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❝Ink  is  a drug ❞

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Ink  is  a drug

After Jungkook left, Y/n got back home with a broken heart.

And reading Jungkook's journal made her heart clench more and shed unwanted tears.

Jungkook had written how he passed his days in rehab. And even the letters that he wanted to send, but they were never sent.

Y/n knew that he didn't receive any letter under the order of his doctors. She blamed him for no reason.

He wrote how he began to build a new life, he bought a shop. A tattoo shop under the name of "La lune" in the city, where he began to design his own tattoos.

She had wished him before to exploit his talent and he did.

He was trying to be a good person. And she was more than happy to see him trying to leave his demons in the dark.

Then, just when she thought she'd made progress on that, he came back. He came back when she was going to make a bigger effort to move on. So, that is that. The universe wants this. she wants this. And the only thing she could do is to bring him back.

Y/n spent the rest of the day searching for the location of "La Lune", and when she found it, she couldn't describe her happiness. She couldn't wait.

The door of the tattoo shop let out a beep sound, indicating that someone had open it. Jungkook was working on a new tattoo, It was early in the morning and the customers won't be any time soon. He wondered who could be coming at that time. 

He could hear the steps approaching him, it was light and small. weird. The customer didn't even bother to say hello, or to ask if anybody was there.

"Are you my daddy, my mama told me that I will find him here? " Ala mumbled, interpreting the silence shop. She looked at Jungkook with her big eyes, snapping him out of his thoughts.

A small beautiful customer.

There was an explosion in his brain. The good sort. the type that carries more possibilities than he could be conscious of, but there were hundreds of ideas there in that buzz of electricity.

He could feel it.

"Mama told me to give you this," Ala said before she gave him a bunch of papers.

And those papers were the ultrasounds of Ala. Taking the first one between his hands, he was all stunned by the black and white image. The fetus Ala.

The first ultrasound. My beautiful baby.

22 April 2020

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