31|Orphic Shadows

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Entering the keys of her apartment, she dropped her bag down the floor, not caring what was in it.

Lunching on her bedroom door, she found herself plopped on her bed, crying on her white pillow.

Just why was she crying? Is it because her life sucks ? Or was it because she damaged another one's life? 

The tears poured out from her eyes, her eyes glimmered with watery tears and she felt as if the whole world was about to crumble. She sobbed and tears flooded like the waters rushing down from a waterfall and the only time she'd stop was to fill her lungs with fresh air.

She's thinking about him, asking herself how he was after she left him, she remembered how he was looking at her.

He was hurt and betrayed.

Hurt by her, while she didn't do anything wrong. It was all because of yoongi which she couldn't understand why? Why did he do it? Was it for getting his revenge from Jungkook? Or was the reason something else? 

Sighing, y/n got up from her comfy bed towards her living room. She grabbed the notebook from her bag along with Jungkook's file, before she got back to her room, sitting on her desk.

She picked up his file and started to put it away when she grabbed the notebook when something fell down. She scooted her chair out and looked at the piece of paper.

" It's a drawing... of me "She bit her lip as she admired the masterpiece. 

It is drawn in pencil but the shading is beautiful. she looked in the mirror and then looked back down at the drawing. It looks just like her.

She wished they could meet in other circumstances, better than this. With his stable mind and feelings. A person who has control in his mind and doings.

She wished he'd be discharged soon, but the truth was the opposite, he had to spend more of his life between those four walls. Trapped no way out.

He was a prisoner in his own mind while she was a prisoner in his heart and her feelings for him. She can't deny it now. She tried to convince herself at first that those feelings were just pity for him, but her mind now is tired from doing it, she loves him. And that is what she has to know.

She can't run away from his love, she can"t escape from his love. She was a prisoner for his sick love.

A prisoner who can't let him go.

Not now. 

Like she guessed she didn't sleep a wink last night. She woke up to a pale clammy monster reflection in the mirror by the bed. Her eyes were heavy and dark. They were intensified by her pasty skin and extremely wild bed hair. She looked like she'd crawled out of the devil's pit of hell. But at least she has decided what she will do with her prisoner life.

She couldn't attempt to make herself decent. Her hair was too tangled from sweat and stress to be combed so she lazily contained the mess into a messy bun. Her skin barely regains cold from her shower and face mask that she has and her eye bags seemed to have gotten darker and bigger.

To make matters worse, she expected to stay in her bed most of the day to recuperate but she was granted an unwelcome visit from Jin when she came out of the bathroom, and the discussion she will have with him after, and taking a decision which will change her entire life.

The barriers were unlocked for his cell, making yoongi step into, all happy and proud. After hearing the last news the director of the prison told them about.

"Wake up, shit head ! " he yelled, tapping Jungkook's head with his feet, making Jungkook flinch in response.

"I got you good news Ink," he said, offering him a smile that made Jungkook shocked, wondering what he was talking about. 

"I don't need it, " Jungkook replied calmly, ignoring his eyes.

"It's good news for you " Yoongi rasped.

"Keep it for yourself " Jungkook snapped at him, a hiss came out from his mouth.

"Don't yell at me, you bastard, " Yoongi said, yanking Jungkook's hair towards him, making the other hiss too.

"I wonder what your lover is doing right now, out of this prison " Those words made jungkook's eyes locked with his, wanting to dig into young's skin.

" I wonder what she's doing, maybe laying on another one's bed? hm? Don't you think ? " he paused before he continued " Or maybe suck-" 

" stop " jungkook interrupted him, making him yanking his hair back.

"I was just wondering, why make yourself angry huh ? or were you jealous that I kissed her huh? I wonder what she felt while kissing me yesterday? " 

"I don't care, " Jungkook said looking into his eyes, assuring him. Which made yoongi smile strangely. 

"Good for you, because she'll never come back, after today. She dismissed her job today '' Yoongi said before lunching out the cell, leaving Jungkook behind, not wanting to believe a word.

Y/n walked towards the last wing of the prison for the last time of her life, remembering her first day in the prison. She just visited the director after convincing him to let her visit Jungkook for the last time before she fully quit her job, and Jimin was in the CCTV room but couldn't find him there. 

The cell was unlocked when he smelled her scent after missing it , even if it was just a day. Her steps towards him were lightly heard in his ears as her breath was.

He tried to tell himself to not be happy that she came back, he tried to convince himself that he didn't miss her, that he didn't need her. But he couldn't.

He turned his head towards her, locking his eyes with her. He looked at her teary eyes and he couldn't understand the reason she was crying.

It was calm before the storm.

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