6- Orphic Past ✓

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Warning angst ⚠️


He was just a six years old boy, enjoying his time.

What could he enjoy ?

Playing right?

And that's what he was doing;

He was playing with his new friend in his little basement. It was a little cat , he was chopping his friend's toes with his favorite knife.

he was tying his friend to the table in his small basement.

The basement was soundproof; the strange screams for help were useless as started cutting all the toes off of his body.

He looked amused at the little cat.

For those who've never heard a cat scream, well the sound is unforgettable - a piercing, multisyllabic that shocks the senses and demands your undivided attention.

This screaming can wake you from even the deepest sleep.

And most importantly, it can scare the crap out of you and other cats alike. It's a gut-wrenching, primal sound, and cats use it to convey a wide pain.

This cat screaming sounds a lot like a human screaming, except a bit more urgent and desperate, kind of like something out of a horror movie. The sound rises and falls in intensity like crashing ocean waves, but this one is sudden and shrill, the equivalent of a human yelling,you can feel the pain and the fear of the little kitten.

but those painful sounds were music to the Ink's ears.

The veins of the cat's neck were popping out now because of the pain and screaming.

The psycho got an idea from that view.A smirk creeped on the psycho's lips. He traced the line of the veins with his knife. That made the kitten screams even harder.

It wanted to Run away to Hide but the fear took over it, it freezes in place.

" You got a really pretty neck vein that I can cut into a Kitten !"

" you couldn't have normal life without toes anyways and I didn't really asked myself so... bye honey we will see each other in hell "

With that he placed the knife in the line of the neck of the poor cat , then he pulled a bit on the knife and slowly started to cut it in half.

"Did you feel it was a kitten ??" he said, grabbing the head of the little animal by his little hands and then throwing it away.

The head was flattened. Fresh blood spread over the asphalt and soaked into the fur it touched, matting it together.

The animal was as cold as the ground it lay on. It lay on its side, eyes open but unseeing, its mouth slightly open, a fat purple tongue hanging out.

Not taking too much time ,flies buzzed around its corpse, a swarming mass of insects nearly covered its whole body. It lay at an unnatural angle, legs splayed out and it's back painfully arched. It looked as though someone had just tossed the deer aside like an unwanted rag doll.

It almost did look like an inanimate object. That was of course if its intestines lay coiled beside it.

After he was done with his job he cleaned his knife and body and went back to the cat's side. He traced his fingers across its face and placed a kiss on the dead cat's forehead and whispered.

" I really liked you . It's just that I like you better when you are dead "

✓ ORPHIC INK | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now