Chapter Seventy

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Kim Seokjin

I can't express the happiness and relief that courses through me as Jimin bounds towards me in his huge form. I've missed him more than I'd realized. He lays by my side, purring. The first thing I do is place Korain down on his soft fur and watch in joy as he coos happily and tugs on the soft pink tufts of fluff.
Jimin wags his tail and I can see the amusement in his large eyes. I pet his head before hugging him tightly. Jungkook's companionship has been great but Jimin...I've bonded very closely to the beast. I like having him around all the time.
After a bit, he changes forms as I take a now sleeping Korain and tuck him into his little bed. I lend Jimin some clothes—which drown him—and we climb on my huge bed and just catch up.
He tells me all about his trip here and the crazy events on board Jooheon's ship as the Cedians crashed.
Worry pegs me as I think of Hoseok still trapped on there with them. I wish he could have joined us but...I understand why he couldn't. I don't like it but I get that I have no say or control over it.
He's beyond me for now. It saddens me but I'm more aware of everything now. We need distance. He needs distance. From both me and Namjoon. I just hope he knows how much I truly love and appreciate him. He's forever my best friend.

      "Here, let me help you."
      I stop trying to reach for the door and readjust my hold on Korain and the large bag of his items in my arms. I smile apologetically at the nice solider as he motions me through the door. "Thanks."
     His eyes remain laser focused on my son. "He's truly a miracle." Clearly awed.
     I shift awkwardly. "Yes, he is." I pause. "I'm sorry. I don't think I ever learned your name. I hadn't seen you much on the ship."
     He chuckles, rubbing his neck. "Ah yes, the captain kept me away from his captives." His eyes widen at the words and he waves his hands. "I'm sorry! I mean—"
     "It's okay." I interrupt. "I know what you mean."
      Seemingly relieved, he sighs. "Yeah. You may call me Gray." He smiles.
     "Seokjin but please just call me Jin."   
     He nods. "Jin."
     We walk down the corridor together. It's all normal and good until we ready Namjoon's office. I turn to say goodbye but before I can say anything, Gray reaches up and tucks my fallen hair behind my ear, eyes still on Korain. My weird radar begins blazing. I step back unconsciously. A little nervous.
      His eyes finally meet mine. "I was supposed to have first dibs, as you humans call it. You know?"
     "What?" Not understanding. The intensity of his stare making goosebumps rise on my skin.
     "Once you arrived on our planet? I was supposed to be the first to impregnate you." He admits. Weirdly he doesn't seem upset...just monotonous.
     "Ah." Not sure how to react to that knowledge. This is news to me. They had dibs on me? I don't like that.   
      "Yes. I suppose I'm just a little envious of the Captain." Once again eyeing my baby. "This miracle child could have been from my blood."
      So that's what it is. I clear my throat. "I'm sorry but I'm only for Namjoon." Unsure if that's the right way to get out of this.
      Shaking his head, he laughs. "You need not be uncomfortable around me. I'm simply happy for our Captain and eagerly await my future partner. He's promised we could all have a chance to make a life and family here." He pats my shoulder lightly. "Be well, Jin. Take care of our little miracle."
      I'm stunned, staring after the soldier as he disappears around the corner. Weird vibes remaining.
     The door clicks open and Namjoon pokes his head out. He kisses my cheek, pulling me inside the room, and taking everything from me. I'm too distracted to protest. Easily juggling Korain and his bags in his strong arms, he places all on the soft blanket mat on the floor he's prepared.
     Snapping out of it, I help organize Korain on his little swing as Namjoon pulls out all the toys and little baby snacks. I hand him a couple bottles of fresh milk.
     "Are you sure you can work and watch him at the same time?" Worried. I decide not to mention the total weirdness from his soldier. Not really worth it since he didn't do anything to me. I should just move on.    
     He scoffs at me. "I'm King at multitasking. You cannot lead without the talent."
     "Yeah but a baby is hard work."
      He smiles at me full of love before tugging me into his arms and kissing me a little more passionately than expected. Breathlessly, I push him off, embarrassed. "I can do it. Come here, I'd like to show you my plans." He leads me over to his desk and points at some space maps and other things I can't make out.    
      "What's all this?"
     "I would like to ask your opinion on some  things."
      I wait, urging him on.  
      "Well...I would like offer invitations of species of many planets to come here and seek mates. Create an actual population as such. Do you think any Earthlings would be interested?" He pauses, touching my cheek. "Without actual abduction. A willingness to come and begin a new journey here. Jimin has agreed to offer inviting to his planet. I would like to branch out far."
      Strangely the first person that comes to mind is Hwasa. Would she like to come here? My attraction for her long gone but we were good friends. I would love to see her again. Let her know I'm okay. "Possibly."
       He nods. "I'll let you know once decisions are made. We might have to go visit planets and offer amnesty to our base. A new mission." His eyes light up.
      "You really love being in space, don't you?" I observe.
      He frowns. "I do but I will never make the same mistake again like I did with Hoseok. I did not put him first and...well." He shakes his head. "I won't do that again. You and Korain are forever the most important to me." Holding me tightly.
      I snuggle into his chest and breathe in his scent. "I get it. I don't want you to give up everything for me."  
      "Why not? You've given everything up for me."
      His words hit hard and I feel my gaze moving over to Korain. My entire world. "Yeah, well, I think it was all worth it."
      And it really was. I feel that.
     He grasps my chin and tilts it up, kissing me again. Soft and gentle this time. Staring deep into my eyes. "I very much look forward to our future together, love."   
      "Me, too."

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