17-Orphic Reality

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The metal barriers of the cell were unlocked.

Y/n stepped in with slow steps, walking towards him.

She noticed another metal cuff was wrapped around his other ankle.  She looked down to notice a rope knotted about a hundred times around his wrist to prevent him from doing something again.

The rope was digging into his skin, blood dripping out non-stop.

"Jungkook ?"

He didn't answer either move. So she got closer to him and decides to bend over his bed which was on the floor, to pull the covers down and let the air enter this confined space that could suffocate him in his unconsciousness. 

She's starting to get seriously frightened.

"Jungkook .." she passes her fingers through his hair to brush some strands away from his forehead, oddly sweaty, more than what it should be given the temperature in this room.

he's not moving from just an inch. Since he's not giving any signs of life she slightly
shakes him up. "Hey Jungkook, wake up now."

Holy fuck.

His body moved at her touched the same way as what a dead one would have done it.

She thinks she's having a panic attack, her heart is punching her so hard that she cannot even breathe properly at the sight of him not giving any signs that he's just asleep.

"Jungkook ..Please wake up.." she choked up on her words as she's trying everything possible to get him back to consciousness.

A deep and sharp inhale comes from him as his eyes opened, his body startled by a sudden reaction to it.

"Jungkook!!" She throws her arms around his and holds his body against her, as tight as ever.

Relieved like never before in her life, for a second she could have died from a.heart attack if he wasn't answering her.


"what the fuck are you doing now stupid ! ?" he asked with the use of his angry voice, passing through his dry throat.

"What's wrong?!" She moved her head back to look at him into the eyes, with which she can barely see clearly from all the water blurring them to then wet her cheeks. 

She slides her hands to his feet and begins to check on his ankles. But she noticed that on his both wrists were scars. Not the old ones that he used to try to kill himself or trying to find a feeling.

But it was all new.

"Did they use the electric cuffs on your wrists?" The black-haired asked, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Just leave, I don't need your fucking pity " he snapped at her angrily, but the suborned girl in front of him didn't give a fuck about his words. 

"Do you remember how much Volts they shot you with ? " she asked when she remembered Jimin's words yesterday.

He gave her a small device that can control the electric shots so she can use it if anything went abnormally. Just in case.

" I don't care, and I think that it's your job to know that, not me " he mumbled to himself.

"Jungkook I've seen the real you, don't act like this right now" she raised her voice at him.

"You haven't seen the real me yet," Jungkook said and with an edge pushed up, scrunching his one eye up, making the brown appear black. His lips parted a centimeter, making it seductive to her. Yet the fake smile on his pristine face made him appear all too arrogant.

His form was lifted from the ground, he managed to lift himself up even when his hands were still dripping out blood.

In no time, y/n found herself pushed on the wall, being trapped by two strong inked arms. The black-haired girl began to shiver between his arms, causing a light chuckle from Jungkook.

Using his bloody fingers, he lifted her chin up, making her eyes meet his.

She looked into his eyes, but it was like nothing was there to behold. An endless depth of ink, sorrow, and pain. She could not see the whites of his eyes nor the vessels that flowed through them. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by his lips meeting hers roughly.

Arching her back as she broke the kiss due to utter disturbance in her insides.

He loved it. He truly loved it.

"S-stop! Please stop!" Her breath was uneven when she begged.

"What. You never did this with anyone before?"

Knowing this was her first, he still asked. She shook her head with eyes closed and a heaving chest. "Don't worry. You'll get to know everything. Soon." He smirked widely as he licked her earlobe.

A tear left her eye as she turned her face to the other side. He made her quite so quick, threatening again. He stripped her blouse.

A harsh moan left her shaky lips. Her soul was too distracted. The feeling was killing her. Her heart was disturbed suddenly.

He smirked.

She continually rolled her head and felt thousands of knots, tieing with a great velocity inside her. The men grabbed her shirt and tore it apart, revealing her cleavage completely. Revealing her blue bra with breasts, a bit large. His favorite-sized shape.

She flinched.

She was embarrassed badly. now she was exposed, completely. In Front of someone who asked for her body.

When she tried to cover herself with her hands out of embarrassment, Jungkook saw it, he saw the fear in her eyes, but what can he do? He was a monster.

"You are a monster " 

"I'm not " 

"Look at her eyes Jungkook " 

"I'm a monster, a Sin " 

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