48|Orphic Church.

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❝take me to church ❞

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take me to church

"Ala you should dress up for the church sessions" Y/n called her daughter who was reading a fairytale book in her room.

"But mama, it's so boring there" Ala mumbled.

"It's been a long time baby that you didn't come with me," Y/n said in a soft voice before she knelt down to her daughter.

Y/n was always punctual to the church sessions, it was one of the moments when she could feel peace and calm.

Just her and God.

"But mom, I want to complete this" Ala muttered, mentioning the book between her small hands.

And she was pouting.

And God y/n how much she hated the effect of this pout on her.

"Okay then, I will go but after you finish reading it. Jin will dress you up, and he's going to bring you to me. Okay? " 

Ala nodded at her mother before she brings her attention to her book again. If it was for her she would just stay at home, she understands why her mom wants to bring her along. It was to meet new people, to create new relationships with the other children who assist the sessions with their parents.

But Ana didn't want.

She was okay with herself and her uncle and mom. It was all alright.

But still, the father point made a big deal to her, and that was the main reason why she didn't want to know people. They always ask where is your father? Did he leave you? Was he dead?

It was all the questions that Ala didn't know what to answer.

Y/n pulls up into the church car park and the car bumps up and down as she drives through the gravel road. She parks and climbs out of the car into the cold wind.

There were groups of people all walking up the path to the church.

Y/n walked up the small path leading towards the large doors. It was surrounded by gorgeous flowers all different colors and trees stretching up into the sky.

After the last time Jungkook saw Y/n. He couldn't count the number of sleepless nights he had.

The image of y/n wouldn't leave his mind. He tried to forget her image, but it stayed vivid and alive in his mind.

He tried to compose himself and forget by spending time designing.

But in vain, he had to see her another time.

Y/n assisted the church session with a light heart, she caught new information every session she assists.

Y/n glanced around the people sitting beside her, it was Sunday and she can notice that there were a lot of people were there.

Suddenly, her body instantly becoming aware, every nerve ending she had come alight with his presence.

He was also sitting on the very last bench at the back of the church just on the other
side of her. He was listening intently and he was sitting there with his head tilted forward trying to get closer to the reverend.

He didn't have one spec of anger on his face anymore it has seemed to have all melted away. She would never have thought she would find him here in a million years.

When she finally overcame the shock of seeing him here finally noticed something else about him. Everyone else was sitting as far yesterday it has seemed to have all melted away. She would never have thought she would find him here in a million years.

Adrenaline floods her system, It pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. She thinks her heart will explode and her eyes are wide with fear. Her body wants to either run fast for the safety of the hills or to the crate of weaponry, but instead she remains where she is. 

Let's face it he was here.

When she finally overcame the shock of seeing him here she finally noticed something else about him. Everyone else was sitting as far away from him as possible.

They were avoiding him. He had the whole two backbenches to himself. People seemed more scared of him.

Well, a criminal always stays a one in people's eyes right?

Just at that moment, she was intently staring at him he moves his eyes over to hers as if sensing someone was watching him.

Time stopped. Her heart came to a halt. Her breath caught in her throat.

He had the same deep black eyes and tanned skin. He was still slender despite his years, toned and not at all stooped. 

His eyes flash in recognition when he sees me and his eyes turn hooded as he eyed her carefully.

And it sends a shockwave of adrenaline through her from just that stare
he looks away from her and towards the front once again. But her eyes refuse to move and she was left gaping after him her mouth fell open in shock.

Y/n didn't take her eyes off him for the rest of the session. She couldn't. He was so beautiful.

Dark beautiful.

He was intently listening to what the reverend had to say. She didn't even think he noticed that someone was glaring a hole into his head from the other side of the room.

She knew that ignoring her letters and not responding was enough to send her to hate him and go in front of him in order to hit him. But for some strange reason, the only thing she wanted is to go even closer to him.

As she stared at him for longer than she should have she started to notice some of his natural movements.

He still had the habit of continuously clenching and unclenching his knuckles and he raises his hand as if about to pull his hand through his hair but he was refraining.

She can see the ink sprawled on his skin especially his arms. Did he get more tattoos?
And his hair was formally styled, his dark locks which usually fall over his eyes are jelled back stiffly to his head.

He looked quite formal with the hairdo and his black dress pants and shirt. He was
dressed in all black that wasn't a surprise; was growing used to that color on him. She quite liked it actually it suited him. It made his black eyes stand out even more.

Y/n was brought out of her thoughts by the end of the session and those around her all
stood to take their turns going up the front.

Y/n stayed in her place, Jin had promised her to bring Ala with him to get her out. Then suddenly she felt the bench shake under her thighs as if somebody just sat down.

Instantly she snapped her head up and shock turns her muscles into ice as her eyes set on someone sitting across from me on the small bench.


She let her eyes take him in, letting them finally get their fill from being so deprived of him these last years, and just from looking at him her body becomes alert like a million buzzing bees just wired every nerve ending in her body.

"Hello, Miss Y/n" he finally announces with a dark smirk on his beautiful lips.


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