Chapter Eighteen

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Kim Namjoon

I hold my breath as I trail the wet soapy cloth down Seokjin's back. He's not trembling anymore but the silence is...well, deafening. Only the sound of water can be heard. I don't think he's breathing, either.
Every time I close my eyes, I get flashbacks of this same scenario but with Hoseok. How he used to laugh as I washed his ticklish areas or moan in pleasure as I dipped between his legs. How he would smile proudly as I washed around his stomach...
My fingers clench the cloth and I stop. I need to focus. Jin isn't my lover back from the dead. He isn't pregnant with my child. He's my charge, my mission. The hope for regenerating our planet.
My goal is to deliver him—and the others—safely to our planet and begin the repopulation process. I need to remember that.
"I can do it..."
His soft anxious voice snaps me back to attention. I release the breath I'm holding. "No. I got it. Turn around." I grasp his shoulder, urging him to face me. He looks down, not meeting my gaze. I guess I can't blame him.
My eyes trail down his body and I feel my insides clench. He's beautiful. There's no denying that fact. He reminds me a lot of my deceased lover, actually. A little taller and wider shoulders but otherwise much the same.
I begin washing his chest and neck, trailing slowly down his stomach. Trying not to envision what he'd look like large and swollen with child. I shouldn't be thinking like that. That's not for me...not anymore.
Clearing my throat, I work my hands down to his hips, pausing as I consider my next move. I need to get between his legs but not sure how to ask him comfortably.
Turns out, I don't need to. Blushing and still refusing to look anywhere near me, he spreads his legs, cupping his hands over his privates. This makes me smile.
I wash around his hands and down, swooping under to get it all as he jumps and curses under his breath, clutching my shoulders to stay stable. I use the distraction to grasp his dick and clean it as well.
He lets out a gasp, finally looking up to meet my eyes. He moves his gaze from my eyes to my lips a couple times before looking away again, squeezing his eyes shut as he clings to me. I release him reluctantly as he plumps up in my grip.
"I'm s-sorry—".
"Don't be. It's a natural reaction, yes?" Why am I having fun teasing him?
He ducks his head, hiding his face. "Namjoon...don't tease me, please."
Why does him saying my name that way cause a shiver down my spine? I lick my lips, devouring his body with my eyes again as I reach for the detachable shower head.
"Time to rinse."
Nodding jerkily, he turns around so I can get his back. I can't stop myself from kneading his ass as I rinse the soap off, making sure to get every little crevice. He gasps softly and shudders as my fingers spread him open and run over his quivering hole.
I hold back a groan. Stop it, Joon. Don't touch him anymore...he doesn't want it and he's not your mate...
I move my hand back up to his shoulders and massage gently before turning him to face me. His face is blood red, flushed. Lips plump and bruised from his biting them. Shit.
Clearing my throat, I wash the suds off the rest of his body before washing and rinsing myself off as well and shutting off the water. Climbing out, I fasten a towel to my waist before holding a hand out to him.
He hesitantly takes it and I dry his hair before patting down his body, placing it around his hips firmly. He crosses his arms. "C-clothes?"
Right. I didn't think of grabbing his clothes. I walk to my closet and pull out a soft cream colored tunic and hand it to him.
He takes it gingerly. "Thanks." He puts it on as I grab a fresh pair of sweats and black t shirt. I admire how good he looks in my shirt. Stop it.
He holds the towel against his hips. "Um, what about..." he glances down.
I do as well. Right. Menstrual cycle. I forgot just how much pheromones were released during this time. No wonder I'm acting completely out of character with him. It's just the fertility making me crazy. That's it.
"Stay here. I'll get something from Jungkook to help." I should have done that beforehand. Cursing my inexcusable unpreparedness, I make my way back to the medical ward only to see Jungkook asleep on a cot with the reptilian standing in front of him, nearly over him.
I pause as he looks up, his yellow eyes hard and serious. "What's going on? Is he okay?" I rush to my medic's side only to be stonewalled by Yoongi who hisses at me.
