Chapter Seven

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Kim Namjoon

    My gaze follows after the human long after he's gone out of the room. I bite my cheek and try to ignore the weird tingly sensation just under my skin where he touched me.
     I brush it off, refocusing. The human distracted me from my task. I was planning to check on him before tending to the hybrid as well as other tedious duties suited of the captain.
     I toss my bloodied torn shirt in the disposal bin before making sure the hybrid is okay. His small human form breathing slow and even at least. It's easier to check his health vitals in a humanoid form than an animal. Jungkook is not a vet.
      Feeling reassured, I make a quick stop to my room to replace my shirt then walk briskly back to the deck, slumping down behind the controls.
     My muscles are sore and tense. Catching the Katarian was nearly impossible. We were only able to take him after he injured himself trying to escape. He had almost reached his nest high in the trees when Taehyung collided with him, knocking them both to the hard ground.
     Afterward the nightmare of dodging claws and teeth were prime focus as we caged him. I hated doing that but there was no other way. There are no other planets close enough that suits our needs.
       The door opens and I glance over to see Taehyung slowly making his way towards me. He took the worst of the damage unfortunately. Jungkook having to disinfect and stitch up a few bite marks and deep claw scratches.
     "How is the hybrid, sir?"
     I'm surprised by his concern for the creature and not himself. I sit back in my seat. "He's doing well. I'll have Jungkook begin immediate work on him in a few hours. He needed the rest."
     Taehyung nods slowly. "The much different in human form. Not as frightening and deadly."
      I smile a bit. "Perhaps in physical appearance but make no mistakes. That little hellion is smart and malicious. A true predator."
     He stares down at the floor, lost in thought.
     "I've asked Seokjin to befriend him."
     His head snaps back up. "Is that safe, Captain?"
     "I'm very aware of the situation from their side. My duty is always to our planet but...I do not take pride in kidnapping and essentially forcing these aliens into slavery life in their eyes."
      He gasps. "They will be worshipped! Not slaves."
    I nod curtly. I, myself, know his mindset but I'm thinking of Seokjin's words and feelings on this. "To them...this is hell. They've lost their freedom for a world and people they do not know nor care about. They are forced to have their bodies and very DNA altered to adjust for us. They are being offered up to those very people as breeding slaves. That is how they see it and those are the facts."
      He looks pale. "I...I never considered that perspective before. We aren't evil." He mutters, perturbed.
     "We are not evil but we also can't deny the fact that our mission is strictly benefiting our planet and no one else. We're desperate. These aliens...are to be used against their will. It's as simple as that. I understand my mission, accepted it, and will complete it but I don't have to be callus about it."
      "Do you think they hate us?"
     I open my mouth to say most likely but then I remember how are human tended to my wounds selflessly. How he looked at me... "No. I don't think they hate us."
      "My concern does still stand, though, sir. Will the human be safe around the Katarian?"
     I shrug. "He can not do much in a cage."
     "A-are we leaving him in that cage? The whole time?"
    "Do you have a problem with that?"
    "...n-no, Captain. I understand."
     I turn back towards the controls, lifting the ship out of Katar's atmosphere. Our next destination will be much harder and drastic. Katar has nothing on our next mission. "Good. Tend your wounds and go to bed. I'll summon you when you are needed again." Dismissing him.
     Without a word, he turns and leaves me alone. Alone with my thoughts. My thoughts constantly returning to the Jin.
     I've never been one to like physical contact excluding my mate. He was the only one I was comfortable enough around to let my guard down and be touched in any way. As a go through things in life not many could ever relate or understand. Situations that either break or harden you.
     Hoseok was the only one able to break that hard shell and get me to open up. His fingers are the last that have touched me...until now. I feel my own hand sliding under my shirt to touch over the gauze.
His touch has been replaced. Perhaps it's stupid to think of it like that but to those of us that have lost our closest love ones...the thought process is much the same, I'd imagine.
But somehow...their touch feels much the same. Familiar somehow.

"...Captain? Sir, are you awake?"
My eyes snap open to see blurry control panels. Sitting up straight, I realize immediately I fell asleep in my chair.
I tilt my head, cracking my neck before checking our ship's location. A weeks travel from Octavian C. Right on schedule.
     Getting up, I stretch. "Yes, Jungkook? What is it?"
     The doctor is pale and shaking, his eyes frightened.
      I frown, unsure of the situation.
     "It's the Katarian, sir."
     I clear my throat to get rid of the sleep grogginess. "What about him?"
     He hesitates, biting his lip. "He's...uhh...e-escaped."
     My eyes go wide. "Escaped? How?!"
     "I don't know but the thing is...he's holding the human captive in his room. He's demanding to be sent back to his home or he will kill him."

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