Chapter Seventeen

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Kim Seokjin

    "I think you are overreacting a bit, don't you think so?"
     I gape at Jungkook, having the urge to punch him for the first time since we met. "O-overreaction? An...OVERREACTION! I'm bleeding out of my dick! How is my panic an overreaction!!" I screech, pressing the thick cloth more firmly over my now stained privates.
      I refuse to look down at the disaster that is inside my pants. I might just faint again.
      The medic sighs and glances at Namjoon who just embarrassingly enough had to carry me into the medical room when I passed out. The blood spots on his shirt and hands humiliating me further.
      God. I want to die. Can't a black hole just swallow me up right now? We should be close to one somewhere...
      "I explained all this to you, Jin. Your body is changing and preparing to be able to bare children. This is normal."
      I point at him, indignant. "You never once said I'd bleed from my dick. You just said I'd grow a uterus and it would all be internal! LIAR!!"
     He flinches. "Please calm down. All the changes in your body is internal. The bleeding might stop in a couple of days. The growth should be complete and you will feel more or less normal again."
      "I-is this a permanent thing? Like...girls on earth? Will I have a...a...whatever it's called every month?!"
     He looks at me considering. "I believe you are referring to a menstrual cycle and, yes, it's more or less the same thing. It will be permanent. Whenever your body is fertile and ready to conceive you will show signs by bleeding anywhere from two to four days a month." He frowns, looking through his list of test results.
     I don't like this one bit. "What is it? Why is your face like that?" I demand.
    He glances at the captain once more before sighing and shaking his head. "It honestly should not have happened this fast. The changes are coming normal but you shouldn't be fertile enough to menstruate for a few more weeks. The thing is..." he pauses, looking uncomfortable.
     Which makes me internally freak. "What?! What thing?!"
      "Just spit it out." Namjoon cuts in, looking blank face and stoic as always.
     The medic nods. "The thing is...once fertility usually is only staved off by conceiving on our planet. It could get painful for quite sometime and—"
     "It's already painful!" I whine, wanting to crawl into a hole and die. "I hate this! You fucking aliens ruined me!"
     "I'm sorry. It seems your body is very susceptible to our DNA. Besides the first initial've taken to this very well. More so than thought possible, to be honest." He admits.
     I want to claw his face off. "I hate you." Whimpering, I lay down and close my eyes. "S-so when will this stop?"
    "I'm not sure. I expected you three to begin fertility by the time we arrived back home but this is far too early." He glances at the captain. "How much longer until we arrive back to our planet?"
      "At least another week."
      Jungkook sighs. "It's possible this will last until we arrive home and you will be given a...mating partner."
     "Don't you mean a breeding partner." I sneer half heartedly. I'm in too much pain to really retort back properly.
     I notice them both flinch this time. Namjoon clears his throat. "Give him some pain killers and I will help him to bed."
      Jungkook nods and quickly injects a syringe into my arm. The pain only dulls but doesn't entirely fade.
     I yelp and clutch on to Namjoon's large shoulders as he lifts me effortlessly into his arms and begins carrying me to my room—
      He turns left instead of right and I'm confused as he takes me to his room instead. He glances down at me while placing me on the bed. "I can watch over you easier here."
      I curl up and close my eyes. I can feel him moving around the room but don't bother to pay much attention. That is until he begins trying to slip off my pants.
      My eyes fly open and I stare at him in shock. "W-What are you doing?"
     He pauses. "I need to clean you up. There's a lot of blood."
     I look down for the first time with wide eyes to see huge bloody splotches all over my pants. I'm getting his sheets dirty!
      I roll over and shakily climb off the bed, miserable as I feel the wetness seeping down my legs. I whimper. Hating everything. "I'm sorry. I ruined your bed."
     He blinks at me. "It's fine. They are just sheets. They can be replaced. Let me help you into the shower." He gently takes my wrist and leads me into the bathroom. I feel cold. Shivering, I hug myself as he starts the hot spray.
     I don't know if it's my vulnerability at the moment or the stupid changes within me but for some reason...I can't take my eyes off him. My heart stutters in my chest as he peels his shirt off and tosses it to the floor.
     I gulp. "W-Why are you taking your clothes off?"
     He turns and immediately begins tugging my own shirt over my head. I shiver violently and before I know what's happening...I'm in his arms. He holds me tightly through the sharp pains and shuddering.
      I bury my head into hot chest and just breathe, letting them pass. When it's over, I glance up at him in surprise. Too warm and comfortable if I'm being completely honest to feel embarrassed. "How did you—"
     "Hoseok." He whispers, pressing his cheek down on the top of my head and rubbing my back soothingly. "He always had trouble when it came to his fertility. We learned ways to make it easier on him. I know everyone is different but—"
     "No." I whisper back, shaking my head. "No, it's perfect. T-thanks." 
     He grunts. "Let me get in the shower with you. I'll help you wash up." He looks down at me with a slight smile, bringing those addictive dimples out once more. My chest aches for some reason. Much be the change. "You don't have to be embarrassed. I've done this many times." He reminds me.
     "Right." Sighing, I reluctantly pull back and wince as his warm hands remove my pants. I refuse to acknowledge or overthink the blood on his hands as he tosses the pants into the trash, strips his own pants off, and leads me into the shower under the soothing spray.
     It's feels heavenly over my chilled and disgusting body. I'm frozen in place, just enjoying the hot water running down my body. I'm so lost that I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel Namjoon's hands on me as he runs the soapy cloth over my shoulders and back.
      Right. Not alone in the shower. I don't want to feel ashamed of myself right now, though. After all, they are the ones that did this to me. They are the ones that forced my body to behave like this...
      Namjoon told me not to feel embarrassed so I won't. He's been through this before with his mate. He knows what he's doing unlike me. I have to trust him in this at least.
     Then again...where will he be when I'm forced to breed babies against my will for his planet? Maybe I shouldn't put all my trust in him.
      God, when will these changes hit Jimin? He's so...pure. I hate this for him even more than for me. He needs to be protected from this...sadly I'm not the one that can do that.

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