Chapter Eight

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Kim Seokjin
    So...I have no idea how I ended up in this current situation. Standing face to face with a beastly nightmare of a feline. It's hard to describe what a Katarian really looks like. At least this one. I don't know if they all look like him.
     Maybe like a mix breed between a panther and calico only much much deadlier and less cute sounding. His head tilts as he sniffs me, stalking forward.
     "Please don't eat me!" I whine, jumping on the bed to get away. He doesn't move, just watches me with his creepy eyes. Is he mocking me?!
     I mean, what a way to wake up! I heard my door being crashed into and when I opened my eyes that hybrid was breathing hard over me. Probably salivating. I shudder. He could have devoured me in my sleep!
     Suddenly the Katarian kinda flickers weirdly like a glitch in the air before he morphs back into the smallish pink haired boy. He's on his knees, shivering on the ground.
     I squeak. I'm scared! I don't know how to deal with this. We don't have this shit on earth, thank god! I huddle against the wall. "U-um...are you o-Okay?"
      He stares at me blankly for a long moment before standing up and flexing his arms. "I'm...okay..." His voice is rough but soft at the same time. Like rustic. He clears his throat. "You...aren' of them?" He asks. His intonations are a little off. The pattern of his speech a little hard to understand but he is, in fact, speaking my language. Weird but convenient.
     "No. I was taken like you." Well, maybe not just like him. I wasn't caged but still.
     His exotic eyes glare towards my door and quicker than I can blink—he's right by my side and grabbing me, holding me tightly in an iron grip.
     I gulp at the pain in my arm as he drags me with him into the closet. Oh god, this is it. This is where my mangled corpse will be found. In the fucking closet of an alien spaceship. Is this my punishment for feeling some type of way for that stupid captain? Ugh. Dying in the closet...
     His small body is immensely strong as he slams me against the wall, shushing me. He smells like the jungle. It's hard to describe exactly why but I like it. It reminds me of earth, I guess. "I...won't hurt you but I'm going to use you." He whispers with some difficulty.
      I'm too scared to relax, to believe him. I don't know anything about him or his tricks. Maybe he likes to play with his prey before eating them. Get them comfortable before pouncing...
     "I'm Jimin, by the way." He says after a moment.
     I'm surprised his name sounds earthian. "I'm Jin."
     His hand drops from my throat and he stretches, groaning and rubbing his sides.
     It takes me until then to notice the dried blood and bruises all over him. "Are you hurt? I thought they were fixing you up?"
      He scoffs. "Those heathens? I will never let them touch and alter my body." He frowns. "Do you know why I'm here? Why they took me from my home?"
     I don't want to tell him. You know what they say about shooting messengers...his eyes are fixated on me, waiting, though.
     I sigh. "We're here because they need us at their planet. They want to use us to...repopulate their world."
     He blinks, surprised. "I do not understand. How can we help those aliens? We're too different of species."
     I nod. "Well...they injected me with something. I think they plan to change our bodies to suit their world..."
     He hisses, anger filling his cute chubby face. How can he look so cute and small but still feel deadly? It's very disconcerting. "They won't touch me!"
     I hold my hands up defensively. "I'm not part of it! It was done against my will, too."
He eyes me up and down, focusing on the bruising around my elbow where the needles were placed. He frowns. "I want to go home. I'm going to use you to get us home." He says confidently. "I won't hurt you but I want to make them think I will." He explains.
I'm still unsure about this. Still do not trust him even though I feel like maybe I can. We're both in the same situation anyway. "Okay." I'm stupid. It's been officially decided as I go along with him, allowing him to pull me back out in the room and wrap his small arm around my throat.
His has to climb on the bed to be taller than me and if I wasn't so terrified of his claws and teeth, I'd be cooing. He's just so...small.
     Jungkook, Taehyung, and Namjoon are all standing in the doorway cautiously. I glare at them. Fucking military species my ass. Incompetent in my book. How did he even get out in the first place?
      "Take me back! Now." Jimin growls, tightening his grip hard enough to choke me but not enough to close off my air supply all the way. There's that, at least.
     My eyes bulge as I gasp for breath, playing a long a bit. Just a bit. The rest is real.
     Taehyung takes a step forward but both men pull him back. " not hurt the human. We can talk." He pleads.
     The Katarian hisses. "No talking! Take me back now or I'll rip his throat out!"
     I pale. Act or not...yeah, I'm not ready to die. "Please..." I rasp. My eyes focus in on Namjoon's hand as it slowly moves behind him and I stiffen. I don't want him to kill the younger boy.
     Everything moves in slow motion as he pulls out some time of gun and swiftly aims at Jimin. Without thinking, I jerk the boy down on the ground just as the gun goes off and I feel stinging pain in my arm.
      A stun gun. I gasp as I convulse on the ground, painful pulses of energy thrumming through my entire body.
     I hear curses then running as they grab Jimin. Someone drops to my side but I can't see. I'm blind with pain. I cry out as I feel someone lift me into their arms. I try to open my eyes but my vision is blurry and I'm still convulsing so hard I can't breath.
       I black out.

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