8-Orphic soul✓

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"I killed you" Jungkook's angry voice rang in the silent cell.

"I killed you," he roared for the second time.

Y/n was taken by surprise by this sudden sentence, she couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Did he kill him?

"Jungkook, what are you talking about " Y/n voiced, breathing heavily, still in his grip.

But he didn't reply. His vision was black, he couldn't see her.

He was lost. It seemed to her that he was remembering something as she could see that his mind wasn't here.

"My name is Ink, not Jungkook," he replied.

"jungkook!!" he didn't answer while she was trying to get his attention.

"JUNGKOOK" she yelled at him but he did not respond.

She can see that he's lost in his thoughts or memories? He didn't leave her another choice other than slapping him.

The sound of the slap was heard while Jungkook blinked his eyes, when his eyes met hers, those eyes didn't look the same as him, he wasn't him.

She can see the worry, the care, the love in his eyes.

It wasn't him.

He always calls him a good boy.

His grip on the knife begins to lose, letting it fall on the ground. As his hands begin to tremble, his body feels hot and sweat starts trickling down his neck.

"I'm so sorry" he mutters, backing away in a breaking voice, walking towards his bed, sitting on it hugging his knees like a lost child.

He couldn't breathe, it felt as if someone was choking him.

He could feel the sweat drench his skin, the throbbing of his own eyes, the ringing screams vibrating in his ears, and the thumping of his heart against his chest.

All that was in her mind was him.

His fingers are curled into a fist, nails digging into his palm. He can't hear his rapid breathing, but he can feel the oxygen flooding in and out of his lungs.

He's remembering him.

He remembered the corpse before him, the person he killed. Fear tortures his guts, churning his stomach intense cramps. Fear engulfs his conscience, knocking all other thoughts aside. Fear overwhelms his body, making it drastically exhausted.

Adrenaline floods his system, It is pumped and beaten like it's trying to escape. He thought his heart would explode and his eyes were wide with fear.

His body wanted to either run fast for the safety of the hills or to the crate of weaponry, but instead he remained where he was. Hugging his knees close to his chest.

Y/n on the other hand couldn't believe her eyes. she didn't want to anyway. she never saw something like that even in her worst nightmares.

She made her way towards him quickly.

"Heyy I'm sorry if I said something," she said brushing her finger through his dark hair. She knew that she woke up in his mind. She made him remember something. Something that caused his anxiety.

"I'm really sorry," she said the regret in her voice even though she was not the reason. but she couldn't see him in this state. It was her first time even with Jimin he didn't show any of this before.

She was so confused. She wanted to know the reason, but she knew that she wouldn't get an answer if she asked now.

She kept caressing his hair gently like a child who's receiving love and tenderness from his mother but he didn't stop her, she was the second person to touch him like that after his mom.

She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close, gently rubbing his arm. Despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. He sank into the warmth of her side, appreciative of the simple gesture. Her touch made the room warmer somehow, his future within its walls seems a little less bleak.

Her embrace was warm, and her arms around him seemed very protective when wrapped around his frail body. The world around her melted away as he squeezed her back, not wanting the moment to end.

She hugs him tightly like if her life depended on him, she can feel his body shaking in her chest.

Her warm hug becomes his blanket of protection, a place for his heart to beat quietly in a steady rhythm.

he could hear her heartbeat clearly, one after another. It made him calm somehow.

It's making his eyes feel heavier and heavier. Allowing the world to fade away slowly he finally closed his eyes, sending him into a deep sleep.

But now she was sure the person who's laying beside her was not the Ink.

It was jungkook.

After reading his file, last night. She was so amazed by his Disorders. It was her first time studying someone who has three disorders, which is rare.

Dr.Jimin has mentioned in the file, that he discovered him having Bipolar Disorder, the fact that explains his moods. Sometimes elevated and others irritable.

The second one was Schizophrenia, which caused distortions in his emotions, thinking, and self behaviour.

And the important one was Dissociative identity disorder, which has many symptoms. Loss of memories, having suicidal thoughts, and a blurred sense of identity. Which was the case in front of her.

Jungkook was "switching" to an alternate identity. He was feeling the presence of two or more people talking or living inside his head, and he may feel as though he's possessed by other identities.

Each identity may have a unique name, Ink including obvious differences in voice, characters, acts.

Each identity wants to be dominant over the other. Which prouve Dr.Jimin's information.

But maybe they should kiss their luck because Jungkook was trapped between just two personalities, not more.



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