Chapter Twenty Six

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Kim Namjoon

I ignore the shock and questioning stares of my fellow crew and focus solely on Jin's current reaction. There is no repulsion or fear or betrayal. He simply seems confused. Being human—he has the advantage of being oblivious to how serious this crime is or could be if known.
So I was born a half Cedian. I'm not one, though, nor do I consider myself such. My real father was a Cedian. My birth father from Median Blue. I'm not entirely sure how it happened or how they even came to meet but the results were my brother and I.
For obvious reasons they could not be together so my birth father took me to his planet and my other father stole away with Jooheon to Cedian. I know with absolute certainty, however, that he was not the one to destroy our planet. Not with me and my birth father living safely inside.
Even as a warrior, he was not exceptionally cruel. Not like Jooheon. I'd only ever met him once and my brother a handful of times. We were raised completely differently. My brother is one of the reasons I decided to join our military. He is every bit as ruthless and cunning as all other Cedians. How? I'm not sure.
He was probably smiling when our birth father parished. When my mate died in my arms. The bastard. He most likely had a hand in our father's death as well.
"What are you trying to do? Get back at me? You already took everything from me. Theres nothing else to be done. Are you now trying to destroy my reputation?" I curse.
His eyes light up, the brutal insanity swimming within their wicked depths. "Dear brother, I'm simply letting those under your control know the truth. Don't they deserve to know who they are risking their lives for? I also saved innocent lives from being taken as breeders for your disgusting and undeserving planet." He spits.
My eyes flicker back to Jin. This seems to hit close to home and he grimaces. "Since when have you cared about other's lives? Especially humans?"
He rests his arm lightly over Jin's shoulders. "Perhaps I've taken a liking to this one. He's cute. I'm sure you've noticed." A little smirk plays on his mouth. "Reminds me a little of your deceased mate, don't you think?"
I clench my fist. "Don't touch him." My voice is a deep authoritative rumble. Anger obvious.
His smirk grows more pronounced. "He's not yours. He's not anybody's, yes? He's just a free spirit ripe for the taking and vulnerable. I can protect him much better than you ever could—not that you even attempted. To you he's simply a lamb to the slaughter—a means to an end. The completion of a mission. Why is he so important to you now, hm?"
I say nothing.
"Captain..." Tae's voice is nervous and trails off.
     I glance at him dismissively before glaring back at the little devil. "Release my men and the others. We can talk civilly."  
      Shrugging, he releases Jin and calls for one of his own men to take Jungkook and Taehyung away. Jooheon smirks at me, teasing. "Pleased? I've acknowledged your wishes so we can do things...civilly. To show my good will towards you, brother, I've even got a surprise coming for you. It should be just a few days. Relax and enjoy my ship for the time being." He pushes Jin towards me, making him stumble into my arms.
     My grip tightens on him as I watch the bastard leave, suspicious. All this trouble just nothing? I don't trust it. He's a psychopath.
     "Namjoon. What's going on?" Jin's voice is calm and soft. He looks conflicted.
     Hesitating, I nod after a long moment. "Let's find somewhere to speak. I must check on Jungkook and Taehyung first, though."
      He nods and follows as I lead him towards the corridor. Many empty rooms are open and ready so I pull him into one and sigh. "I'll be back." Kneeling down in front of him, I take his hands and meet his eyes. "Do you trust me?"
      He frowns. "Can you be trusted? I don't know anything about you."
     I flinch. It's the truth. I've really given him no reason to trust me. I brush a piece of hair from his face gently. "Well, you can. Do not trust Jooheon no matter what he says. Please." I stress.
      After some time, he finally nods. "I won't trust him, either."
     "I'll be back."
     I find Taehyung and Jungkook sitting two rooms over and close the door. They look speculative but not unwilling to listen. I explain the dynamics of my family for them so they know I'm not a trader.
     "That's a relief. I was seriously worried—no offense." Tae gulps.
     Jungkook remains silent. I look at his pale face and trembling hands. "You okay?"
     Tears glisten in his eyes. "I've betrayed you!" He blurts out.
     I blink, surprised. Tae looks scandalized. "What do you mean?"
     He can barely hold back his sobs. "I lied to become part of your crew and to escape our planet. I can carry a child." He explains brokenly.
     I lick my teeth, considering. "I know this already. You think I didn't?"
     They both stiffen. "Huh?"
     "You knew?!"
     "Of course. I'm not the captain of a ship for no reason. Your biology is quite obvious. There is a significant distinction between those that have the gene to carry children and those that do not on our planet. I knew right away. I don't blame you."
     "Y-you won't turn me in?"
     "No." I pause. "I am surprised you decided to partake in this mission considering your own predicament. I was worried you would grow too sympathetic to our charges and do something drastic."
      "...I considered it. I was too selfish and scared, too, though. In the end I let it happen."
     "And now it backfired." I look pointedly at his abdomen.
     He pales even more, clutching his stomach. "You know..."
     "There are cameras everywhere. Not even Yoongi can alter them all. How far along are you?"
     He sobs, collapsing in Taehyung's arms. "I don't know. Yoongi said their species grow much faster."
     I nod absentmindedly. "We can use this to our advantage. Having the reptilians on our side."
     He scoffs, wiping his tears. "Not likely."
     I smile grimly. "Oh, he will help us. His plan was failed from the start. I know what he's been plotting. I let it happen this way."
     They both look at me, stunned.
    "Y-you let him rape me on purpose?!"
     "You like him. I don't believe it was rape and I think you know it more than me. I just let it happen and did not intervene. This will benefit us. You can use this time to help our planet and get rid of your guilt for not staying behind." I remind him.
     He pauses, thinking it over. "Mhm. Y-yes, Captain."
      I swing my gaze to Tae. "You also feel something for that Katarian?"
     He jerks in surprise.
     I smile. "You two aren't as slick as you think you are."
     "Well what about you? You like the human! That guy even said so." Tae argues.
     I don't deny it. I can't in good faith do so. I look away. "We will be making plans for the next few days we are trapped on this ship." I stalk out of the room and back to Jin.
     Time to have a proper chat.

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