35| Orphic Truth

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❝memories ❞

Waking up feeling his warmth disappear, made her heart shatter into pieces. As soon as the sun peeked through her sheer curtains, y/n pulled herself from her cold sheets towards the washroom.

Jungkook was nowhere to be found this morning, after giving her care and love to him the night before, she was sure that he would leave her the moment he woke up the next day. It was like a strategy for him to leave after loving someone while he was loyal to this strategy.

She did the quick work of running a bath for herself. She quickly pulled herself a beige lace top to pair with her classic pair of denim jeans. Quickly running her fingers through her natural mocha waves, she applied her classic vanilla balm before heading downstairs to make something to eat.

Grabbing a spoon filled with the prodigy, she couldn't stop thinking about him. Thinking about his thoughts after waking up next to her this morning before he left her side. She was just wondering if he was terrified or angry towards her, but most of it is the reason for his nightmares. But fate interrupted her thoughts when she heard the door slammed, here when she couldn't stop herself from asking.

"Are you feeling better ?" She spoke not wanting to lock her eyes with his, knowing their scary effect on her.

But silence followed her question, knowing him better that he will not accept her comfort or her pity from her. 

Deciding to break the unbearable silence, she threw at him the question which troubled her thoughts long ago. 

"Can you tell me why Yoongi hates you so much? Why did you do that he wanted to kill you that day ?" 

Jungkook let out a deep chuckle, not locking his eyes with hers, the fact that made her look at him wondering what he meant.

"Why ? " she asked again.

"You are so dumb " he spoke scoffing at her while she eyed him in confusion, "I think that you have to recompose your question dear " He paused before he continued "the real question is what did you do to make him hate me? " 

Y/n looked at him in confusion" What do you mean? " 

"He hates you not me " At his words, her confusion grows more than ever.

"Why would he hate me? I didn't do anything to make him feel like it, what's the reason ??" 

"Your presence " his short answer irritated her more than the situation she was in right now. "Please explain "

Jungkook scoffed for the second time this day, he couldn't stop himself from making fun of her in this situation, her ignorance made him wonder if she was that innocent.


"I don't know why are you insulting my mind right now while all I demand you, is to explain to me what do you mean by your fucking words " 

"So... we are cursing right now ?" He spoke smirking at her, showing his interest in her change of mind and mood.

"I'm not in the mood right now Jungkook, please explain! " 

"Well, what should I explain first the fact that he hates you because he's jealous of you or " He paused before continued, tapping his fingers on the table " the fact that your co-worker likes you "

"He's jealous of me? W-what ?" Y/n glances upward, her mouth pursed but slightly open and loose. Her eyes are fixed as if she's looking at something a yard behind his head.

"What, you still didn't get the hint? " 

"What do you mean by my co-worker? Like me? Is it Jim-" her brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than she expected, every part of her goes on pause while her thoughts catch up. 

Shock brings a quietness within, a moment to feel her emotions change gear and girder her soul for what is to come.

"Good girl " he cut her before she could say his name, not wanting to hear his miserable name anymore.

"And why yoongi's j-jealous ?" at her words she realized the meaning of his words. 


Understanding the fact that yoongi has feelings for Jimin while his lover's not interested in him. She couldn't stop herself from feeling sad and pity for him because she understood this feeling so well. The feeling of having one-sided love, not being able to share your love with the other side, and the fact that he's watching to silence the situation.

The feeling of being unwanted.

"So h-he's " she muttered under her breath, in intention to his sexuality, still washed with the shock.

"Yes, he is " Jungkook confirmed to her, before he got up, walking towards the small hallway to the stairs, leaving her alone to deal with the new information.

Not mentioning the fact of his irritated state after recalling the scene of yoongi with him in the shower, the images of that day walked in front of his eyes. Those painful memories are books with chapters, deep and horrible, and so he wanted to leave them on the shelf to gather dust. He wanted to pick them up if he needed to learn something, to gain a perspective that helps him to create his own good story, but he can't. These painful memories, they're just the same as nightmares.

He can't describe how he wanted to take those painful memories and place them in a box, putting them there with photographs, rings, and cufflinks. The box is their coffin and he sat them to rest with the same reverence as a beloved one passed on. This funeral comes with trauma no less than a real death and now that they have been buried, the wake comes next.

He couldn't describe how he wanted to make their funeral real, he wanted it to burn those memories, damage them and make them run away from him, but he couldn't. His inner soul didn't know how to make it real, how to stabilize the burning inside his heart.

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