33| Orphic Questions

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Jungkook woke up, wincing. At first, he panicked because this wasn't his call, but then remembered the events of last night, which he couldn't manage to understand. 

How y/n managed to plan it all? The janitor's uniform, the cameras, and the car waiting outside.

he sat up weakly, an ice pack falling from his neck and he winced when the, now warm, pack landed on his legs. Her throat aching as if he had been coughing non-stop. He checked around, looking for anybody. He slipped out of the bed. He saw clothes that looked like they had been folded neatly, on the floor - he must've knocked them off.

He felt the still damp clothes on him and presumed that they had been out there for him to change into, so he stripped off quickly and pulled the new clothes on.

What was the last time he wore something comfy? Other than the prison clothes? 

He folded up his wet and muddy clothes before leaving the room quietly.

Her soft voice ringing in his ears probably? talking on the phone, coming from downstairs where he decided to walk.

Y/n's attention snapped as she heard the sound of large steps coming from the stairs, as she ended her phone call, saying goodbye to the other one in the line.

What will be his reaction after what happened last night? 

The thought sent shivers down her spine as she walked through the house to the sound of his steps.

"You are awake," she said as soon she laid her eyes on his form. "As you can see '' he responded shortly, referring to his body.

Y/n on the other hand ignored his sarcastic action, narrowing her eyes to his injured shoulder.

"How's your wound ?" She asked as he looked down at his arm, responding with simple words, not bothering to thank her.

"Good " y/n nodded in response.

Silence filled the room as they looked at each other, not knowing what to say next. "Where is this place located ?" He asked, interrupting their silence. 

"It's my grandparents' old house" she paused before she continued. " It is located so out of the city a little bit, if you can see from out the window, there's a cemetery out there, people are rarely coming here" she explained.

" So we'd have freedom, but you have to take your precautions by wearing a disguise" At this last word left her mouth,jungkook's attention snapped at her.

"So what was changed after all your doings, huh ? " he paused before he pushed himself more " I have to disguise myself if I want to walk out the door? " 

"I must stay here, being stuck with you in this fucking old house " as every single word leaving his mouth, there's a knife digging into y/n's heart.

While he knows it well too.

Even with a stabbed heart, y/n couldn't be angry at him or snap at him in any way, even if she sacrificed her life and career just for him. 

"Also why are you doing this, once you're all caring and then leaving afterward?" His gaze was so cold yet so mysterious. His mesmerizing eyes held so many secrets. Secrets that were yet to be unfolded.

Y/n felt herself being stripped under his hunting gaze which left her innocent mind hardwired.

But the main reason, it's that She scared him. 

She scared him because he knew she was taking down all the walls he had placed. He knew that she was already working on gluing back the broken pieces of his heart. She was the one that would make you envy the moon and the sun.

"I didn't leave you " 

"You did leave my other side, no? Don't you think so? " 

"No, you've got to believe in your true self, not the other one. I need you to trust the real you " she whispered locking her eyes with him 

"You haven't seen the real me yet." He whispered coldly.

"Well, then why don't you show me." She whispered softly as he seemed to feel calm after such a long time. It was as if she knew the magic to peace. He pulled her into his tattooed front as she looked at him in shock. Y/n tried to pull back from him, but he refused to let go of her.

"Let me show you then y/n " He mockingly said as y/n stood there pressed against him. She tried to release herself from his hold, remembering where the professional line stood even with the nagging that occurred through her body while he pressed his plump lips on the surface of her soft neck.

The girl could feel her sanity lines fade away along with her ability to handle hearts. He stroked his tongue over the crook of her neck before nipping and sucking the area.

It didn't occur to her as he managed to tip her over the leather couch. His gaze greedily ran over her pure figure before he wrapped his hands around her ankles.

Her azure orbs widened as her untouched core was ignited for need when he came in contact. Her honey dripping core was begging for him to come to eat out of it. Y/n immediately peeled her back off the leather couch.

"Stop it Jungkook ." She whispered as he smirked before taking a seat on the leather couch she was laying down on.

He crossed his leg over his other before indicating y/n to sit in the seat across from the couch. Taking the hint, she quickly postured herself in the chair.

"Can you define love for me ?" He looked at her emotionlessly. It was clear in his eyes that he had loved someone just as much she loved her family, if not more.

"Is this existing anyways? " he whispered down to her. 

"Well, it does, want me to show you where you can make it alive ? " y/n asked, waiting for his response, but looking at his hesitant looks, she got up towards him.

Lifting his hand by her small ones, she puts them on his left side's chest. Placing his bump on his heart where he can feel the non-stopped bombs.

"From here you can feel your love " y/n spoke before leaving him standing hanging there while looking at his hand on his heart. 

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