Chapter Sixteen

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Kim Seokjin

    "Who is...H-Hwasa?" Jimin asks as he lounges casually stretched out all over my bed, munching on a chocolate candy bar I found in my bag.
     I look over at him from the bathroom, toweling off my hair from my shower. "My friend from earth. How did you hear her name?"
     "You mumbled about her in your sleep last night."
     So most nights Jimin likes to sleep with me. He's soft and comfortable in his animal state anyway. Now that he's not scary.
     I lower my gaze, fidgeting with my now damp towel. "She was going to be my girlfriend."
      He cocks his head. "Girl friend. Why is that different from a regular friend?"
      I hesitate, trying to think of how to explain. "Uh, well...regular friends are like you and me. A girl friend...would be like a relationship which is closer than just friends. Lovers, I guess."
     His eyes flicker as he ponders... "Then what about a boy friend? Is that the same?"
      "For some, Yes."
     His eyes widen. "So like me and TaeTae, yes? We are...lovers?" He looks confused.
      I snap my head up in shock. "Are you?" Wow...Okay. "Do you know what makes lovers?" I ask to clarify.
     A little frown puckers his chocolate stained mouth. "He likes to kiss me. I like to lick him." He states matter of factly. "Does that make us lovers?"
     I choke. "L-lick him?!"
     He sits up, nodding solemnly. "In my home planet...those we like or care about...we lick them clean. He tastes really yummy, too." His eyes dilate. "Like this chocolate a little bit. Sweet."
      I have no words. "Have you had sex!"
     He rolls on the bed like a normal feline. "Sex?"
    I blush furiously. "Uh, Yeah. is...I mean..." I give up when his cute innocent eyes gaze right at me expectantly. "Never mind."
     "No, no! I want to know! Is it a friend thing to do? Should Tae and I have this sex? Is it fun? Will he like it? Is it better than being kissed and licked—"
     "Stop!" I wave my hands, embarrassed. "I don't think you two need to have sex. I think you are fine as friends, okay? Especially since we're going where we're going. It wouldn't be smart to stick so close to Taehyung, Alright." I say gently, rubbing his head the way he likes.
     He purrs. "Okay. I trust you."
     I sigh in relief. "Good. I just don't want you to get hurt."
     "Tae would not hurt me."
     I hesitate. He sounds so happy and confident. "He might—not intentionally. He just...has to follow orders."
     He frowns. "I'll order him not to hurt me then."
     His sweet innocence is really nice and refreshing. "Not your orders, Jiminie. His superiors. Like Namjoon or the people in charge of their planet."
     He pouts. "I want Tae to come to my planet and live. You, too." He smiles.
     Chuckling, I step back. "That would be nice but unlikely." I glance at the door as it opens to see Jungkook standing with a pensive look on his face.
     He looks tired and drained for some reason. "I need you both for daily testing." Curtly, he walks off.
     I look at Jimin. "He doesn't look good."
     He nods. "Mhm. Yoongi must be affecting him greatly."
     "D-do you think that psycho reptile is hurting him?!" I gasp.
     He pauses thoughtfully before shaking his head. "As far as I've seen the reptile just sleeps most of the time. He seems too lazy to actively hurt someone."
     I snort. "Let's go."

     Arriving at the medical room, we both take to our cots and wait. I notice for once Yoongi isn't in here watching the medic. That's nice. The Octavian freaks me hella out.  
     "Arm." Jungkook gestured, holding a syringe. Reluctantly I give him my arm and he takes the amount of blood e needs.
     I notice my blood has changed color just slightly. Still red but it's brighter somehow. Weird.
     He does the same to Jimin who hisses then whines in pain. I can tell he's itching to change so as soon as Jungkook is done, I motion for Jimin to come to me.
     He changes into his hybrid form and hops up on the cot beside me. Placing my arms around him, I nuzzle his side and tickle his ears. Laying down, he purrs.
      "Sorry about this. I know it's a pain." Jungkook mutters as he glances over at us.
     I sigh. "It's fine. I get it's important...for you people." A tinny tiny amount of bitterness in my voice. It's not necessarily Jungkook's fault, either. He's just doing his job.
      Speaking of...
     "Is Namjoon on deck?"
     He nods absentmindedly, staring at the tear tubes as if his life depends on weird.
     "Okay so...are we done here?"
     "Yes but I'll be by later to check your vitals and how the changes are coming on." He pauses, looking between Jimin and I. "Actually brighter blood is a good sign. The change should officially complete over the next two or three days, I believe."
     Frowning, I think that over. "And what exactly is going to happen when it's over? Will I have any real physical changes?"
     I notice his shoulders tense. "Yes. When all the changes of DNA have been replaced within your will experience symptoms of fatigue, mood swings. I believe it's like what females experience on earth, yes? You'll be able to reproduce, of course, so your body will grow a uterus—"
      I gasp. "What?! I'm going to turn into a woman!!!!"
     His eyes widen at my outburst. "No! No, it's not like that. That's internal. If you remember correctly—our planet does not have females. All males. Internally some males have uteruses and wombs to produce children. All males."
     I glance down. "W-will I still have a..." I can't say it. I point down to my crotch.
     He raises a brow. "A penis? Yes, you will. Reproduction will happen anally. Once the baby is ready, it will be extracted by cesarian section, as you humans call it."
      All I got from I'll be forced to have a lot of gay anal sex. And I'm not happy about it.
     Taking a deep breath, I nod and stalk out of the room, heading towards the front of the ship. Jimin pads after me for awhile but stops at Taehyung's room. I wave him off.
     Grumbling to myself, I make it to the door before a wave of nausea and pain hit hard. I stop and close my eyes, trying to will it away but it only seems to get stronger. What the hell is this?!
     My stomach cramp up and I nearly fall to my knees. Is this the change Jungkook was talking about?! Already??
     I clutch the wall tightly as I slide down go the floor, holding my stomach and rocking back and forth. It hurts so much. Am I dying...
     Suddenly the door opens and Namjoon walks out, tripping over me. I wince as he falls. Our eyes meeting at once. He looks surprised at my condition and slowly sits up, placing his hand on my stomach.
     "Are you hurting bad?"
     I nod, shaking. "I t-think my body is...rejecting this..."
    He smiles a little. "No, actually the opposite. You are beginning your fertile period. I've heard it can hurt very badly. I'm sorry."
     I close my eyes, whimpering. Ugh. I fucking hate this space alien sci-fi shit. Why me? Out of everyone in the universe...why me?
     Why not Hoseok? If only he would have stayed and waited for me. I wouldn't be here or we'd be here together.
     How can one little decision or second in time completely change our entire lives? It's ridiculous.
      Whining, I look down at the floor, wanting to scream and revolt. "Oh my god! I'm bleeding!"

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