40|Orphic sheets

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❝ Cold sheets  ❞

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Cold sheets 

In the soft white-gold light of the new day, the hues of the bedroom move from impressionist pastels to brilliant pop art.

She woke up suddenly, every thought in high definition. Her eyes take in every ray of light and without a doubt, she knows she slept too long.

Though her eyes are open she can't think of why; her heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into her carotid. she strains into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady.

As realization hitting her thoughts, her brain begins to bring back the ancient events.

He left.

He left.

She didn't have to stand up and check if he was there or not, or he was just walking around in the morning rays. She was sure.

Jungkook leaving her on the naked sheets, without any word to say; She can feel the sad feeling eating her up because of hurt and disappointment somehow? But why she wasn't surprised that much?

She was kind of excepting his act. Leaving after taking the unwanted fruit; She turned her head to the nightstand near the bed to find her purse gone along with the car keys.

Did he leave her on this side of the city without any vehicle?

She couldn't understand, all the questions raining her head without the urge to stop; not caring about her naked form, she grabbed the pillow next to her, where Jungkook was laying in order to shove her head in the pillow to let her flustered state loose away.

But a cracking sound of something made its way to the floor stopped her from doing it.

Lifting her head to the side where the sound's coming, she titled her head in the confusion of what she was seeing.

It was the notebook she had gave to jungkook and get it back afterward. Yes, she can't deny the fact that she memorized and was fascinated by the way jungkook was drawing her. But what she didn't understand is what is it doing in here under jungkook's pillow.

The last time she checked, she put the notebook with baggage she came within that house. Grabbed the notebook without any hesitation. Pulling the first pages, It wasn't new for her. And that was until her heartbeat stopped beating because of what she saw.

It was a handwriting, and she was sure hundred percent that it's his.

There was a child, a loved one. He was surrounded by the love of his family one day, but day by day, this love begin to shatter into pieces.

He wasn't the child to commit bad things for his family, being energetic around his family.  He was the opposite of that, he was maintaining a calm personality, along with being a loner.

No friends to talk to.  No friends to hang out with. It was hectic for a child.

But even that, life couldn't be harder on him to take his innocence away.

It was one Sunday night when the little child felt thirsty. Sliding from his bedsheets, he made his way towards the kitchen. He knew that the maids of his elegant house wouldn't be available at that moment. So he decided to serve himself.

The child didn't hear the feet shuffling behind him. He was too busy finding a cup of water in the dark. Not only had the power going out, but he had managed to walk face-first into a wall.

Strong hands pushed him into the wall in front of him. It stung and sent swells of pain through his body. A chin rested on his shoulder, whoever it was breathing onto his ear.

He opened his mouth to ask who it was when lips clamped down on his ears. They were light at first, and then the person bit down harder. Jungkook squirmed against the wall. The teeth turned to a tongue. It slid over the rim of jungkook's ear and caused him to cry out a bit. Two hands slid down his sides and landed on his waist, just above the hem of his jeans.

He didn't know what to do. He hoped that this was a cruel joke, a dream. The lips moved down to his neck and nipped at the tender skin. He knew this would be bad. His skin bruised so easily, he knew it would make a mark. It seemed like his captor did too. They began to suck at the skin furiously, until jungkook let out a noise of panic.

And the monster didn't stop satisfying his desire through the night, taking an angel's innocence, not caring about his mom or his age.

And that's how his innocence ran away from him, making his life upside down.

Y/n couldn't finish the letter he inked in those pages without drifting her tears. One after another, she couldn't believe her eyes. The truth was showed. The reason he was personality sick was his rape at a small age.

Many scientific and psychologists confirmed that the main reason for D.I.D for people was committing sexual violence in their childhood.

Her mind wasn't believing that there are some monsters who can commit this crime, and she knew he was talking about himself, other way, he wouldn't write these notes and leaving it with her.

Turning the pages, she can see more ink sprawled it. And she can see that the ink is still fresh, it's like he just finished writing it little did she know that he stayed the whole night awake writing the other letters while watching her sleepy figure laying on the silk sheets as he inked his hearts out for the last time in the notebook before leaving.

Leaning on the mattress of the bed, she turned the pages where she can find the traces of some papers that were just cut, it was obvious for any naked eyes. Something caught her eyes within checking the pages.

It was a drawing.

In a drawing where an almost naked female body was laying on a bed, she can see the sheets were covering her private parts, with naked shoulders and bare legs and the small lights of the moon was clearly lightning up the girl.

She can tell that jungkook was too focused on drawing this piece of art, by the way, the dark hair was drawn in a soft way, focusing on every detail. It was like he was drawing something real, drawing something that was in front of him. 

And then it clicked in her, looking down at herself, the bedsheets, the position of the window.

It was all her, at night.

But it was also a way to say words that he couldn't tell and she wouldn't accept.

A Goodbye.

They say goodbye can be easy. Goodbye can shatter a soul. Yet therein exists the proof of loving bonds, when it was not.

It was still orphic.

To her.

And, To him.


Me: why are you like this jungkook ?
Jungkook: I think that i should ask u the same question?

Y/n: I'm the victim here guys!!!

Me: sorry y/n but u were the one who love him, I just made the thinh more spicy ;)

Jungkook: thanks author for abusing my personality and my empathy!

🚩If u have any questions abt the book ir anything dont hesitate to pm me on wattpad or instagram.

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