Chapter Twenty Seven

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Kim Seokjin

    I'm anxious the entire time Namjoon is gone. I don't know what to think about anything. I can't get my mind right.
    He seems different. Something not quite right about him now. His personality...his actions...he doesn't seem like the same uptight and mysterious captain from the beginning. I can't help but feel something brewing beneath his proper respectable image and I'm scared it's about to be all exposed.
     Maybe the stress is finally getting to me. I think I've managed to handle being abducted and having my body tampered with by aliens extremely well all things considered.
     Maybe it's finally truly hitting me and maybe my own mind and body is going to explode.
      My hands continuously clench around my pants as I try to keep breathing as evenly as possible. I refuse to let panic overtake me. I have to remain calm and collected. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be forced into the middle of all this...this ugliness.
     I miss Hoseok. I miss Hwasa. I miss my dorm room and my school. I miss my sleepless nights of studying and cramming for exams. I miss the mundane life I had before.
     What even is all this?
     The loud ting of the door opening startles me and I jerk, snapping my head over to see Namjoon calmly walking back inside and closing the door firmly behind him.
     I honestly have nothing to say. I watch silently as he leans back against the door and just stares back at me, observing me with those dark formidable alien eyes.
     My hands clench tighter almost tearing the fabric of my pants. It takes everything in me to release. My fingers ache. "Done talking with the others?"
     He nods, saying nothing.
     "So...what now?" I'm assuming taking me to his planet is—hopefully—now out of the question. "I want to go home."
     He tilts his head a bit, eyes roaming over my face almost like he's trying to carve me into memory. "You can't go back." Is all he says.
     Pain lances through my chest but I'm not surprised. "Then what? What's going to happen to me? To Jimin and...and Yoongi? We don't belong in the middle of your petty war. This has nothing to do with us. Why are you doing this to us?"
     He looks away, not answering me for a long time, before slowly moving towards me. He takes a seat beside me on the bed and mimics my position. "I don't think the others want to go back to their planets. They have reason to remain here now."
     My eyes widen. "What do you mean?"
    "They have their own reasons to remain here—with us."
     "So I don't have a say? I have no choice but they do?" My voice raises in anger.
     He captures my clenched fist and holds it tightly in his own hand. His fingers massage my sore fingers, his eyes focused intently on my face. "No, you don't." He states bluntly.
     I glare at him. "Why not?"
    "...because I want you to stay here...with me."
     I'm struck speechless. Stay here...for him? My mouth opens but nothing comes out.
     "I want you to stay."
    Annoyance takes over my shock. "Obviously we can't all get what we want. Why do you even want me to stay? There's no reason—"
     He moves fast—faster than my mind and body can comprehend—and before I know it I feel his lips attached to mine. My body stiffens, heart beating out of my chest as he kisses me.
     It's rough, hot, and full of unimaginable passion. He pours it all into our mouths, forcing his tongue inside me and dominating every crevice.
     I struggle to free my hands but he grips them tighter, pressing me down on the bed and covering my body with his. A gasp leaves my mouth as he finally allows me to breathe.
     Our eyes lock and I'm numb. I don't...I don't...
    One of his hands release my mine and he uses it to push hair of my face. "I like you, human. I...really fucking like you, Seokjin. I haven't felt this way in a really long time. There's only been one other that's made me this way. He's taken my soul but I think...I think you've stolen my heart. My heart is now with you."
     Shock. There's nothing but shock. It overshadows every other emotion and thought. How can someone like him say this to me? Where has the real captain gone because surely this man...isn't him. "W-What?!"
     His hand caresses the side of my face. "I felt it the moment I saw you. It's why I took you. I felt you should be by my side. I fought it. I repressed it but now...there's no point. I'm an honest man, Seokjin. When I want something I usually go after it with everything I have. Only with you...have I stopped myself but now...I don't want to anymore. I like you."
     I choke on a cough. "Namjoon!"
     He kisses me again, hands slowly caressing down the sides of my body. "You may not like me but I know you feel something. I can wait until you admit you want me back but the one thing I can't do—I refuse to do—is to let you go. I won't."
     I gape at him, refusing to allow myself to think too deeply on what my chest is doing right now... "And if I don't ever like you back?!"
     He hesitates, licking his lips and staring me in the eye. "You will. I will do everything in my power to make you like me in return. I've never failed in anything in my entire life except in love. This is my do over and I won't fail again."
     "You're fucking insane!"
    "Perhaps but it's the truth. I already lost my soul forever. I'm not freely giving my heart away without anything in return!"
     "...can't you just take it back?"
    "Here! I return it to you free of charge!"
     "It doesn't work that way! You can't just give it back once it's yours. Take responsibility!"
     "When did I take anything from you! I'm innocent!"
    "Between us...there is no innocence. Accept your fate with me."
     "I can't and won't. I refuse to give myself to an asylum case."
    He frowns, looking down at me with amusement and confusion. "What is that?"
     I glare at his stupidly adorable smile and dimples. "Cr-az-y!"
    "Seokjin-Ah...just admit you like me, too. I know you do."
     I look away and try to retain my dignity. "How did this even get to this point? You were supposed to tell me about this whole mess and instead I got a crazy impossible confession and a criminal accusation of theft! I deserve a trial for my rights to reject!"
     He grins and it transforms his entire form into a cute oversized puppy. He continues to caress my sides. "I don't understand what any of that means."
     I hiss at him, angry and embarrassed. "Liar! Let me up!"
     "Nope. I will keep you prisoner under me here until you confess you like me, too!"
     "Then we will both die here together!"

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