Chapter Thirty Three

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Kim Seokjin

It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts so much. Clenching my eyes shut, I try to breathe through the pain but it's not working. Nothing is working. Curled up in a fetal position, I clutch my stomach and clench my legs together. It's hot in here.
I can't breathe. Claustrophobic. Ugh.
Somewhere outside, I hear footsteps walking and with trembling hands, reach for the doorknob and slowly crack the door.
My vision blurs but I can just barely make out Namjoon walking by—
I lurch out and grasp his leg. Too far gone in pain to even entertain shame or humiliation. I cry out, unintelligible words leaving my mouth even I don't understand.
He speaks to me but I can't make out any of the words, lost in my own misery. Ushering me back into the closer, he helps me sit up and kneels down in front of me.
His fingers brush against my sweaty temple. "You're on fire."
I whimper. "H-hurts."
His face looks pinched and he seems uncertain. "Can you move? Let's go to the medical room."
"N-no. I can't." My pants are soaked with sweat and other fluids. The pain coursing through me makes it unbearable to even stand. It's all too much.
He doesn't say anything.
"Just go. J-just...just leave me alone." I push weakly at him, wishing with everything I could just beat the hell out of him. It would make me feel much better. Less weak and pathetic.
"Not leaving you."
I find the strength to scoff. "Yeah, whatever. Just go away. Please." Before I do something else I'll regret later.
"No." His voice has a touch or resolve in it but for what—I'm not sure. I honestly don't care what's up with him right now. Either he's gonna help me or not.
    I stop paying attention to him as heat and pain and desire cloud my every thought and judgment. I need...something.
     My body is heaved up into his strong arms and I'm pushed against the wall. Both our panting mingles together as he moves closer, his lips brushing against mine as clothes are roughly and frantically shoved aside and skin on skin ease some of the soaring heat inside.
      His hands are rough on my flushed skin. It feels so good. Soothing almost. I moan, opening my mouth for his tongue as it seeks to claim.
     I clutch his shirt in desperation, hot and panting, tearing at the fabric until the buttons rip and scatter on the floor.
     Cursing, he shoves my pants down my legs and lifts me up into his arms. My legs lock around his waist as I seek to get closer, tasting him thoroughly.
     I can't think. Can't breathe. The dizzying sensation gives me the feeling of sinking into water as he groans in my ear. His fingers shove into my mouth and I suck them, soaking them with saliva.
     Pulling them free, he reaches between us and I suddenly feel them between my cheeks, slippery and hot...pressing...pressing.
     I cry out loudly, my entire body jerking as his fingers enter my body in one big thrust. Not enough. My nails dig into his shoulder blades as my head falls onto his chest. My hips working to take his fingers even deeper.
     His hard body pins mine to the wall as he stretches me open, his tongue once more filling my mouth. His scent surrounding me and I breathe it in, feeling comforted in this rollercoaster ride of crazy. I feel safer somehow. Like I know instinctively that he will make it all stop. Make it all better. Make me feel pleasure over pain.
     I break away from his mouth to suck in fresh air. I'm drowning but in what I'm not sure.
     "Are you okay?" He asks quietly, removing his fingers after several moments. I wince. "Does it still hurt?"
     I look into his eyes, unsure. Some of my senses coming back. "I'm scared."
     He touches my cheek gently, kissing my head. "I'll take responsibility for you. I'll do everything. Trust in me."
     Swallowing hard, I find myself nodding. "O-okay. Make it stop..."
     Nodding, he somehow manages to keep me high up against the wall with his strong body while pulling out his hard cock, stroking it a bit before frowning. "I'm not prepared for this. Bare with me." He huffs.
     I'm nervous. This is my first time doing anything. I don't even know how to really do normal sex let alone gay sex. I have no idea what's happening...or going to happen.
    With these thoughts in mind, I squeeze my eyes closed and just cling to his body. I have no choice in this moment. I have to trust him. I have to trust him. He knows what to do.
      I feel something much bigger than his fingers sliding between my cheeks and hold my breath. Oh god. This is it. All my swears and promises to never let this happen...this moment I'm eating my words.
      He grabs my hair and forces me into a hot passionate kiss that leaves me breathless and dizzy. He swallows my scream as his cock slides home so fucking deep inside me I feel it in my stomach. hurts. It feels weird. It feels hot and full. It feels...
     He doesn't pause. Right away, he thrusts frantically into me over and over again. My body is slammed against the wall so hard I know I'll have bruises but I don't care.
      I grip him tighter and wiggle my hips, moaning as he hits a spot that feels so good I feel I'm going to explode any second. What is that? So good...
     " tight..." He rumbles against my mouth, biting my lips and tongue.
     I tear my face away and drop my head on his shoulder, completely weak and taken away by his power and pleasure.
     Is this what Jimin feels with Tae? No wonder he likes it and doesn't care about anything else. I never imagined it would feel like this. I'm ashamed to admit—to myself—I've never felt this good in my entire life.
      I mumble into his shoulder, tears spearing my eyes.
     Grunting, he pants in my ear. His body never stops. His hands grope and spread my ass open as he takes it roughly, claiming it as his own. "W-what?"
     "I s-said...gonna...c-cum..." I pant, stomach clenching. " it deeper..." I plead, embarrassed but needy.  
     He pauses, staring at me for a moment. "Right." Glancing around at the small closet we're in, he huffs. "Let's take this to the bedroom."
      I panic when he begins to loosen his hold on me. He's going to slip out! "No! Don't move. Don't stop!" I clench my ass around him, desperate to keep him inside.
     "I'm not stopping. I'm just going to finish this in the bed. It's more comfortable for you."
     I shake my head. "No. I'm fine here. Don't...please don't get out."
     His eyes narrow thoughtfully. Glancing around once more, he nods and slides down to the floor. I blush as he settles me on top of him, holding my back firm and straight.
     "This might be a little easier for you." As he speaks, he thrusts up inside me—hitting that spot dead on.
     Shuddering, I bite on my arm to hold in my cry as cum erupts from my painfully hard cock and spills all over his uniform shirt.
     Groaning, he pulls me back down and kisses me within an inch of my life, stroking in and out of my body frantically, tightening his grip on me. "I thought I could let you go but I can't. I can't do it."
     I shudder, our bodies bouncing and rocking frantically, rushed and so hot in the small cramped space. All I smell and taste is him around me. Inside me. Overwhelming me.
     "I don't want to take you back." He whispers against my lips.
     My heart pounds in my chest in time to the pounding movements of our bodies. I grasp his face, delirious with pleasure and satisfaction. "Maybe...maybe it's too late to go back. Maybe I want to...stay."
     His eyes narrow and he grips my hips tight, refusing to move inside me. I squirm with need. "Promise me. You'll stay."   
     I gasp as he flips me onto my back and takes control, hitting that spot inside that makes me lose all reason. Oh god. "I'm gunna cum again." I pant, gripping his shirt so hard my knuckles turn white and throb.
     We never even undressed...
     "Promise me. You're mine now." He pants in my ear, nipping and biting my neck and jaw.
     It feels so good...I can't...I mean...I... "I promise." Gazing up at him hazily, I pull him down and kiss him again. "Just make me cum again and I'll promise you anything."
     Growling, he uses all his strength to dominate me. Taking me to cloud nine over and over again.
When my senses return and I can think again...will I regret my words?

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