13-Orphic Wings ✓ .

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"Did you inject him the medicine  y/n ?"

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"Did you inject him the medicine  y/n ?"

"Yeah, I did " 

"Here I bought you a strawberry cake, " she said, putting the cake on the table.

Jungkook was laying on his bed watching the white ceiling, lost in his own mind, watching the ceiling. 

He didn't answer her, instead, the silence has. Actually, he couldn't understand her deal. Was she not a psychotherapist? If it is.

When the hell she will start her session as the other one do. When she was here trying to get close to him and get his trust.

The silence caressed their skins like a cool summer breeze, smoothing their souls, taking away her jagged edges. It had been one hell of a rough day.

He was still looking at the white ceiling ignoring all her tries. "Aah," she sighed and began walking towards him until she found herself stopped in front of him.

" You Don't want it ?"

"Maybe you like chocolate ones ?"


She kneeled down to him, tapping his arm with her slim fingers. Witch made him growl at her face. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I just want your attention here, it's rude to ignore you know? "She answered him briefly. 

"Can't you just fuck off and let me be, for a little moment? '' Jungkook rolled his eyes bored before letting the cake slip from the table down the floor with a loud thud.

"I'm sure you can do better than this doctor," he said, mocked her before turning around and walking towards his bed. "You know I've been living here for years, and you are not welcomed here "

Her shoulder dropped. yes, of course, no one had brought him cakes before for sure but why calling her unwelcomed.

She wanted to get closer to him and make him like her. or at least accept her.

She knows that what she was doing was not because she had to. but she wanted to because she saw the real him. She knows that he was protecting himself from people by doing this. He was protecting himself from getting hurt again.

Jungkook bit his lip, eyes everywhere but on y/n.  Then she moves closer with those eyes that look so deeply into his own.

His breathing becomes softer, the pensive look melting into a smile as soft as the morning light. His body squirms just a little as his muscles relax. There is something about that gaze of his he'll never find in another woman.

"what do you want me to do?" She muttered.

"Just f-" Just then the electric sound of the metal door interrupted his sentence.

Lifting their heads to see who it was, they were welcomed by the new guard Areum and Dr.Jimin, she wasn't a new one she was just transferred to guard his room against another one.

"The director wanted to see you, Dr. Kim," Areum said. Eying Jungkook, in a seductive way, a smirk appeared on her face. 

Seduction was what Areum did best, moving into a person's personal space with just the right look of heat in her eyes. 

She didn't just look at a man, she looked into him as if she knew his desires. With the kiss came the smooth touch of her body, poised, just the right blend of relaxation and tension.

Her gaze was still on him, he feels it too, he knows what her intention was, but he ignores it with a sly smile on his face, she wasn't the only one who tried to seduce him after all.

But the thing that she doesn't know is his other personality begins to wake up.

" the director ? " she breaks the silence.

"Yeah " Areum responded. 

She nodded before she started walking towards the door with Areum on her side, leaving Jimin there along with Jungkook.

"Jungkook, can l ask you something?" he looked at him feeling the nervousness building inside of him, not knowing what to expect.


"What happened yesterday?"

At this question, Jungkook froze. He didn't want to remember anything from yesterday but after he asked him that, the memories started to flood in his mind. He could feel the lump forming in his throat but somehow managed to ask him something.

"And why do you want to know ?"He smiled at him. 

"Why do I want to know? Maybe because I heard you screaming and crying yesterday and got concerned.Or maybe because I have been here long enough to know that very few criminals are treated like that. Or maybe because I simply care for you. " he slightly raised his voice at her.

Can he trust him? Did he really care about him? What if he was lying? Various questions started to pop up in his mind.

But the answer is no.

Jungkook smirked at the other male in front of him as a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and tilting of the head. It was so subtle, it was even more infuriating for Jimin who caught a glimpse of it after making the foolish mistake.

"You care ?" Jungkook said.

"Yess," He said, feeling the atmosphere changing.

"Can you just drop the mask, I know what all of you are searching for? Plus, we've already talked about that a thousand times, doctor" Jungkook said.

" Look, Jungkook , I am sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude but I really want to help you. The problem is that I don't know-how, so at least let me listen to you, tell me what happened and I will try my best to make you feel bet--"

"Leave me alone you freak !!" he interpreted, making him look at him speechless. 

"Leave" he demanded for the second time.

"If it is what you wish for then " He spoke before leaving.

After all, waking up a monster from his sleep wasn't an easy thing to do.

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