Chapter Sixty Six

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Kim Namjoon

     "...Do it now!"
     "Ah, you's not that simple..."
     "Damn it! Jooheon, just send them here. I gave you the coordinates. Just give them to Taehyung and let them borrow a ship. I'll make sure it is returned to you." Groaning, I rub my temples and try to reign in my temper.
     I've been arguing with the brat for the last hour trying to get him to send me my people.  
     He sighs on the other side of the holo com. "Namjoon, I told you. I have some visitors here that I'm trying to keep away from them. If I gather them up and give them a ship, they will be noticed immediately and all Hell will break loose."
     "I don't care! They can't do anything as long as they are off your ship! I don't see why you can't come up with a plan to get them off as quietly and quickly as possible."
      He purses his lips, staring at me with a complex expression. "They roam around freely. I told no one to step out in case they see them. I can't fight them and I can't go against them to protect the enemy—in case you forgot what you are to me." He mutters slyly.
      I scoff. "As your older brother you should listen to me. I will grant you any favor for the future. Please."
      Scratching his neck, he huffs. "Even if I could come up with could take several days to set into motion. Can you be patient at least and let me do what I can? Don't disturb me." He gives me a pointed look. "Just worry about yourself and your child."
      I pause. "I am doing that. I'm also Captain and it's my job to make sure not to abandon my men."
     He nods. "I'll do what I can but give me three days and let me contact you first." He ends the call immediately.
      The door cracks open to reveal Jungkook anxiously standing just inside. I notion him in snd he closes the door behind him.
     "How are you doing?" I ask, gentling my tone.
     He frowns. "I'm concerned for the other soldiers. Taehyung—are they going to be okay?"  
     "I'm doing everything I can from this end to bring them here." I cast a glance down at his stomach. "Do you have any idea when you'll..."
     He shakes his head. "No idea. Soon, I'd gather. It's painful and I can barely breathe." He admits.
     "Have you spoken to Yoongi about this?" Immediately worried for my charge.
      "He knows. He always knows. He's reluctant to tell me so I'm thinking it will be miserable." He sighs. "Jin snd Korain are doing amazing, though. Both are healthy and Jin is recovering exceedingly fast—far from my expectations."
      I beam. "I'm happy to here that."
     He chews on his bottom lip for a moment, obviously wanting to say something.
     "Need to talk?"  
     After a beat, he nods and sits down. "Captain...w-would it be possible...that maybe I c-could stay here? I would like to see the other soldiers and Jimin. It's...lonely on Octavian C."
     I frown. "I have no problem with you remaining here as long as you like—I know Jin could use the companionship as well—but have you talked to your mate. It's really up to you two." I sigh. "Although I'm your captain, you do not belong to me. This needs to be discussed with him. I'm fine with you staying. Yoongi, as well, is welcome." Cautiously.
     He nods slowly. "I will speak with him. He won't like it but maybe he'll let us stay a little longer." Obviously dejected.
     I feel deep sympathy for him. I can't imagine how hard it must be in his shoes. I've honestly failed him as a Captain. I should have saved him and put a stop to Yoongi's plans but I was admittedly distracted. I failed him deeply.
     I don't deserve for him to call me Captain. Truly. "I'm very sorry, Jungkook."
     He blinks at me. "S-sorry?"
     "For not doing my job and keeping your safe. I apologize fully and admit I've done you wrong. I can never atone for this sin."    
      He looks away, somber. "It's my fault as well. I did not take enough precautions and let my guard down. It was a stupid thing to do as a soldier, as a medic. We all knew the risks bringing aliens into our ship. We all lacked." He sighs.
      Very true. I just agree.
      "Our mission was doomed from the very first moment." I admit.
     He laughs but it's humorless. "I never wanted our mission to succeed, Captain. I just wanted to escape, well, this." He motions towards his body. "It seems karma, the universe, had found me out. You can't escape destiny, it seems."
      I have nothing to say. Perhaps he's right. I think about my human and son in the next room. Both thriving. I think about Hoseok and our past verses his life now snd the different paths we've taken.
      Maybe...maybe destiny was wrong. Maybe Hoseok snd I were never meant to be forever soul-bonded. That was a mistake. Maybe I was always meant to find Seokjin. It just took losing my world and life as I knew it to seek him out. Hoseok, as well, ended up on Earth. He was fine without me.
     I feel it was supposed to be this way. Does the make me a bad person? I would never wish our part on my worst enemies but it brought us that so wrong?
     Jungkook clears his throat, breaking my reverie. "I'm going to talk to Yoongi."
     I walk him out and seek out Jin. I find Korain asleep on the bed surrounded by blankets and pillows while my mate is no where to be found.
      The sound of a shower turns on and I hesitantly walk into the bathroom, standing and just staring at him.
     He doesn't notice me as he strips off his clothes and steps into the shower—almost falling in shock when he does.
      "W-what are you doing in here?!" He hides himself behind the fogged glass.
       I slowly approach, pulling the door open to reveal him, grasping his hands and kissing them. He blushes.
      "Please, Jin, do not hide from me. I have a lot to atone for, I know that. I hope that one day you can forgive me and realize how much I love you. You are my everything. My entire existence now rests upon you and Korain. I will not live without you." I run my hands down his body to his hips and smile at the scars left over from his stretching stomach. Almost flat again but not quite.
     "You are so strong. So incredibly strong and fierce and you honor me with that. Your body is a glorious temple that has birthed life into the universes. It's so important and should be blessed as such. Please do not hide it from me. Let me cherish it and you. Can I?" My breath catches and I'm slightly embarrassed but hold my ground.
      He stares at me, stunned. A tear slides down his cheek. Without saying anything, he steps back and holds the door open wider for me.
     I can't express the feeling that courses through me at this moment. The lack of rejection and for the first time in a long time...acceptance.
      Hastily, I undress and step into the hot spray. My eyes greedily consume him, licking my lips in delight.
     He attempts to cover himself but I grab his wrists—gently—and raise them above his head. I press my lips to his collarbone and give him soft kisses.
      He shivers and I feel his breath catch. My lips trail across his neck and up his jaw, slowly approaching those luscious pink lips I love to taste. I hesitate, looking into his eyes. Seeing no rejection, I go for it—kissing him hungrily for the first time in what feels like forever. His taste is even better than I remembered. I want to savor it forever.
      He moans, kissing me back, our tongues caressing and mingling roughly in a sensual dance. It's hot and delicious.
      Releasing his wrists, I grasp his hips and pull him against me, wanting skin on skin. I'm starving for him.
     Panting, I rest my forehead against his and lap at the saliva dripping down his bottom lip. "Will you let me cherish you, my love? I'll stop anytime you want me to—just say the word. I will never hurt you again. Ever."
      Panting, he stares at me, his gaze searching. I don't know what he finds within me but after forever...he nods once.
     Oh thank the stars!
     "I'm going to show you my love and appreciation." I drop to my knees before him, letting them hot water run over my head and drench my face. Truly, I wish to be drenched in something else. I run my palms over his thighs and lick my lips, anticipating.
      Soon, I shall have my wish.

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