Chapter Fourty Six

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Jung Hoseok

I press my back flat against the door to my room and wipe the foolish tears off my face. Why am I still like this? Still hanging on while desperately trying to move on as well?
Sighing, I shake my head at my ridiculous pain. It's useless. My fingers run over my lips as I think about that almost kiss. It shouldn't have come so close. We're both over. We both accept that.
Bonded soulmates do not care, however, I'm coming to find out. It's not so easy to erase those feelings. Not like on earth. You break up, you try to forget, find someone else, and move on. Bonded souls aren't so simple to remove.
My mind races along with my heart as I shakily press my hand against my chest to calm its frantic beating. This is really too much.
Without thinking too much, I open the door and head down the hall—coming to an abrupt stop as I catch the end conversation as Jin and Namjoon head towards the clinic.
Home...home planet...
Jin should not go there. I really don't want him to. He will only suffer. Both him and Namjoon will never be allowed to be together. The leaders, the government, will destroy them. Namjoon would he imprisoned and Jin would be forced to get pregnant again and again.
That place is not a home to any of us. Not anymore.
Jooheon's words come back to me slowly. Reluctantly.
His offer.
I know I can't trust him. Maybe I can negotiate with him, though.
Steeling myself, I turn the other way and stride past my room and towards the deck. I don't knock, just enter with determination. I've sacrificed this much...I can do a little more for them.
Jooheon is in the Captain's chair, annoyed and barking orders at his sidekick. I truly feel sorry for his men. He's kind of an ass.
His eyes slice over to me, appraising. He sits up straighter in obvious delight making me wince. Ugh.
"Changed your mind so soon?"
I roll my eyes. "Not so much."
He waves his men away and, with respect, they leave us alone. He leans over his desk, steepling his fingers and resting his chin upon them. Staring at me. Always fucking staring right through me. Into my very soul. I hate it. I feel dirty. I feel exposed. I hate his smug bitchiness the most. Stoic and all knowing. Ugh. Why am I here again...
Swallowing hard, I force the words out. "I want to negotiate terms of the offer."
Smiling, he nods. "Of course. What would you like to discuss?"
"I want...I w-want to know where you plan to place Namjoon and Jin."
He shrugs nonchalantly. "Wherever they wish. I'll give them a ship and let them take it." He leans forward, grinning. "But you will remain with me. That's the deal. Anything else is moot and unimportant. All can be negotiated later if you'd just agree to those simple terms."
I shudder at his odd obsession over me. It's fucking weird. "Why are you so set on me? Is it because Namjoon is my soul bonded mate? It's over between us. You won't get anything out of this where Namjoon is concerned. He won't care." I refuse to feel hurt over that. It's true. A simple fact. He can't care about what happens to me. To him...I'm dead. I should have remained so.
     I don't want to admit it's all my stupid curiosity's sake we're all in this position now. Jin was gone to me...perhaps I should have let it stay that way.
     But now...maybe I can do this much for them. I love Jin. I don't want him to suffer. I can protect him now as I should have went home with him that one fateful night. I could have possibly prevented all this pain...  
     "I will...stay with you. I want to talk to them first and find out what they want to do." It's painful to say the words but I'm not going to be selfish. I can't afford to be.
     His eyes light up but I refuse to acknowledge the change. He's stupid. This is all stupid and immature to me. He's insane. I can't see him be all lit up and happy at my acceptance. I don't accept anything...not's necessity. There's a difference.
     "Very well. Speak to them today and return to me tonight. We will make the proper adjustments and I will help them to anywhere or anything they like."  
    I ease my breath out slowly and nod. "Alright. We'll make other agreements later."
    "Yes, of course."
    Feeling a tiny bit reassured he's willing to listen to me and my wants, I leave him for my own room. Taking a look around the bare and impersonal space, I feel a deep longing for my dorm room back home. All my things...have they been long trashed now? Thrown away and forgotten like me and Jin have been?
     Hwasa...I'm sure she was devastated by my disappearance after Jin's. Guilt makes it hard to swallow but...maybe I never belonged there to begin with. Not that I belong here necessarily, either, but I feel maybe it's right that I'm here now.
     My reveries are broken when the sound of pounding feet penetrate my consciousness. Frowning, I retch the door open and peak out to see Taehyung and Namjoon rushing with a strong air of panic. Jimin and Jin trail behind them.
     My eyes lock on Jin's and he gulps, grasping my arm and pulling me out into the corridor.
    "What's going on?"
    "Jungkook and Yoongi are gone."
    I frown at this. I haven't seen them...I don't really know them much, either, though. "Is that bad?"
    His eyes widen in shock then acknowledgement that I don't know these people. "Yes. Yoongi is not good. He took Jungkook and is probably taking him back to his home planet."
     I raise a brow....unsure... "Are they together? Why is that bad?" At least they escaped.
    Jimin steps closer to us, looking distressed. "Yoongi is a reptilian. They are...terrifying. They would probably kill Jungkook. Quite easily. Yoongi may have chose him but the others won't accept him and will get rid of him quickly."
     A reptilian...I don't know much about them. "Like a snake or lizard?"  
     "No one has ever actually stepped foot on the planet and returned. No one knows for sure but I've heard stories...except for us that one time but I'm sure it's because he allowed it." Jimin shudders. "Large those on your earth but much bigger and scarier. My planet of beasts could never compete. We would be overtaken easily. Earth would stand no chance."
     Jin and I both pale. Snake...Ugh...I hate snakeu more than anything in the world...or universe.
    "So...what's the plan? We can't go there and get him, right?" Please, no. I would rather choke on Jooheon's dick and be forced to call him daddy than go save this person. Just nope. "This Yoongi person will protect him, right?" We're good, right?
    Taehyung walks towards us. "We will go and bring him back."
    My heart drops into my stomach and for the briefest of seconds...I have the urge to throw myself off the ship and into space. Much better to die that way.
     Jimin and Jin both grimly nod in agreement and I feel betrayed—irrational or not. Jin knows my absolute shit terror for the creatures.
    I don't want to be seen as weak, however, so I nod along with them—cursing obscenities all the while.
    Why did I bother to try to save Jin at all sacrificing myself when he's so set on death by stupidity?!
    Jooheon! I'll accept anything if you just save me from my stupid self right now. I don't wanna go~~~
    Unfortunately he's not telepathic and I'm a stubborn dumbass way too loyal to Jin.
    I really miss my dorm and boring life back on earth. Perhaps they can just drop me off along the way...I'll parachute out. They can just fly back, yeah? me...Screw this Jungkook guy. He made his bed. I don't want to sleep in it.

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