37| Orphic freedom

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Freeing demons

Y/n flinched as he strode towards her, bearing down on her, she tried to move away once again but he'd already caught her-the last thing she saw was the dangerous look in his eye before he wound his arms tightly around her waist and pressed his lips forcefully against hers.

"Kiss me " jungkook breathed out still kissing when he noticed that she's not kissing back, still grabbing her forcefully from her hand which makes her show pained facial expressions.

"Am I not good enough? " Sharp shards ram into her chest as these words pass his lips. So much pain and so much exhaustion are hidden behind them that they make her wonder what else he had to go through in his life to be so broken.

She couldn't understand him, perhaps Jungkook is simply too good at overacting everything, hiding his emotions behind a mask that has so far only shown his good sides. Y/n stopped her angry raining thoughts by her own action.

A loud slap echoed the small room, making Jungkook stumble back on his feet, waking him up from his nightmare, while he can feel his left cheek stinging as well as her arms, where she can see clearly the red traces from his hold begin to darken. Looking at him with angry eyes that were his pain untold, and he wished he would speak it.

And in the next moment, it is completely silent in her house, his deep breathing the only thing that cuts the silence.

She felt him looking around the room before he slowly made his way to the bed. He groaned in frustration, plopping down on the bed and when she looked up at him from the floor, she saw him taking his face between his hands, his elbows supported on his knees. 

She doesn't know why she's such a person, but it breaks her heart to see him so devastated despite everything he said and did. 

One look at the floor, torn rose petals, glass panes, and a few pieces of clothing are scattered on the parquet floor so that there is almost no room to walk through without having to scrape your feet. She wiped the few tears that have managed to flow down her cheeks and kneeled down to pick up the broken pieces. To be honest, she has no idea what she's doing or why cleaning up is so pushing her at this moment.

Her vision became blurry with more tears and she struggled to perceive everything in front of her as she started picking up the shards in her free hand. The events of the last minutes flash before her eyes and soft sobs together with light sniffling leave her lips. It breaks her to pieces like these shards, but no one picks her up to glue her back together and despite this, her thoughts are still only about Jungkook.

She can hear all the screams in her head and she tries to make sense of everything until a sharp pain is what pulled her out of her thoughtless state and she saw thick drops of red liquid falling from her index finger down to the floor and onto the rose petals, somehow merging with them. She hissed and let all other shards fall from her hand to stop the bleeding. 

Jungkook bends down next to her 

and just as he is about to take her hand into his, she pulls it away so quickly that he flinches and pulls his hand back again.

He just stands there for a few minutes, hovering above her and she can feel his eyes on her, but she doesn't look up at him. It wasn't the anger that didn't let him touch her but the pain and the fear of what her eyes were witnessing a few minutes ago. She's not necessarily afraid of him, she knows he would never touch her let alone hurt her physically, but it is just unexplainable.

Soft whimpering leaves his lips as if he had now realized what he had done. As if he had not been with himself, as if someone else had controlled his body. It was the rage that pulled him up by the ropes like a puppet and destroyed everything, before she heard a loud slam making her shiver from her place, indicating his leaving.

After getting up, she walked like a zombie to the window, the cold sneaking through the curtains gave her shivers. She froze when she noticed Jungkook making his way to the forest as the sky was still raining her tears. 

Watching his back walking, she couldn't stop herself from checking him out, tall, athletic, with perfectly defined legs and

an ass to die for. His face has a Greek aura, with strong cheekbones and a beautifully shaped nose. His lips are full and look wet all the time. 

Jungkook walks with determination as if he knows exactly where he is going. He passed a small wooden bridge and the cool breeze of the night became present while the dark clouds swallowed what was left of sunlight. While y/n hugged herself asking a silent question to him.

Where was he going in this darkness?

Jungkook made his way towards the cemetery and to say that the cemetery looks horribly creepy is not enough. The dark clouds hide a semi-black sky and lightning flashes the graves.

Emerging his thoughts in the dark of the cemetery, rain while pouring at him. How can he do it? When was his mind when he grabbed her forcefully asking her to kiss him back or should he say forcing her to kiss him back.

But he was glad for one thing though, the slap he received from y/n was the only thing that made him stop himself from going any further. He still remembers the bruises forming on her hand because of his stronghold, the image of him crying, asking him to stop never left his mind.

He hurt her and he was the one to blame.

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