11-Orphic envy ✓ ○

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Little did they know that they were watched, he was watching what was happening in Jungkook 's room through the monitors of CCTV in his cell.

The person watching them was fuming inside.

The two of them are so close, he never let anyone close to him this much. Even talk.
He didn't talk to anyone.

He didn't like the view in front of him. He was feeling a wave of mysterious feelings.

It envies him.

A wave of jealousy, this feeling comes and goes in an instant. In an instance, there will be a surge of emotions such as anger, rage, and envy.

His rage held all the power of a wildfire, you could practically see the flames roaring in his eyes, ready to ignite anything he came in contact with.

This feeling is insane, it makes him insane about her. He creates a rage in his heart. He was attached to her.

He couldn't tear his eyes off them, he was seeing true love and at the same time deep hate towards them.

It was so much for him to take.

✓ ORPHIC INK | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now