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     "I'm gravely sorry for your loss, Captain Kim."
     I studiously try to ignore the pang in my chest as the official offers empty condolences, readying my ship for take off.
    I clear my throat. "Thank you, sir. I also heard about your partner perishing as well."
      He ducks his head. "Ah Yes. He managed to make it through the final wave before succumbing. I wish you everlasting success on your mission to find suitable specimens to end this horrid war."
      I meet his gaze respectfully. "I will do everything in my power to bring back our hope."
      A ghost of a smile plays across his harsh face. "I know you will. You're the best of the best for our race, Captain. I will be sending our best medic on your journey, Jungkook. He will aide in preparing the specimens you collect as well as Taehyung, a fellow soldier and scientist. For research purposes. He can also attend the ship." He explains.
      I take in the information as I power up the engine. "Thank you, sir. I will be back within the year and hopefully find a peace treaty among our planets so we can begin repopulating our world."
     "I trust you, Captain. Do not fail us. Our lives depend on you. Every day our population is being reduced. Our children are dying along with our partners. Do not let their deaths be in vein."
      "Never, sir. I will do whatever necessary to complete this mission."
      He nods once before cutting off the communication. I glance up as the door slides open and a tall blonde man bows to me, removing his hat.
       "Captain Kim, I am Kim Taehyung here to serve you in any way fit. Please give me your orders."
      I stand up and observe him. "This journey will not be easy. We have a lot of space to cover and many planets to visit. I will need your full devotion to this mission."
       He nods. "My fathers both perished within the first wave of the toxins. I lost my partner as well. I have nothing left here but the hope for a better future. I am here to serve our world completely."
      "Very well. Go and make sure our medic is ready as well as our engineers. We'll be taking off within the next five minutes."
      I watch him go as the doors close behind him. Sitting back down in my seat, I stare out at the dulling gray landscape of our once thriving and beautiful planet now nearly eradicated by the Cedians. Ruthless and heartless in their means to ending this war.
      I try hard not to think of my pale and weak mate as he died in my arms just this morning. Of the blood signaling the miscarriage of our son soaking through my clothes. Still staining the very hands now clutching the levers before me...
      I did not cry.
     I silently honored him and our lost child until his last breath. I, too, suppose I have nothing left to live for here. No one to return for.
      My soul was shattered as I watched him leave me behind for his new journey into the next life. Perhaps he'll be waiting for me there. Wishing me to join him quickly.
      The thought makes me smile. I will finish this mission and do my best to join him. There is nothing to hold my interest here anymore once this is over. I vowed to him I'd never take another and live only for him. I meant that vow even now as he's long left me.
      I shall honor him until my own deathbed. May it come as quickly as this ship can sail through space. I'll be counting the time until we are rejoined at last.
      First, however, I will take my revenge on the Cedians for causing the agonizing death of him. They will not escape my wrath.
      One step at a time.
We shall begin our journey.

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