𝟏.𝟏 | Orphic Opening✓

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hello world

8:50 Am

The bedroom was bathed in the soft, white-gold glow of the new day, and the colors shifted from pastel hues to vibrant pop art.

She exuded an inherent sweetness that was undeniable. Her eyes were like dark pools that drew people in, much like her insatiable sweet tooth. Her skin was flawless and ivory-toned, a testament to her daily self-care routine. Her long, dark hair flowed effortlessly past her shoulders as she sat at the breakfast table with her parents.

Despite being grown adults with separate lives, the family gathered together on this Sunday morning, much to their parents delight. Jin greeted Y/n with a smile and a warm "Good morning" as he sat down beside her.

He held her tightly, but y/n gently reminded him of her fragility, causing him to release his grip with concern. She playfully teased him about being a "big bag of muscles," and he responded with a smile and a pat on her head.

Their parents arrived with plates of food, ready to be devoured. Jin couldn't resist a playful quip about finally satisfying his hunger, and his father teased him about still relying on his parents for breakfast despite being a grown man and a doctor.

Even the elders have their way of teasing.

"Sometimes I wonder how you managed to earn your degree from Oxford," Jin's father quipped as they all sat down at the breakfast table.

Jin responded with humor, "Thank you, but I'm still your only son."

His father gave him a serious look and asked, "And?"

"Stop it, Dad. It seemed to me like you don't love me anymore," Jin teased back, clutching his heart.

"You know I love you both equally, child," his father scolded him, but couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"Alright, enough teasing for now," Jin grinned at his dad.

They ate their breakfast in peaceful silence until y/n's father interrupted with a question, "Y/n, you'll be transferring today, right?"

She nodded in response, and her father expressed concern, "Isn't that a little dangerous for you? You could just work at your brother's hospital, right?"

"No, Dad. I love my job as a psychotherapist, and I can't work at the hospital," y/n replied firmly. Her parents knew how independent she was and how fiercely she defended her work and life choices. She had achieved her dream of having a cozy yet elegant apartment in the city and practicing her profession.

Her parents knew better than to interfere with her work or she would get angry and object in every way possible.

10:00 Am

The moment had arrived.

This was the first time she was meeting him, assigned as his psychotherapist.

Normally, her patients would visit her in her office, but this was different. He was a criminal, and she had to provide therapy in his cell.

Transitioning into prison therapy was a new and different experience for her, and she was nervous. She wanted to provide quality care but also needed to be cautious.

and being chosen to therapy a criminal was a dream come true for her, and something that every therapist she knew wanted to do. She had been selected by her professor Dr. Martin Lorenz because she was the youngest and the most skilled psychologist in her college. She had studied criminal psychology for five years, followed by a bachelor's in criminal justice and a degree in Forensic psychotherapy.

Her hard work had paid off, and she was confident in her abilities to do this job. She earned her Psy.D. after completing five years of study, which included research and clinical hours. This was the longest track to becoming a therapist, but the job prospects were the best, as it was the highest credential one could earn.

Her degree in Forensic psychotherapy took her two years to complete, and it was her favorite because it focused on the treatment of offender-patients who had committed violent acts against themselves or others.

Y/n believed that she was up to the challenge.

The moment of truth had arrived.

And even after the discussion y/n had with the director of prison Kim-Namjoon. She was terrified at first.

But she took it as a new challenge. He was a criminal after all.

Her new patient is a killer, who goes by the name "Ink ".

Aged 29 years old, with seven kills.

He killed four old men. And three girls who were aged between 19 and 25.

Their bodies were found lifeless and tortured to death. And there was something relating to all of his kills, they were all marked with "INK" dug into their soft skins. 

After Kim-Namjoon showed her the pictures of their bodies, she noticed that all the girls were young and shared likely the most appearances. Blonde hair and hazel eyes.

The same shade of eyes for each one.

Yet, she couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't want to anyway. It was horrific, he never saw something like that even in her worst nightmares.

But that was only because her brain always woke her up before such a horrific image covered her mind.

"Here is the file of the prisoner, it contains all the information about him and his victims, along with the disorders he has, and the medicine we are using on him" The doctor of the case Jimin, informed her before he gave her the files. Y/n took the files and began studying them, trying to comprehend everything about the patient before she met him. As she went through the pages, she saw that Ink had been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and dissociative identity disorder.

Why does she feel like he was a rat between their hands?

"Check them before you meet him, and a guard will be assisting you so we can register your fingertips in the system, in the order you can easily enter his cell" y/n nodded her head, taking in his words.

This was the beginning of her journey as a prison therapist, and she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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