Chapter Fourty Five

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    I dislike being cruel especially to my chosen queen as a lot of planning and sacrifices have been made...but mayhap my hands have been forced. I had every well intention of warming him up to coming to my home planet but now...I can no longer trust his own judgement.
     Not the best at clear thinking, this one. A momentary lapse in my own judgement in giving him the opportunity to untangle himself from my grasp...all fault of my own, I have to admit.
     Sighing, I glance back to see Jungkook glaring daggers into my being as he pulls fruitlessly at his restraints binding him to his seat. Unable to speak around the gag in his mouth.
I was afraid he would scream and have no doubt he would have while I dragged him nearly kicking and screaming down to the emergency pod cells housing extra mini ships. I couldn't bring myself to knock him out or poison him again. It would have been much easier, however.
     I've done my homework so to speak since the moment I stepped on this vessel. I've always had an escape route. Always will. I'm very thorough and meticulous in my planning even during the most dire of circumstances. I did not become King of my planet by being lazy. I wanted my queen to come more willingly but this will have to do.
     I've checked periodically since we've disengaged ourself to the minds of those still on board but no one has noticed our absence yet. If I bothered to care about such mundane things I would be almost offended for my queen at being unnoticed. Isn't he their medic? They aren't worried about his lack of presence anywhere? They shame their species. Truly.
     Well...any case it makes it easier for me to take him away back to my planet. By the time they do notice we'll be too far away and close to my planet for them to stop us. If they step foot on my planet, they'd easily be mentally torn to pieces and physically eaten within moments.
     They've very much underestimated me and my people. People...hahaha...
A sly smile curves my lips as I set the small shuttle to autopilot with the proper coordinates and stand, walking slowly over to my queen.
Jingkook's cheeks are stained with salty tears and his chest heaves with silent screams of protest. Reluctantly, I remove the gag and caress his face. "You've chosen to test me."
He jerks his face away in anger and discuss. Taking several deep breaths, he glares at me. "W-why me? Why did it have to be me? I don't want this. I'm not your queen!" His raised voice echoes around the room.
I decide to choose my words wisely. "I knew it would be you before I was even brought upon your ship."
Hw blinks slowly, confused. "H-how? Why?"
Shrugging, I grasp his hand—ignoring his weak struggles to pull away. I grip it tighter, forcing him to meet my eyes. He flinches but can't look away. "Jungkook, I have been planning this for a very long time. When you captain's ship neared our planet, we were prepared to destroy it. I accessed all your minds and thoughts before entry and found you. I stopped the attack of my people and let myself be brought prisoner solely to claim you and bring you back home."
He's silent, processing all the information. He doesn't want to believe it but it is the truth. "I still don't understand—"
"I'm not quite sure either why it had to be you." I admit. "I have excellent senses and the voice in my head told me it had to be you. Perhaps you were the perfect one to carry my heir. Perhaps it was the chemical makeup of your dna. In any case, I just knew it was you and that's all you need to know. Our species does not include outsiders. You will be the first, my queen."
"I don't like being poisoned and mind controlled."
I nod solemnly. "If I knew I could trust you I would no longer use such methods."
He looks down. "Can you untie me? My arms are numb."
Smiling at the noticeable progress, I easily untie him and rub his arms, encouraging the circulation. He doesn't flinch away from me this time. Doesn't attempt to run—not that he could go anywhere.
"I don't know anything about your planet or people." He says, staring out the window at the black void of space.
"I will teach you."
"I never even got to say goodbye to my friends and...and..."
Squeezing his shoulder, I use my free hand to rub his stomach under his shirt. "I will be your friend and family now. They couldn't even be bothered to notice your pain and suffering to save you." I point out.
He winces. Unable to deny it.
"I'm cold and calculating. I'm simply a snake in your form. I'm only projecting myself in a comforting form to you. My true form is..." I pause, my lips twisting in thought. "Fearsome. I do not look as you think. I'm forcing your brain to see me this way. Since the beginning."
His eyes are wide and scared as he looks at me. "W-what? This whole time..."
I nod. "Every person on your ship has never seen me as I truly am. A Reptilian King. My true form would terrify you."
My grip on him tightens as he begins to tremble. He clenches his eyes shut. "Let me see then. I will have to, right? Being by your side...on your planet...I need to see it."
I'm loathe to ruin the illusion I've perfectly crafted but he's correct. I won't have him cowering at my people and their real forms.
"I will show you under one condition." I turn him to face me, grasping his face and staring into his eyes. "Know I will not hurt you. I've chosen you. No matter what you see—you are mine and do not fear me. You will adjust to my form in time but I will return to this form to make it easier on you. Do not try to run from me. My bloodlust and hunting senses will awake and I will chase you. Stay calm, my queen." I make my words clear and precise. Stressing them out. "No outsider has ever seen our true forms and survived. You will be the first to know the truth."
He gulps, face paling. Impressing me, however, when he nods and steels himself. Preparing his mind for what's to come.
I smile and pull him into a kiss. We do not kiss in my true form. I've grown to like the intimacy of our bodies in this way. The connections I've formed with his.
"Are you ready?"
Taking several deep breaths, he opens his eyes and nods. "Show me."

