38| Orphic excuse

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the demon's excuse

With eyes at rest in the way of dreams, y/n hears the quenching rain. There are drums that are windows. Clutching on her pillow, Y/n waited in the small living room. her brain couldn't believe the idea of jungkook hurting her, or even obliging her to do something sexual she didn't want to do. But the main thought that circled her brain is why he acted that way with her. what was the reason?

He was just fine that day, well she was fine with him ignoring her all day. But yeah she was fine with that.

All his ignoring changed after her meeting with her brother was fine with her because it was excepted from his personality. And here when it clicked her mind, his words when he was straddling her on the wall a moment ago. "am I not enough?" 

At that moment, her thoughts worked up like a machine without a button to stop, as the realization hit her hard.

On the other hand, jungkook walked in the rain, he can feel a sense of peace that offers to resonate with the peaceful elements of the soul. Walking among those drops is his meditation, a way to fully become present at the moment, a way to feel free.

He knew so well that she won't ever forgive him. Forgiveness is a big word for him that he will never receive and he except any reaction from her when he will come back. But the problem is will he ever forgive himself?

Guilt crashing on him was the worst feeling ever, he guessed I've found himself dumb, in the sense that her words have stopped flowing, stopped because she has shown him a new direction he never anticipated for a moment.

The sound of the door slam echoed the house, an indication that Jungkook came back while y/n felt the need to move almost without end, as if her limbs were moving the anxiety was gone, or at least she could ignore it a while. As her veins as if it hitched a ride on her blood cells. Not wanting to think more she closed her eyes trying to pretend that she was asleep. And she succeeded in her little scene.

Jungkook walked in with his head low, wanting to apologize but didn't have the guts to do so. Clenching his hands, he tried to spot where y/n is until his gaze fixed on the small figure laying on the couch. His eyes softened at the sight in front of him, as his jaw and hands relaxed.

She was like a drug to him, playing with his mind day after day.

Wanting to do something useful for her, even if it is for one time. He picked up a blanket laying it on her small pretended figure. Standing on his knees, to have a better look at her, he brushed a small amount of hair behind her ear before saying.

He loved her curves of softness. With the muscle of a footballer and the blessed fat of a baby, she was the most astonishing girl I ever met. She had safe eyes, perhaps that's the best way to say it. She had a beauty that made those billboard princesses look as paper-thin as they are, she was something robust and real. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you" Y/n wanted to be angry at him but she couldn't, instead she wanted to smile.

"Please forgive me" he mumbled one last time before he got up, sitting in front of her.

Peeking at him, she tried to not reveal herself but she stopped trying when she found him putting his head between his hands. Guilt and pain radiated from his form, and a small sniffing was heard from him, and without thinking, she spoke.

"I forgive you"

Hearing her sudden voice, she was the sweetest melody on these eyes and ears. he could wrap himself up in her words and sleep more soundly than a baby. He guessed that's an attraction but it feels so deep as if this were the start of a song that plays on and on, something so soothing to his soul. 

But his mind couldn't register what she said. Was his mind playing him or what?

Lifting his head, his gaze was met with y/n's soft one, he can feel her pity for him by the looks she gave him. They looked at each other strangely, with no words spoken.

Y/n hesitated in making the next move but after a wash of cold, she stepped from the shadows. she took the last step towards him in order to close the distance that separated her from him. When she stood in front of him his gaze drops to the floor again and she pressed the top of his head against her stomach, his sitting position allowing her to do so. HIs brain stutters for a moment and his eyes take in more light than he expected, every part of him goes on pause while his thoughts catch up.

After weeks she was able to feel his warmth again and how it radiates to her. Her fingers move slowly to his hair and she sighs when they finally feel its softness again as she brushed them through his curls, which are now a little longer than before. Jungkook relaxes against her touch as she notices how his tense shoulders gradually.

"I forgive you " her words inked his heart making him lifting his hands to hug her back, putting his head on her stomach. 

Y/n couldn't think. He was everywhere holding her tightly, softly, as if she was going to break as if he wanted to break her- a contradiction within a certainty - he needed her, and she needed him. Y/n let her eyelids flutter closed as she cautiously rested her hands on his shoulders, reaching up to hold on to him he was her support while she was his downfall.

"Thank you" Jungkook spoke, still not believing the situation he was in. she was his drug. One touch and the intoxication is instant. Whatever she wanted to do is what they'll do and there isn't a thing he can do to stop her, not that he'd want to.

Just her scent sends him into a heady trance, one that doesn't end until their bodies felt once more, just warm and snuggled in as close as two souls can be.

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