Chapter Twenty Nine

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Kim Seokjin

     The last few days have been ridiculously comedic. Like I'm in a huge sci-fi movie. One of those stupid B movies that are too stupid to be any use at all. How does shit like this happen in real life? doesn't. At least, it's not supposed to.
     I really feel I'm going crazy. The leader of this ship—Namjoon's brother— has been conspicuously absent from sight. Jimin and Taehyung are apparently an How the hell did that happen?!
     What about the whole reason we're all here? Do they not care about that whole reproduction crap spiel anymore? Then why is my body still being forced and molded to fit their lifestyle?
     I'm still too angry about the whole situation and Namjoon isn't helping. His personality towards me has totally changed. He's still a hard and stoic captain but...when he looks at me I'm not sure I like what I see in his gaze. It makes me blush like a fucking teenage girl and I hate it.
    Did he fuck with my head along with my body? Why am I attracted to him? I can admit to myself, at least. I'm seriously attracted to Captain Kim Namjoon. Sometimes.
     It doesn't help that he refuses to let me stay in my own room to get some much needed alone time to think. Nope. He still stubbornly forces me to share his bed.
     Nothing has happened! I'm not that far gone yet. I'm not into men. I can not give myself up completely. I have to retain at least some human dignity of my former self. They can't just magically make me conform to their ways. I'm not gay and never have been. He can't change me so easily. I'm not giving in to him or his stupidly obviously sexual gazes.
      He just doesn't get it—none of them do. Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jungkook are used to only thinking of other men like that. They've never experienced a woman or female like we humans have. Never had the stigma of wrongness I've been taught. I'm not homophobic but I just...can't see myself that way. Jimin just follows his own animal instincts. To him it doesn't seem to matter.
     I don't know a thing about Yoongi's thoughts on this whole thing but he seems fine with claiming the timid medic as his. That relationship is fucking weird, too. The reptile is one manipulative fucker. Taking over his own captor like this and flipping it around and impregnating him?! I don't know whether to clap in awe or laugh or be terrified.
      And watching those couples together just brings me back to my own twisted reality. Sigh.
     "Have you eaten yet?"
     I don't look over as Namjoon enters the room and immediately takes off his uniform shirt, abs flashing ostentatiously. I know he's daring me to admire. I'm not falling for it.
     Fuck you. I'm not that weak! "I ate a couple hours ago."
      He pauses, tossing the shirt in the hamper. He's strangely comfortable and unperturbed about being captive on another star ship. Is he really that unconcerned about our future? Is he that comfortable about his brother's motives?
      "Let's grab a meal after I shower." He doesn't give me time to respond—or reject. He just closes the door firmly and turns the water on.
     Groaning, I roll over on bed and try not to think. Earth desperately wants to consume my mind but if I let myself go there...I'll just spiral down into a pit of endless despair.
     I refuse to entertain the truth—I'll never see my beloved planet again. I'll never see Hoseok or Hwasa again. Never finish studying my major or get that job I was so eager to begin.
     I'll never get the chance to start a real family with the girl of my dreams and continue on my bloodline. I'm forever trapped here with a crazy delusionally stubborn alpha alien captain with a weird obsession with claiming me.
     Not happening!!
     Lost in thought, I don't hear him come back out and jump when he sits down beside me on the bed. A towel casually draped around his hips displaying his toned and muscular body.
     Not that I'm paying much attention to that...
     I'm not in denial. I'm not.
His dark piercing eyes stare right into my very soul as I attempt to avoid looking anywhere near his vicinity. Failing miserably.
He leans closer—almost over me—and I nearly choke. He smells really good. Like it's not normal, right? My mouth almost salivates by his closeness and scent. God, I'm fucking weird. What's wrong with me?
His eyes are knowing as he caresses the side of my face, eyes softening a bit. Don't look at me like that!
"Seokjin." His voice is raspy, a sultry dark rumble against my cheek as his lips trail closer and closer to my mouth.
He doesn't. He ignores my pleas, continuing on until our lips meet. He does it slowly. Allowing me ample time to actually escape or push him off. But I don't.
For some insane reason...I allow him to kiss me. His tongue snakes into my mouth and I clamp my mouth closed. Fear and something else pulsing inside my veins. Something I don't want to acknowledge. He grasps my jaw and forces me to loosen up and open for his exploration.
He deepens the kiss and before I even realize what's happening—I'm pressed down under his large body. His hands gripping my body tightly as his lips and tongue tease and devour every inch of my mouth.
I swallow his saliva along with mine, choking on a moan as he rubs his body against mine. God, he's good at this.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember he's had a partner. Probably done this same stupid seductive tactic many times before.