My smile grows wider and with some effort, I remove the illusion and feel my body warping into my original form.
The change is much easier than I had expected since it's been so long. My arms and legs disappear as my humanesque form is removed and I'm back to my reptilian snake form.
I suppose humans would call it anaconda-like but much much larger and deadlier. My skin turns back to its deadly razor sharp red and black scales. Easy to rip into prey as we wrap our bodies around them and squeeze-the razors slicing them to pieces. My mouth opens in a hiss to reveal huge dagger like fangs—dripping with a larger concentration of venom. One drop easily killing.
My entire form struggles to contain itself in the small shuttle. I'm impressively long even for my planet. I cool my body with extreme care around my delicate queen, overlapping to reach the ceiling, making sure not to cut him and lick my tongue out to taste his salty skin and fear. He shudders—eyes wide and terrified—but he doesn't move. Remains frozen as I instructed him.
I'm happy. My large green slitted eyes stare into his but I do not intentionally hypnotize him as I could normal prey. He isn't my prey. He's my...beloved.
I drop my head down carefully on his shoulder and slither a bit closer. It's amusing how small his body is in my grasp. Quite enlightening. His entire upper body could fit inside my mouth without problem. I could swallow him whole in seconds if I wished. I would not do that, though.
"Y-Yoongi?" He whispers, his shaking growing and eyes watering with tears. "C-can...can I touch you?" His voice breaks with fear.
I'm pleased he still wishes to touch me. I move my head away and lean it down. The only safe place for him to touch that won't slice his hands up. Trembling, he slowly places it on my head. It's warm. I like it being as I'm used to being cold.
I hiss again but don't like that I can't communicate with him so with much reluctance, I place back the illusion and turn back into Yoongi.
He gasps in shock at the abrupt change and collapses into my chest. I hold him tightly, liking my arms around him. I tilt his head up and kiss his lips.
He shudders but accepts it.
"You've done well." Smiling softly. "Was it so terrible?"
He bites down on his lip. "So...your entire planet is filled with...with..."
"The others are not quite as large as I am but for the most part—yes. My planet is filled with those like me. You will lead them with me."
"A-and...and the things inside me?" He sounds Slightly more panicked. "Will those come out of me?!"
I tilt my head, thinking. "I'm not sure but I don't think so. They will obviously be a mix of us. Probably have my snake like features but will most likely be formed like you." Reassuring him.
He sags in relief. "I'm scared."
"I will never let anyone or anything harm you. I will protect you and mine until my last breath. Believe in me, Jungkook. I will keep you safe."
Sighing, he shakes his head. "How long until we reach your planet?"
I click my tongue. "Not sure. A month or so. It's closer than Earth but still quite far. Be at ease. You have time to prepare and adjust."
He's quiet for a long time before glancing up at me. "Thank you for not changing and eating all of my people and friends."
A grin forms on my face, my much tamer fangs glinting. "You're welcome, my queen. All for you."

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