Chapter Sixty One

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Jung Hoseok

"Still up?"
I glance away from the window port and frown as Jooheon walks into the room. I stretch my legs out from the awkward position I've been sitting in for the past couple hours and sigh. "Who could sleep with all the disturbances around here?"
He immediately tenses up which peaks my curiosity. "I suppose so."
"Lot going on?" Raising a brow. He's acting weird.
"Eh, a bit. Nothing to concern yourself with. Just regular militia things..." He looks away, scratching his neck.
I lick my lips slowly, staring out at the large pieces of ship debris floating around space. Mhm hm. "So it's common for random ships to blow up out of nowhere in space?"
His eyes dart to the window and he curses under his breath. "Sometimes, sure."
I throw myself down on the pillows and stare at the ceiling. Oddly calm. "I may be human but I'm not that stupid, you know?"
He sits on the edge of the bed. "I never said you were stupid. When did I?" A little too defensive. A little fast.
Snorting, I eye him up and down. "You look stressed."
"And you look comfortable." Smiling a bit.
"I am." Grinning widely. It may or may not be from the large dose of relaxing medication given to me hours ago. Certainly not that. "Calm as a c-cat. Hehe." On a little too much catnip....
"Hoseok." He leans over and stares into my eyes. I don't know what's wrong with me. Do I want to hit him, tease him, or kiss him? All seem viable to me.
"Yeah?" Almost holding my breath.
"Are you okay?"
"Can't sleep." Yawning. I'm tired but wired....haha that rhymed....I'm a comedian...
He touches my cheek, frowning. I reach up and try to smooth the wrinkles on his face with my fingers. It doesn't work.
"You're hot."
"Not as hot as you, Mr. Muscles..." I laugh, cracking myself up.
"I think your having an adverse reaction to the drugs." Still frowning.
"No, I think I'm just high. Higgghhhhh..." I laugh again. No shit. I'm in fucking space. Doesn't get much higher than that.
He leaves for a few moments and I can hear him mumbling something on an intercom before he comes back holding a wet cloth. I attempt to hold him back but I misjudge the distance and nearly fall off the bed while simultaneously whacking myself in the head.
Okay, ouch. What did that?!
"Hoseok! You okay?" He saves me and helps me lay back down.
I stare at my hand in wonder. "I'm Ironman..."
He looks on in confusion. "Who? The doctor is coming. Just stay still."
Closing my eyes, I try to do as he says but...I'm dying! Panic engulfs me immediately.
"Breathe!" He panics.
Laughing, I take a deep breath and groan. My whole body is dizzy and heavy and tired.
"What happened?" Another voice asks but I don't answer and keep my eyes closed.
"I'm not sure. A few hours ago I had a medic administer a relaxing agent to him and he seemed fine but I came back a while ago and he's been like this. The medicine was supposed to be all natural and healthy."
"You are comparing our body chemistries to his. He is a human. It would obviously affect him differently. It seems to either be an overdose or an allergic reaction." The doctor muses.
"What do we do? Will he be alright?"
"It's been hours, you say? I'd imagine it's too late to do much else but wait it out. It just has to pass through his system. He will feel these effects for a little longer then probably just sleep it off. Keep him hydrated and cooled down. Monitor if he gets worse—call me." Bowing, he takes his leave.
Jooheon gets up, cursing, and begins pacing. I don't watch him, it makes me dizzier. I lay perfectly still and try to count my breaths. I keep losing track and having to restart though.
     Jooheon finally stops and sits back down beside me, touching my face lightly. I don't flinch. Don't budge. Just let him do whatever. His cool touch feels good anyway. I'm a little feverish.
     It's too hot in here.
     I lick my lips. "Am I dying? I'm dying, right?"
     He looks shocked. "Of course not!"
     "Don't worry. It's not so bad. I did it already before. What's once more?" Chuckling. Is the ceiling getting closer? It looks I'm gonna be swallowed up...
     "Hoseok?" He sounds closer but I can't see him. I can't stop staring blankly up at the ceiling closing in on me....I really am going to die!!!
     I reach out blindly and grasp his arm. "Don't let it crush me!!"
     "What crush you?!"
     "The ceiling! Can't you see it's coming down! Holy fuck! It's coming!" Screaming.
     He grabs me and hauls me up, wrapping his arms around me. I'm shaking, terrified. Heart about to burst.
     "Hoseok, the ceiling isn't moving. You are okay. I'm not going to let you die, alright? Calm down." He squeezes me tighter, pressing his lips against my ear. "Shh. Close your eyes, okay?"
     I instinctively close my eyes without hesitation as he just holds me. My body and mind slowly begin to calm down and I realize I'm being a little insane. Slight clarity fills me and I glance back up at the ceiling. The ceiling is still high up and unmoving.
    I breathe in his oddly comforting scent and sigh. "I'm okay now. Sorry." I flop back down and whine, embarrassed and dizzy with a headache. "Please don't give me this shit again. I don't think it's meant for humans—at least not for me."
     He nods. "I won't."
     "I'm thirsty."
      He gets up and grabs me a glass of water. I chug the entire thing in seconds and huff. "So what happened to that blown up ship?" He looks upset like he thought I'd be out of it enough to forget that. Nope. I'm more than interested despite my state of being at the moment. It comes and goes.
     "Just some invaders got attacked and asked for my assistance..." Vaguely.
     I frown. "Invaders?"
     He sucks his teeth, not looking at me. "Or old acquaintances...or something. Look." He gazed at me with odd intensity. "Please stay in here and avoid them. They aren't kind to humans and I don't plan to let them know you are on the ship. Do not come into contact with them." Stressing it a lot.
     I have the immature urge to snap back that I can do what I want and I'm not scared of bitch aliens but then...I don't know what they look like or what they can do. Perhaps I should bite my tongue and endure it...for the time being. I'll make my own decisions on it later.
     I shrug, noncommittal.
     He glares at me. "Hoseok, please. I know you dislike me but I'm doing this for your safely. I have no intention of allowing you to come to harm. Please just listen to me. For nothing else at least listen to this."
     Sighing, I nod. "I don't have the energy to leave this room anyway."
     He looks relieved.
     "Well..." I cross my arms and smirk. "Are you going to cater to me? I'm starving after all the drama and I can't go get my own meals, right?"
     He stares at me for a long moment before conceding. "I'll be back. Don't move!"

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