Chapter Sixty Seven

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    Anxiety wreaks havoc throughout my being as I carefully approach my...mate. It's still difficult to call him as such. I know. I know I can have no secrets with him. He knows everything. He's in my head constantly—so much it drives me insane but there's nothing I can do.
     I'm slowly somewhat coming to terms with it and kinda getting used to it but it still irritates me. I want to be able to keep secrets if I wish. I hate that I can't. It wouldn't be so bad if I had privacy or any source of alone time but he's always with me. Always.
     Always watching and observing me with those scary eyes, always listening with his crazy senses. It's frightening.
     I stop waking, wincing when I feel a sharp piercing pain in my side, and just breathe through it. It will stop. It always does. When the pain is finally over, I continue searching for the reptilian.
     I find him in a strange way. Sitting at the kitchen counter, head tilted and held up by his fist, watching Seokjin snd Korain. I glance between them, wondering the issue.   
     He ignores me as I slowly take a seat beside him. His cold eyes continuously observing the two across the room.  
    Curiously peaks. "What?"
    He clicks his tongue. "They amuse me."
    "How so?"
    "It's...intriguing, their bond. Their instant emotional reliance. It's nothing like our planet. There is no love or bond." He admits.
     My frown deepens. So...our children....
     The corner of his mouth raises and he nods once. "They will be nothing but the future of my planet to me. Important in the grand scheme of things but personally? I will not care for them one bit."
     I'm completely shocked. So...all this pain and fear...are all going to be for nothing? I...I honestly don't know what to feel or say. Everything I've been through...worthless.
     "Most certainty not. I told you, my queen, I chose you to deliver my heir onto our world. It's not worthless. They will take over my reign when the time comes."
     I'm stuck on the word they. How many is expected to come out of me?
     "I guess it's not much different from royalty of other planets, yes?" That's something at least.
     He hisses out a laugh. "Do young from other royal planets eat their parentage?"
      I choke. "E...excuse me?!"
      He hesitates, glancing back at Seokjin snd the baby before standing and holding his hand out to me. "Let's talk elsewhere. I know you dislike mind conversations."
     I let him lead me into an empty room and wait. I need to know this. Why hasn't he ever told me how this works?!
     He gazes out the large frame window towards the moon base. "Yes, we breed our heirs into life and once they reach mature age...they consume those that brought them life and take their place. Earthlings call it...the circle of life, yes?" He raises a brow.
     I gape at him. "They just...come eat you when you're dead?!"
     He laughs again. "Oh my queen, I will be very much alive when they come to swallow me up." He actually looks content and happy, the psycho.
     I'm...I'm...I don't even know. What did I want to ask him again??
     He kneels down between my legs and presses his hands against my stomach. I gasp as my side pain immediately returns and I nearly pass out. Gripping my side, I push his hands away and groan. "It hurts."
     He nods slowly. "It's the way of our world. Pain. We like to communicate through pain. You're almost ready, Jungkook."
      I tremble, holding back tears. "Can you please tell me what I'm going to go through?" I'm tired of the unknown. I need to time to prepare myself.
     He stares into my eyes. "Perhaps it's time, yes." He presses against my stomach again and I cry out in pain.
    "Please stop." I plead.
    He doesn't. Instead, he moves his hand over to the side radiating pain and hisses. The movement inside me stops and the pain dulls. It's still there but not nearly as bad.
     "What's wrong with me?"   
    "Nothing." He says quickly. Okay I quickly.
    "I'm a medic. I'm not stupid."
    "Did not say you were. You are fine. Your body is just struggling to adjust to the large object you carry."
     Object. He called out child...his object.
     I blink, stunned but why should I be surprised by his coldness at this point? He's frigid all the time.
     "Usually, our snake bodies carry eggs that are pushed out and formed outside the body. With us both having humanoid forms...with my strong's having a detrimental effect. You can not carry an egg so the young must be fully formed inside." He explains.
     "So...I'll be delivering a fully formed large s-snake?" Just to clarify.
     He shakes his head but continues before I can have sense of relief. "Nonsense. There should be more than one."
      Why didn't he just kill me? "Am I going to die? Is this why you refused to talk to me about this? Will I not survive the labor and birthing?"
     He looks perplexed for once. "Im honestly not sure. This is a first. They are quite attached to you, however. I do not believe they would kill you."
     My eyes about pop out of my head. "You can communicate with them inside me?! You don't think they will kill me?!" I don't know what should be addressed first.
      He shrugs. "They are of me and have my abilities. How do you think I can tell when it's almost time? They are nearly fully developed and can think. No, I don't think they will kill you. They seem to enjoy your presence and the safe space inside your body."
      He tilts his head. "Enough about this." He changes the subject. "You wanted to ask me something?"
     Wow. So that's done. Okay. Just...great. "Uh,  umm....y-yeah." I think my mind is broken now. "I want to stay here longer...if possible."
     He considers. "Fine but you need to be back on our planet before the young are born. They need to adjust to our climate and atmosphere."
     I'm a little relieved he didn't oppose. Then again...he doesn't seem to mind being off planet much. I wish he'd feel that way permanently.
      I wish we never had to go back.
      He smirks at me and, again, I hate how he can read my thoughts.
      "How long?" I want to know.
      He holds up two fingers. "Two weeks perhaps? Maybe a little sooner."
      That's so fast. Too fast. "Two weeks...".  
     "Yes. Then we must return. I'll allow you to spend two weeks here before saying goodbye. For good."
     My head snaps up and I glare at him. "For good? I can never see them again?"
     He shrugs. "What does it matter if this ends up killing you after all?"
      I stop with my planned argument and just stare at him. So cold. Indifferent. Like always.
     "Yeah." All the fight in me gone. I'm suddenly really tired. "I guess it doesn't matter then."
     Two weeks...
     I may only have two weeks to live...
     I suddenly feel a little suffocated. I need some air.
     No, I just need my body back and belonging only to me. Not a body donor for his stupid heir. I hate his kind. This isn't right!     
     Here, I suddenly see where I stand in this and I don't like it. Unfortunately there is no way out.
     Well, one way.
     Maybe I will get my wish, after all.

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