32|Orphic Care

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❝runaway ❞

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He turned his head towards her, locking his eyes with her. He looked at her teary eyes and he couldn't understand the reason she was crying.

Dusting himself off, y/n threw him something made with silk, he grabbed it by his hands, finding it a blue fabric behind the furnace. He pulled it out and sure enough eying it. It's a janitor uniform.

He lifted his head to look at y/n, thinking about what he'll do with this fabric between his hands. He understood her intentions.

"You have to wear it jungkook "

"Why are you doing this ?" He asked, waiting for her to answer, but it never came.

A silence passed as they looked into each other's eyes. 

"You are trying to free a psychopath criminal y/n? Are you aware of what you're doing? " 

"I'm fully aware of what I'm doing, just wear it before someone comes, I've already settled all things " y/n spoke referring to switching off the cameras of the hallways along with his cell when she went to the monitor's room all the way to the cell. As she took the keys of the stun-cuffs so she could free him. And it was the case.

She'd chooses this time to come, due to the shifting of the janitors in the prison. They will be changing positions after taking a pause.

"Wear it jungkook, " She muttered while he just looked at not knowing what to do.

"Why are you doing this? " 

"Look jungkook, I promised you that I'll not leave in the dark, and that's what I'm trying to do '' She said cupping jungkook's face between her palms, not knowing from where she got the courage to do so.

She slipped her hands in her pockets to take out the keys of the chains knocked on Jungkook.

Jungkook could feel the cuffs digging into his wrists and the cuffs around his ankles were nowhere to be found. From a high door came a rectangle of daylight, sending white beams to illuminate the grime and show the dust that swirled in the air. 

Looking back at her, thinking.

She did it. She actually did it for him. He can't believe his eyes. He forces himself from his thoughts and hurries to put on the uniform and clips the name tag, with the name "Jake", onto the uniform.

"Good, let's go before they can come " Y/n spoke, tending her hands to him to take.

She holds her breath as she flips the switch. She has exactly 50 seconds to make it out of this building.

Running to the hallway from the east wing to the first one, she pushed on the door praying that she would leave it open,  now that the locks are no longer in use since the power is off.

The door opens with ease and they walk quickly through the hallways.

The closest exit from there, they need to get there without being seen, and quickly. Their speed walk turns into a sprint.

As they neared the lounge they heard voices around the corner. 

Damn it.

The guards turn the corner and a lump forms in the throat. He looked down as he passed them and then suddenly one of them said something before a shouting sound was heard.

Y/n felt like the world's beginning to fade as soon as she heard the shouting, her hands were squeezed by Jungkook like he was reassuring her that he was fine.

Throwing a glance at him ,her eyes dropped on the crimson liquid which was running all along his uniform, from his shoulders, panic took over her as she looked at the wound.

He was shot.

Now that They know he's gone. It won't take them long to put the pieces together and figure out he was down there, they need to hurry.

They run as fast as they can and they finally reach the first wing, where they could find their way out. 

y/n mentioned Jungkook to climb to a car, which was hers, waiting to be pulled. 

The air inside the car turned stiff as silence engulfed the two passengers. The only source of the noise was their breathing. Jungkook lost his consciousness as soon as y/n pulled the engine, due to the huge amount of blood he lost.

Y/n looked back at Jungkook with a concerned gaze through the mirror. Just

from that, she saw the purple bruising stain his deadly pale skin, not to mention it was beginning to swell up. She stepped on the gas as she turned onto a dirt road leading to their hideout. Jungkook needed some medical attention, and fast.

As they approached their old parent's house near a cemetery, y/n slowly pressed down the break. She pulled up to the house, immediately putting the vehicle into park. 

Y/n opened the back door and scooped Jungkook up into her arms, allowing. Now that she was close to him, she could hear that he was having trouble breathing. His breath came out in a labored raspy tone, concerning the man further.

Y/n carried Jungkook over to her old bed, with his little help after gaining his consciousness again, laying his fragile body down onto the blankets. As soon as his back felt the soft sheets, he lost consciousness once again.

Y/n had hoped to find him some clothing that wouldn't be too small on his huge form but unfortunately, the only things she came across were sweatpants and a gigantic hoodie. That was the best she could do right now and just went with it.

Folding the clothes into a neat pile, she set them onto the edge of the bed. It would be right there in case jungkook woke up while she wasn't in the room. Quickly jogging downstairs, she fetched an ice pack, a couple of towels, a cup of water, and some painkillers. Y/n hoped that she could reduce the swelling as much as possible so that he would be comfortable with swallowing the pills. 

Taking the items upstairs, she was greeted by the same sleeping guy on her bed, as she began to do what she'd learned from her brother on his shoulder.

Sighing softly, she placed the things onto his coffee table, then pulled them to the bedside. Sitting down on the chair beside it, he placed the towel-wrapped ice pack onto her neck, and let it rest there while she began to do what she'd learned from her brother on his shoulder.


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