I'm a virgin.
I'm overwhelmed with panic and desire. Both battling out in my mind as my physical body reacts to the stimulation he's bringing down over me.
I can't breathe.
"Mhmmm...w-wait..." I break away, gasping and turning my head when he tries to take my mouth again.
My hands shake as I push against his chest. He doesn't budge but he also doesn't move to pressure me more. Both our breathing is rapidly out of control.
He groans and it's a low husky sound that penetrates deep into my body leaving me craving and horny. I clench my legs together and try to calm myself.
"How long are you going to make me control myself?"
I pant, refusing to meet his eyes. "Forever." Stubborn.
An annoyed chuckle leaves him. "I've made my intentions to you perfectly clear." He runs a thumb over my wet bottom lip. I know my lips are bruised and puffy from his kiss. I lick them and he watches the movement with rapt attention.
"I think I've also made my stance on the matter perfectly clear as well." I say this much more confidently than I actually feel. God, I'm so turned on right now and hate it. Fuck.
He smirks. "Is that right? Maybe for now...but I can wait a little longer."
My brow furrows. "What do you mean?"
"Seokjin, your body is changing and preparing to accept me and my seed. Soon you'll be begging me to make love to you. To fuck you within an inch of your life and filling your body with my seed. It's biological. The changes are almost done now. You'll crave for me. For me to be close to you. For me to touch you." He explains matter of factly.
I gape at him. "What the actual fuck?! No one told me anything like this!"
"The whole reason for the change in your DNA was to repopulate, Jin. You'll soon feel a deep need to fill that void inside you. Usually a mate would take care of that. You were never expected to have an actual mate, though. We tampered with the natural biological response to make sure your body could handle such a difficult and strenuous task as having multiple partners and pregnancies."
I stiffen. Feeling violated all over again. God. I feel sick to my stomach. I guess they really did plan to make me a slave whore for their entire planet.
"But I don't want anyone else to touch you. I don't want anyone else to be near you. I want you all to myself." He continues, turning my face and forcing me to look at him.
I'm conflicted. My body is urging me to keep him close while my mind is telling me to shove him the fuck off and run. But run where? This is the sick reality of my life now. I have nowhere to go. Literally.
I guess if I really have no choice, it's better to stick with Namjoon than to be forced to accept hundreds of strangers. The latter would break me. I know without a doubt.
He studies my face and expressions carefully. I have no idea what he sees but I can see guilt clear in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Jin. Truly, I am. I never meant for any of this to happen."
"What are you talking about? Your whole mission was to make this happen, right?"
"I meant the part about me developing feelings for you." He admits, frowning. "I also feel bad about altering your body but there was no other way. I want to take care of you, though. Won't you just accept me? You will need someone. Am I really so evil to you? So repulsive?"
I don't want to answer him. I clamp my mouth shut and turn away from him. I'm angry and hurt and ridiculously over emotional. It's like a rollercoaster I can't get off of. I want free. Forced on this ride and strapped in. The higher up the hill the more terrifying the fall with be. I don't want this. Any of this.
"Please. Please just...stop."
"I need you to answer me. I wasn't lying about your body soon awakening and demanding for me. Let me help you. Let me claim you. Make you mine. It will make it easier."
"...I can't."
With a sigh, he sits back and rubs his face. I glance at him and blush. His towel is gone. Shit, when did he lose it?!
My eyes quickly look elsewhere. I don't want to think about...that.
"I'll wait but my patience isn't unbreakable." He leans back in and pecks my lips. "And your body will give in before your mind."
I stubbornly glare at him.
He actually has the nerve to smile at me. His stupid dimples shining through his clear perfect skin. Why can't he be an ugly troll? Why can't he be less seductive and alluring? Why can't I stop fucking thinking such taboo things and revert back to the Kim Seokjin I knew on earth?
Why do his words leave me feeling so much than I want to feel?
"Come on." He finally gets up, seemingly back to his normal aloof self.
"To get food, remember? I felt your stomach rumble earlier. Let me feed you."
"I'm not hungry." I'm starving. Ravenous actually.
He grins, pulling on a fresh uniform and cuffing the sleeves. "I'm not either—for food." His eyes roam over my body in a suggestive way. A wave of heat travels through my belly and I press my lips into a hard line. Not giving in...
I jump up and run past him into the bathroom and lock myself in. "Let's go grab some food!" I yell out as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I can no longer recognize myself. On the outside I may look the same but differences inside shine through my eyes loud and clear.
I want him.
Everything he said...I want all of that. With him.
And I'm fucking terrified.
Why—out of everyone and everything around me—has my body now become my number one enemy?

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