Chapter Three

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Kim Seokjin

    Properly cleansed and refreshed, I exit the bathroom in the fancy pajamas given to me and stare down the Captain. "So shoot."
     His brow furrows. "I beg your pardon?"
     Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms impatiently. "Shoot. You know—go ahead and explain. Speak."
     Nodding slightly, he smiles. "I apologize. I've yet to learn all the earthen language. The way you speak is quite...fascinating."
Alien. Right. Not human. Not from earth. My shoulders drop at the reminder. He's not like me. "Sorry. I'm asking you to please explain why I'm here. Why you abducted me. Why me?"
     He motions to the bed. "Please have a seat and I will explain."
     Hesitantly I do as he asks and sit down beside him, cross legged and facing him. Giving him my full attention. He observes my position for a moment before following it, turning his own body to face mine and sitting cross legged.
     I smile unconsciously. Cute.
     "I am captain Kim Namjoon from the planet Median Blue. It is located within the sister galaxy of your own Milky Way. Our planet has been involved in a hostile war for many many years now with a brother planet of ours named Cedian Red.
     These warriors are incredibly strong and resilient. Not easily defeated. About ten years ago they released a deadly toxin into our atmosphere that killed out young children and mates leaving many permanently infertile should they be able to survive.
     Our planet is dwindling to nothing and will soon become extinct if we can not stop this and begin reproducing again."
      I take it all in—even though it's a lot to take in—and consider my place here. "What does this have to do with me?" Though I have a sneaking suspicion I already know...
      "I was sent on a very specific and vital mission. My mission to my planet is to gather different specimens of other planets into a breeding program back on our planet. To begin repopulation."
     My stomach turns at the thought. At the very word. Breeding. Like I'm an animal. An animal without choice. Like I'm nothing but a vessel to use. "What does that mean exactly? How will this 'breeding' happen?" I demand, nauseous.
      He falters for a just a mere moment but I catch it. "I'm not sure how they plan to work it out. I assume they will test your breed-ability then once your body has adjusted...begin mating you with different people to kickstart fertility."
     I nearly choke. "I really don't like this. Aren't there any women willing to do this for their planet?!"
      His head tilts slightly. "There are no women. Median Blue is solely a planet of men."
     "So it's...a gay planet then? Can all men get pregnant there?!"
    "It's not like your Earth, Seokjin. You are used to having two genders with certain pre construed roles. It isn't the same for us. It's always just been one gender. While there is only one gender—there is—was—only a certain amount of males able to conceive a child."
      "Can you..." I don't know how to ask but I'm beyond curious.
      He smiles a little. "No. My mate is—was carrying our first child. They both perished."
     My eyes widen. "I'm so sorry."
     "It's fine. Why would you apologize for something you had no control nor knowledge of?"
      "It's...a human thing I guess. We apologize a lot for things out of our control."
      "Hm. How odd." 
     "I guess it is." I chuckle dryly. "I don't know why we do it."
      "Do you have anything else you'd like to know at the moment?"
      I think about it. "Am I the only one? I'm not gay—I don't want to have sex with males or have babies. Why me?"
      His lips press into a tight line. "I'm sorry but it has to be this way and as to why you...nothing particular. I just found you and thought you a good match."
     Great. Lucky me. Groaning, I throw myself back on the bed. "I want to go home." A sudden thought hits me. I sit back up and look at him with wide eyes. "After...after all this...will you bring me back to earth? I can go back home, right?"
      I don't like the look in his eyes. "No. You will remain on my planet until the end of your life."
     My mouth drops open in shock. "I c-can never return? So what—I'm just going to be used as a breeding tool until you repopulate enough then what? I'm to be killed or tossed aside like I'm nothing?!" My voice raises along with my fear and anger.
      His hands come up in a calming manner. "Of course not. You will be cherished and treated with utmost respect. You will be provided for accordingly and cared for throughout all your pregnancies."
     I want to scream. "I'm sorry—Pregnancies!"   
     He somehow manages to remain calm despite my rising erratic panic. "Seokjin. Please calm down. Yes, you will be carrying more than once of course. I will be stopping to find a few more specimens to help but you will be providing much of our new bloodline."
      I feel sick. I want to slap him. Escape and run and hide. Go back home and never look to the sky again. "I hate this! I don't want this! P-please—take me back home! I want to have a life! I was working so hard to build a life for myself and you just took it away!"
      "You will have a new life on Median Blue. You will be highly regarded for saving our race." He stresses but I hear none of it. Want none of it.
      "Get out." My voice is low and much more calm than I feel. I want to rage. "Please, leave me alone." I turn away from him and lay on my side, a tear sliding down my cheek.
I've lost everything.
      A gentle hand falls on my hip and an electric shock shutters through me. "I'm...sorry, Seokjin. I'm sorry I took everything from you." Can he read my mind?
      I force a bitter laugh. "Now who apologizes too much?"
     A brief pause. "I apologize because this responsibility solely lies on my shoulders. You should know...I do understand about loss, too. I've lost everything myself. Did you have a partner?"
      I think of Hwasa and her beautiful cheerful smile. Her quick wit and cool personality. "She wasn't my partner but I was going to ask her to be." I find myself admitting. I want to hate him but for some reason he's just so damn disarming. Makes me want to talk and answer his questions.
      He doesn't reply.
     I roll over to look at him. He's staring off into space. Clearing my throat, he glances down at me and finally removes his hand from my hip as it just realizing he never removed it in the first place.
      "Are you going to be...mating me, too?" Why the hell that question was the first to pop out, I've no idea. I blush with embarrassment. Wow...why.
      He seems startled by the question which makes it worse. "No. I'm not going to be participating in the breeding program."
      "Why not?"
      He looks away again. "Because I made a vow to my mate. I'd only accept him. I will keep it."
     "Isn't he..."
     "Some loyalty doesn't end with death, Seokjin. Our bonds are much stronger than those of humans."
     I stare, unsure if I've just been insulted or not. I think I was...
      Huffing, I lodge a pillow at his head which he deftly dodges. "Leave me!"
     Bowing slightly, all dignified and shit while I'm a mess, he walks out. "If you should need me for anything else, I'll be at the bridge of the ship."   
Smug handsome annoying alien bastard!

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