20- Orphic Realization

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"too late"

After shooting him the injection, his sleepy body was on the ground. He was unconscious for six hours, laying on the floor.

Y/n came up with a tray of food, as she inserted the code into the program to open the barriers of his cell, the memories of last time rolling through her mind like rain.

Her fingers begin to tremble, as the tray between her hands.

She couldn't erase that memory, she doesn't want to anyway. His dark eyes glaring at her as his strong grip on her neck, gripping it with so much power. She was on the verge of dying, and by whom? By her patient, who was her first person to think about every morning she woke up.

He was her first priority.

But what he showed her in return?

Her worst nightmare.

She was thinking that she was the main reason for what happened. It was her fault for making his other side show up.

The injections they give to him have a big effect on keeping his menstrual side inside, damaging his brain day after day.

What would happen if she didn't have his injections the next time? Will she be his next target?

The thoughts are accelerating inside her head. She wants them to slow so she can breathe but they won't. Her breaths come in gasps and she feels like she will blackout. Her heart is hammering inside her chest as it belongs to a rabbit running for its skin.

The cell spins and she squats on the floor, trying to make everything slow to something her brain and body can cope with. She feels so sick.

Her thoughts stopped as her eyes fell on the scene in front of her.

His state stabbed her heart deep. She couldn't take her eyes off him, yet it was so much for her to take.

Blood is still covering his sleepy body, it is dripping out from his tied ankles.

It was a tight tug on his wrists and ankles.

She looks down to notice that he has a rope knotted about one hundred times around his wrist to prevent him from escaping.

She couldn't take the scene in front of her.

She was pitying him.

She put the tray on the dusk ground, proceeding her way to the boy sleeping who's giving her back to her.

Before she could step further towards him, his raspy voice stops her.

"Leave me alone "

Managing to find the words to spill from her mouth she speaks "you have to eat something "

"Don't worry the medicine is enough for me"

"Please jungkook " she spoke, pursing her lips a bit more, hurt showing in her voice.

Turning his head to lock his eyes with her. His empty eyes fell on her neck, where the red marks left from his hands last day.

Disgust, he kept his gaze off him, he couldn't bear to look her way, because if they made eye contact he thought he might vomit. Disgust.

Total disgust.

The guilt was like poison in his guts. His insides died slowly in the toxicity, needing no more than a spark to set it ablaze.

On the other hand, the realization hits y/n hard, she begins to cover the red marks, with her collar, pulling it up. Even with the hug makeup, she put on this morning to cover it, yet, it was still showing.

Jungkook lifted his hands slowly to brush his fingers on the red bruise, causing a light hiss from y/n.

He was taken back by her reaction, causing him to back away from her, as a single tear rolled down his left cheek.

"I'm sorry " at these words, his tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down his face. He felt the muscles of his chin tremble like a small child.

There is static in his head once more, the side effect of this constant fear, constant stress he lives with. He hears his own sounds, like a distressed child, raw from the inside. It takes something out of him he didn't know he had left to give.

That's the way it is when people are hard. It's like theft of the spirit, an injury no other person can see.

Y/n looked at him with her eyes full of pity and sadness.

"Don't cry Jungkook '' she said as she circled her arms around his shoulders, causing him to back away from her for the second time.

"Don't touch me, " Jungkook says under his breath.

Y/n decided to let him be for a while, she knows that the true Jungkook who's now, in front of her, is disgusted by himself.

The silence's filling the dark cell,as the two young humans are sitting on the disgusting cold floor.

"Is she dead ?" Regret washed over him like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. Each wave was icy cold and sent shivers down his spine.

"No she was transformed to the main hospital, to recover from her wounds " y/n explained as the guilt sat not on Jungkook's chest but inside his brain.

What he had done he could not un-do.

He could make amends in subtle ways, but the confession was out of the question, even to his priest. Only in his silent prayers could he speak his heart to God and beg for His mercy.

He didn't feel like he deserved the love of Jesus Christ but he clung to it and hung the shreds of his sanity on it. He prayed that one day he would feel removed from his sin, washed clean of it, but the guilt was a stain on him, an ugly scar. He had to believe in redemption and rebirth.

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