27-Orphic Truth

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"When I was a child"


He was four years old when he was standing at his father's funeral.

Jungkook watched from near, they stood at the front of the funeral. Everyone's heads were down. Maybe it was them showing respect or maybe they were too afraid to look at what was coming. The coffin was pulled from the hearse by six strong men, all wearing suits. The silence dwelled as they entered the church. It wobbled as they carried it to the front and gently placed it down.

The coffin was dark stained cherry and it was perfectly polished. It had a cushioned and silky lining. It seemed inviting. It was good to know that at least his dad was resting in a comfortable place.

Jungkook held his mum's hand the whole time. She wiped tears onto her sleeve and rested on his shoulder, but he didn't know why she was crying when he thoughts that she was the main reason for this pain. he tried to keep t it together until they passed a picture of him to everyone and that's when all the memories came flooding back like a tidal wave.

His face seemed so alive and happy and the small jungkook couldn't help but wonder what he looked like under that closed wooden box. He stared blankly at it hoping that a miracle would happen and he would rise again and come back to the world, come back to them.

But nothing happened.

 He was gone.

It's crazy how things can turn upside down for him. He sees the person every day and suddenly, they're gone and when they go, a part of him goes with them too. Who knew where he was going to end up if there even was heaven. He liked to believe that the place is inviting and calm and there's nothing but good in it.

His father that day died from a heart attack, after catching his loving wife cheating on him, in his house, basically a slut.

Jungkook that day stood there watching his father, slide down to the ground clutching his heart in pain, as he ran out from his room half-naked, leaving behind a shocked expression painted by jungkook's mom. 

It wasn't the first time she cheated, she did it several times with numerous men. She was the type of woman who spent money non stop not caring about her husband or her son.

Her own blood. 

After the death of Jungkook's father, she becomes the heir of jeon's company until jungkook will turn 18 years old, his legal age. 

As she occupied the heir's post, she didn't care about her four years son. She kept dragging men lovers to her house, most of them working in the company, in order to not grab the press's attention.

When his mother's new lover was cast out, Jungkook. They would pack, be emotional, oftentimes leave him something to remember them by. He got games, other things he had no use for. Then they were gone, another "father replacement" leaving his life for good. Then he would wait for the new one and be the good boy he was expected to be. He still recalls their names, their faces, parts of their personalities. Some were kind, others mean-spirited and possessive. But isn't that the life of a child, to be one without power or choice, always going with the change in the wind and praying for a safe harbor?

and for his mom, her job was to ignore him completely, he was raised by the maids in their mansion.

A year passed, without any change to mention, until one day. 

Jungkook didn't hear the feet shuffling behind him. He was too busy finding a glass of water in the dark. Not only had the power going out, but the child had managed to walk face-first into a wall. He grabbed the galls of water to drink and finally not feeling thirsty. But strong hands pushed him into the wall in front of him. It stung and sent swells of pain through his body. A chin rested on his shoulder, whoever it was breathing onto his ear.

Jungkook opened his mouth to ask who it was when lips clamped down on his ears. They were light at first, and then the person bit down harder. Jungkook squirmed against the wall. The teeth turned to a tongue. It slid over the rim of Jungkook's ear and caused him to cry out a bit. Two hands slid down his sides and landed on his waist, just above the hem of his jeans.

He didn't know what to do. He hoped that this was a cruel joke, a dream. The lips moved down to his neck and nipped at the tender skin. Jungkook knew this would be bad. His skin bruised so easily, he knew it would make a mark. It seemed like his captor did too. They began to suck at the skin furiously, until jungkook let out a noise of panic.

And the monster didn't stop satisfying his desire through the night, raping an angel's innocence, not caring about his mom or his age. 

But what can we say, he was a monster in a human form and who is it? He was one of his mom's fuckbodies, actually her secretary.

Jungkook thought at first if he told his mother about his assault, she might save him. She was his mom after all right?

But her reaction wasn't in his expectations, she abused him for telling such a thing, even if she knew that it wasn't a lie. She was just protecting her image.

The blonde-haired woman was a hell walking on two feet. His hell.


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