Chapter Twelve

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Kim Seokjin

"This might sting a bit."
I wince as Jungkook presses a needle sharply into the crease of my elbow and injects the medication. It burns my veins. I don't like it.
"How much longer do I have to do this?" I ask, feeling woozy.
He hesitates. "I've been keeping an eye on your genetic makeup and it's finally taking form the way we want. The change is almost complete and your body is accepting it. I should be able to stop giving you the injections by tomorrow."
Thank god. That's something at least. It's been weeks since we picked up the last alien—Yoongi, I think he's called. He scares the living hell out of me so I avoid him every chance I get.
I have noticed that Jungkook seems to always have him around, though. Like right now...Yoongi sits creepily staring at us from the counters in the corner. All free...all ready to kill.
He hasn't really done anything to hurt me or anyone else as far as I know but just the knowledge that he enough for me to Nope the fuck out.
Clearing my throat, I try to avoid his yellow slitted stare. I instead focus on the medic. He doesn't seem to be worried at all about the reptilian. Psycho. I don't know who's worse at the moment.
"Am I done here?"
He nods, cleaning up the mess and wiping the blood off my arm. "You are. Let me know if you begin feeling strange again."
I agree and slowly climb off the cot, stretching my muscles before heading out of the medical room. I have no idea how Jungkook handles being constantly with Yoongi. It's weird. And terrifying.
Anyway, I decide not to go back to my room and instead wander the corridors curiously. With everything that's happened, I really haven't given myself time to explore the large ship.
I mostly been spending my times in my room with Jimin or the kitchen. Here lately, Jimin as been staying around Taehyung for some strange reason. I guess they've made friends as well...
Must be an alien thing. Perhaps the fact they are use to such diversity makes it easy for them to get along with other species much easier than us humans. We suck, honestly.
"How are your injections going?"
I jump, surprised to see Namjoon standing in front of me. He just came out of nowhere...His pristine black and gold uniform giving him the air of importance he wields.
"F-fine, I guess. I should be able to stop taking them by tomorrow."
He nods. "That's good. I'm glad you are feeling much better."
We stare at each other awkwardly. I get the feeling he wants to say more but doesn't. To remove myself from the awkward, I glance out the window into the vast black space around us.
His gaze follows. "You miss your home?"
"Don't you?"
"Would you like to talk? I can listen..."
Reluctantly I decide to take him up on his offer. We really haven't spoken much. "Sure. I'd like that."
We head into the kitchen and sit down. Cups of coffee and snacks appearing between us. I do love space technology. Instant food!
I take a sip of my vanilla bean iced latte with a dash of cinnamon and sigh. My favorite. "I miss my friends. I was just about to start dating this beautiful girl named Hwasa and finish my degree." My depression flares up.
He nods. "I've always been curious about earth and their pairings. Is same sex relationships uncommon?"
"Not really. In the past it was very shunned but nowadays people have more freedom to love who they want—either gender."
"You've never felt anything for your male friends?"
I think about Hoseok and smile. "I love him but not like that. More like family."
He smiles slightly. "You speak fondly of him."
"Yeah. Hoseok and I have been—"
I notice his body tense immediately and he pales. "What did you say?" He cuts me off.
"Huh? Hoseok and I—"
I frown, unsure what the problem is. "Yes. My best friend's name is Jung Hoseok. I've know him my whole life. I miss him a lot—Are you okay?" I ask abruptly.
He coughs, wiping his mouth and avoiding my eyes. "Fine...its just..."
"Captain! We need you at the controls!" Taehyung snaps as he runs into the kitchen. "A meteor shower is headed our way and it looks bad. We will be hit."
Namjoon jumps up giving me an apologetic look. "I apologize. Let's continue this later." He runs towards the front of the ship.
I frown at my cup. Why did he seem so upset when I mentioned Hoseok? Not like he could know him or anything. It's weird.
"Hey, Jinnie." Jimin sits down beside me, stealing my cookies.
I smile as he chomps on them, his little canines sticking out. I blush when I notice a large red spot on his neck. That looks like a hickie...
"Uh, Jimin?"
Licking his lips and fingers like a cat, he looks up at me with wide innocent feline eyes. "Hm?"
I open my mouth but slam it back shut as Yoongi walks in—more like creepily slithers. He's silent, watching us as he grabs a drink and sits down. Right across from me. Ugh.
Chills run down my spine.
Jimin smiles. "Hi, Yoongi!"
My head snaps over at the hybrid. How can he be so calm?! And speak to it...
The reptilian nods curtly before looking back at me. I hate it. I want to look away but can't. He tilts his head. "You are scared of me human."
I gulp. "I-is it that obvious?"
He smiles but it's more of a cocky sneer. I hate this even more. "I know why Namjoon is upset. Would you like to know?"
I blink. "W-Why do you care?" I do want to know.
He shrugs. "There is not much else to do around here but entertain myself with the minds around me. You are most complex. I quite enjoy reading you."
I scoff, offended and feeling mentally violated. He smirks.
"Fine. Why is he mad?"
" the name of his deceased mate."

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