook looks back at the men. Well, man and reptile thing. "Could you two give us some privacy? I need to strip and check him."
      My head snaps up at that. My face flames. Check me?!
     Reluctantly, Namjoon walks out and takes Yoongi away. As soon as we're alone, he carefully removes my robe and motions for me to spread my legs. I hate this. I want to die.
      Humiliation runs deep.
      I do as asked, despite my embarrassment, and feel his gloved hand probing around my behind. Oh my god.
      He glances up at me from between my splayed legs. "You're ready. I know it's hard because you can't really feel much but you need to begin pushing, Jin. Push as hard as you can and don't stop until I say. Most likely the pain meds will not be able to keep up and it will hurt at the end but you need to continue through it." He explains very seriously.
      Anxiously, I nod and begin forcing my body to push.
     I don't know if I'm doing it right or not but his encouraging words are enough to keep me going despite my waning strength. Sweat pours down my temples and back but I do as told.
     After a few minutes, I feel it.
     Like fire ripping throughout my entire body. I clench my jaw and force back a sob, continuing on as told. I can't breathe, everything hurts.
     I can't do this much longer.
     I'm weak. I'm on fire.
     Just when I'm ready to say no more—it happens.
     I scream and seconds later a second piercing cry echoes mine through the room. Jungkook triumphantly holds up the tiny shivering baby in his hands and gives me a wide smile.
     "It's a boy." Of course.
     I sob again but not from the pain this time. I actually gave birth to a baby boy. Me. I did. I brought this small child into the...well not world—more like moon—but still. I brought him to life.
     I hold out my hands as Jungkook wraps him into a blanket and hands him to me. "My baby."
     Namjoon bursts inside, stopping dead in his tracks at the sight of us. I can see it. I can see on his face, in his eyes, the things he never got to experience and only dreamed of with Hoseok. Being a father and having a child. Safely.
      He forces back all emotion and hesitantly approaches the bed. He kisses my head softly before touching our son's small head. He clears his throat and looks away. Hiding tears.
      "You did amazing, love."
     I stare at the small wonder in my hands and feel suddenly overwhelmed. I want Hoseok here with me. I need him here. I don't care the consequences.
      I have to get over myself and face reality. There are more important things now.

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