21- Orphic Revolution

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"play with fire"

Y/n was sitting in the monitor room, watching Jungkook's actions through the cameras. 

"I'm searching for his feelings all the time, but so far, nothing. He just doesn't appear to have any."

Dr.Jimin's desperate to help, caring about jungkook as he cares about all the young people he's seeing, moved by their plight and full of for their situations. 

Now he looks at y/n as if to say "So what am I supposed to do, I feel lost with jungkook "

"People cut off from their feelings or sometimes appear to have no feelings for good reasons," Y/n says before she continues.

"They've learned to do it to survive. Some of them, and this might include Jungkook, have learned to do it so well that it becomes a habit, with the result that, long after any danger has passed, they continue to hide their feelings. It becomes a way of life. You have to remember that, for some people, feelings have been dangerous."

At various points in the story, Jimin had asked him what he'd felt, what he had been feeling at the time. 

he shrugged his shoulders, looking at him as he was slightly mad, never answering his questions but always going back to recounting the practical circumstances of the story.

"My guess y/n is that his physical chest pain was a psychosomatic expression of the emotional pain encasing him, disavowed, locked away inside his chest, unprocessed. Hurting." Jimin stopped before he continued.

"I even made a long list of feeling adjectives on a piece of cardboard. After that, whenever I asked a question about his feelings, I produced this piece of card and invited him to point and say which word on the list best described what he was feeling in his chest, in his arms, in his stomach, in his legs. To begin with, he simply didn't bother to answer some of the adjectives on the list, so I acted out the meaning for him, often to him utter bemusement, my facial expressions, and bodily contortions obviously meaning nothing to him, he just stays stone-cold "

"And I tried and tried as we continued to talk, little by little, trying to unfreeze the numbness, trying to give her back the feelings in his physical body and in his emotional heart. But no response." He said, feeling guilt because he couldn't do his job properly.

"And you did that after giving him his injections ? " y/n asked while he nodded his head in improvement. 

"That's the clue Jimin, the injections you prepare for him are just damaging his mind more and more " 

"But it's the only way to calm him down and keep his other side calm " he cut her off.

"Daring to feel feelings again takes time. As you know, people only talk when they feel safe. The good thing about jungkook is that he wants to make herself better but he's just afraid to get hurt, I've seen it in his eyes, that's why he keeps pushing us away every time, which might mean that he knows something's not right, even if he can't explain what it is. But the best thing I can do is to offer him some therapy sessions out, and stop his injections '' y/n explains calmly to her friend. 

"You're stepping in fire y/n "

"Don't worry about me "

"Please be careful "

" I know what I'm doing, and I have to take permisssion from the diresctor so I can have my sessions out of the cell, I think the change of the scenery could help"

After this talk, Jimin showed her his medical file. The results of his sessions with Jimin, had shown no improvements . 

It just lasted two weeks, before he decided to stop his session after it claimed that Jungkook was showing no responses from him. Even with his last female therapist.

The forgotten one.

Jungkook lasted just one of her sessions , before he violated her.

Y/n on the other hand watched Jungkook's reactions throughout the cameras, she was thinking of another way to make jungkook behave and controle more his other side. 

She left him in his cell unchained ,after she ordered the guards to do it. 

While Jungkook stood still, not even flinching ,he was still like that. Sitting on the dirty, hard and cold floor.

He was just looking down while closing his eyes, no emotion to show. 

Y/n decided to continue her psychotherapy sessions.

At first she hesitated to do it, because he was a special patient. She never does it with a prisoner before, she thinks at first that she tried to gain his trust with simple talks, but sadly. No, she couldn't.

Jungkook opened his eyes to the sudden loud bangs of metal against metal as the guard banged his baton against the bars, waking him up. "Get up Ink. Time to move." 

He ordered and in seconds, the loud screeching of metal doors erupted as the barred doors slid open.

"Where? It's not time for my shower ?" 

" you've got sessions with miss y/n ,Now move "

Jungkook let out a sigh. Not having the right Words to say, he nodded his head before he stood up walking towards him , chained from his wrists.

Walking through the dark hallway, with the cracking sounds of his chains, he can see the other prisoners laying in their cells , throwing him some winks.

"We're proud to have you here Ink " some of them yelled from his cell.

"Of course we are , after all he's the best fucker and the best killer here" 

"With one wink, he can get a girl under him" 

On the other hand, the guards who were standing by their cells throw disgusting looks and words at his face ,while he keeps his eyes looking down.

"Like his last therapist, she was fuvking sexy to handle "

"Well, even the new girl here, she's much more sexy than her "

" Yeah, every time she passes by here, her juicy ass leaves me hard " 

"No doubt ,he fucked her too " 

" of course , no one can handle that ass " 

"I wonder how tasty she was , Ink ?" He yelled.

He hated how they talked about her, he hated how they could scan her everyday when she comes to him. 

Maybe now he was glad that he'll be the one who comes to her ? 

"What cats cut your tongue Ink ? I thought you were the one who fucked her with it ?" 

Jungkook stopped his tracks, a sly smirk painted his lips, as he turned his head to the raspy sound, looking at him with his fully black eyes.

"Well I was, and I still can. if you want I can show you, but you're lucky, as you see " Jungkook said before he lifted both his hands showing him his cuffs. 

"And before I forget, you're right she has a good juicy ass to fuck "

"Move, " the guard yelled, as he pushed Jungkook harshly, making him struggle.

"Okay, slow down, " Jungkook mocked the guard, offering him a sly smile before they began to walk. 

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