"He's fine. Tired. What do you need?"
I blink, surprised by his overprotective behavior. "Um, something for bleeding."
He tilts his head, pondering me and glancing down at Jungkook frequently. He sharply turns and pulls out a bag from under one of the cabinets. Opening it, he pulls out a bag of thick pads and another bag which I'm very familiar with.
He tosses both to me. "Please leave. He needs his rest."
I frown at the attitude but have to admit that Jungkook has been overworking himself recently. Letting it go, I take what I need and leave them be. I don't trust the reptilian but it's obvious Jungkook does if he's comfortable enough to sleep in the same room with him.
I close the door behind me as I step into the bathroom and hold up the bags. Jin frowns at them, apprehensive.
He eyes the second bag as I place the pads down on the counter. "What are those for?" He nods at the other bag in my hand.
I hesitate. "These need to go"
His eyes pop wide and he steps back, shaking his head frantically. "What! No!"
I study the bag of...I suppose humans call them tampons on earth but these are a little thicker and longer. Made for our men, of course.
"I'm not putting them inside me!" He presses himself against the wall, chest heaving.
I meet his gaze. "That's right, you're not putting them inside."
He frowns, confused. "Then Why—"
"I am."
He pales. "N-no..."
"I know it's scary but I've done this many times before for my mate. It's hard to do it yourself. Takes a lot of practice. I'll do it for you until you get the hang of it."
He whines. "Why can't I just use those pads over there!"
I glance down. "Those are for when you sleep so you don't wreck the sheets. You should sleep naked to avoid soiling your clothing, also." I explain lightly.
He stares at me, stunned, for a long long time before abruptly bursting into tears. "I don't want this! I want to goooo hoommmeee!" He sobs, sliding down to the floor and putting his face on his knees. "I c-can't do this. I really can't. Don't make me, please." He begs, tears covering his face.
Remorse and guilt fill me as I kneel down and pull him into my arms, rocking him gently as cries. This is my fault. I chose him. I abducted him and brought him into this new existence.
Why him? I had stumbled across a few humans before him but I chose to take him. Why? Out of all the humans...why this one? I don't have an answer for that.
"I'm...I'm sorry, Jin. Truly, I am."
He hits me weakly a few times. "I hate you. I hate this ship. I hate this life. I w-wish you would just kill me."
I stiffen and pull back, staring him in the eye. "Never say anything like that again." Hosoek's face as he died flashes before my eyes and my anger sparks.
He flinches. "But it's true. I'd rather die than live like this."
I scoff, grasping his chin and forcing him to continuously meet my angry gaze. "You don't even know the life you will have from here. How can you wish for death so soon? That's the problem with you humans. You never want to accept any type of change. A little change and it might as well be the end of your world. Well let me tell you—I know the kind of change that destroys your entire universe. The kind of change that can never be absolved. The kind that brings you to your knees in true despair and loss. You know nothing of your future. I can tell you right now you will live much better on my planet than you ever could on earth." I spit out.
He swallows hard, shaking in my hold. Eyes red and tear-filled. "You can't know that. This is slavery!"
I scoff. "Humans have done slavery and this is nothing like that. More arranged marriage, if you will. That does not count as slavery on your planet so why does it on ours?" I demand.
He blinks. "You're not sending me to marry anyone! You're sending me to get raped and pregnant over and over again!" He screams in my face before struggling to get free. "I have no free will or choice!"
I tighten my grip on him. "It's not exactly like that, okay."
"Then what is it like?!"
I contemplate for a moment, staring into his defiant gaze. Unsure of what I'm doing...I trail my hand up his jaw and pull him forward. A little too hard.
At the same time slamming my mouth down on his, claiming his lips. Fuck. Rage and regret and...lust war inside me as I swipe my tongue over his.
He stops struggling in shock and I feel my body strongly react as...he kisses me back.

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