Chapter Thirty Eight

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Kim Namjoon

    "Wait! Hoseok—please. Wait up!" I stride after his retreating figure and grasp his wrist, pulling him to a stop.
    His momentum spins him around right into my arms, his face burying right into my chest...the memories of how many times we've been in this position run through my mind.
     His sobs are muffled by my shirt as he wails out his pain and hurt. Staring blankly ahead, I'm unable to look down and meet his eyes. If I do...I might just waver.  
      My hand moves up to run through his soft hair. Somehow the scent still familiar despite so much time and space. It really doesn't make any sense even to me.
     He pulls away from me, turning his back. "It's okay. I'm okay. I'll be okay. You can't leave him."
     My eyes sting and chest aches. "I know. I don't want to." The words are harder to get out than I'd anticipated. It tears me to shreds hurting this person once most special to me but I want to be fully honest. "I love him. I want to cherish and take care of him."
      He laughs sadly, nodding. "I know. And I know you will take care of him with everything you have and I'm glad for that. I meant what I said in there."
     "I know you did." I hesitantly place my hand on his shoulder and gently turn him to face me. His eyes are red but his smile still shines through. It always did. So many memories...
     "You've always only thought of me all this time after my death, haven't you?" He reaches up to caress my cheek.
     I grasp it and squeeze. "Yes. I hated and blamed myself for not being able to save you. For not keeping my promises."
     "I know. It wasn't your fault. I'm glad that I'm able to see you move on with another person and be happy. You deserve it."
     "Don't. I guess...we just weren't  meant to be. Jin is very important to me. Please don't ever hurt him or stop loving him. We will forever have a soul bond but...give him everything else of you that you can. Your heart. I can let that go for him...because it's him."
     I crush him in my arms, kissing his forehead as pain unlike anything I've ever felt courses through me. Worse than losing him that first time. Worse than the years spent empty without him.
      And yet still...
     Holding my soul bonded mate in my arms...all I can think about is Jin being left alone in the room. About how sad he looked when I left him there. I don't like seeing that kind of expression on his face. Especially me being the cause.
     Pulling away, Hoseok gives me a knowing look. "I want to be alone right now. Go and make sure Jin is okay. His body is obviously going through a lot right now and I'm sure he's confused."
     Sighing and shaking my head, I cup his face and give him a soft kiss on the lips. He tastes exactly the same as I remember.
     The feeling is different, however. I don't crave for more. I don't long to touch his body and taste every inch like I used to. I feel it's more like a one last goodbye to those lingering feelings...finally being released.
    Instead, I just want to get back to Jin and continue where we left off. I can't just abandon Hoseok, either, however.
     He takes the choice from me by shoving me down the hall. "Go. I'm serious. I won't forgive you if I sacrifice my love just for you to hurt him. Make him happy like you did for me. Just...promise me one thing."
     I look back at him. "Anything."
    His sunny smile lights up the corridor. "When you two have a baby...I want to be the guardian. I want to be a part of that—if that's okay."
     "I wouldn't dream of giving that title to anyone else. I'm sure Jin would agree as well. I still love you and it's obvious Jin does, too."
     "Thanks. Now go take care of him please."
     I watch him disappear before turning back to the room. Once inside, the lights are off and Jin is laying down. I can't tell if he's asleep yet or not. Leaning down, I kiss his cheek. It's warm and wet. His breathing is slow and even though so he's definitely asleep. Perhaps exhausted himself from crying.
     Did he think I would leave him so easily? That all my affections and effort all this time were all for nothing? Am I that fickle to him? It's slightly insulting although I understand it.
     I'll just have to prove to him that he's the one holding my heart now. I've officially let my past go. I want to go forward with Jin 100%.
      "Mhmm...whhaadoin?" His voice is full of sleep and pillow.
     Chuckling, I trail my lips down his cheek to his jaw. "I'm going to shower then come sleep beside you. Is that alright?"
     His eyes open and squint at me. "You're back?"
     "Yeah. I said I would be. Didn't believe me?"
     He looks away, shrugging and pulling the blankets up to his chin. "I don't know."
    Why is he so cute? "You smell good."
    "Stop it." He buries his head under the blanket. Embarrassed.
    "I won't. It's the truth. You smell amazing but you know what..."
    He peaks an eye out. "What?"
    "You taste even better." Teasing.
    His eyes bulge in shock and his face reddens. "W-what?"
    Grinning, I grasp his chin, tilting his face up and kiss him long and deep. My tongue invades his mouth, twining with his. I pull back, watching saliva drip from his lips down to his chin.
     Groaning, I lick it up before tasting his lips again. "Why are you so seductive without even trying, hm?"
     Panting, he stares up at me with dilated eyes. "N-Namjoon..."
    I shove the annoying blankets out of the way so I can caress his body. He shivers at my touch and it brings that craving for more that I was lacking with Hoseok.
     With Jin...I can't stop at just a kiss. No, I want it all from this human. This most special person to me. I want it all. I need to possess him, reassuring us both of the truth—it's us. No one else.
    "Jin, I love you."
    He pauses his touches on my body, glancing into my eyes. "I love y-you, too."
     I kiss him again, slowly shedding him of his clothes. "So beautiful..."
     "Mhm." He helps me out of my own clothes.
    "W-wait...shit! I still need a shower." I make to move away but he stops me, breathing hard and fast, face full of desperation.
    "Don't. You can take one later. Stay with me now."
     I'm conflicted but ultimately give in. We can both shower together afterwards, anyway.
    How can I not give my most beloved one what he wants and needs? We'll worry about everything else later.

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