16- Orphic Self ✓

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Y/n was sitting on her doorstep in the warm breeze of an August morning, yet she's shaking. If she'd stayed up all night it would have made no difference to her exhaustion.

By the morning the bedsheets were in a knot and aside from a few fit-full half hours of vivid dreams, she didn't sleep a wink. Her brain is constantly searching for any sign that he's alright, as her cell phone is seeking a signal.

She got an urgent call from the director Kim namjoon telling him that she has to rush right now there because something happened to jungkook. but he didn't tell her more, letting her clues.

As soon as she stepped inside the prison, she stopped to catch her breath.. Normally it would take her about 40 minutes to walk, but today it only took her 15 minutes.

His feet pounded the tarmac with all the grace of a sack of wet concrete, the springing graceful steps of twenty miles earlier had long since disappeared. Her rasping throat was as parched as a dead lizard in the desert sun. Her head bobbed loosely from side to side with each footfall and her eyes felt heavy in their sockets,

She headed towards Kim namjoon's office in a rush where he told her to go as soon as she arrived with worry all over her face.

The slam of the door was the tempest inside y/n made audible. 

The first thing her eyes landed on, was a lost Jungkook sitting on a chair, handcuffed.

She couldn't move. She was stuck in the doorway, her eyes never leaving his hands. No matter how much she was looking at him, his hands were definitely covered with someone's blood and no one could erase that. 

The blood flowed thickly over his fingers, cold. it coated jungkook's fingers like caramel over an apple, only brilliant red instead of soft golden browns. His eyes watched each finger move, entranced by the new color of his skin. It felt no different from wet mud but it wasn't. 

Jungkook on the other hand knew he should feel repulsed, eager to wash it off but instead, he felt a laughter building in his belly, a joy like he'd never known. Killing, it seemed, was his thing. He was good at it.

It was his thing.

But for y/n, It was the reality. He hurt someone, or worse. She thought.

He was a monster after all.

She made a mistake.

His appearance fooled her. There was nothing kind inside this boy who right now was looking right at her, a sly smile glued on his lips. 

A grin spread over Jungkook's face, wide and open, showing his over-whitened teeth. In that moment his motives were laid bare; he was a mocker, one who enjoyed whatever torment he could inflict on others.

"Ooh. My stupid therapist came " He said, his smile widening as she approached them.

Jimin was there as well, standing behind the black-haired boy. 

"What happened?" She managed to somehow find her strength and ask, but her voice sounded foreign in her own ears. It was low and hoarse. She felt dizzy, a big knot forming inside her stomach at the sight in front of him.

"Hey !! everyone you are acting as I killed him, I've just played with him a little bit, after all, he was the one who asked for it ." jungkook laughed at their scary experience. 

He was actually enjoying himself after he had hurt someone? He couldn't be this heartless and cruel.


"He stabbed yoongi to death. He was fatally injured, but we still had to call the ambulance." Kimnamjoon informed y/n as soon as she took a seat beside him, in front of Jungkook.


"And why would you do something like that? " she asked Jungkook, who was now smiling sweetly at hee.

It gave her a chill that ran through her spine and nerves, her body shivered for a moment under his intense gaze.

he leaned forward towards her, his smile slowly fading away.

" Why? disappointed Miss Kim? " 

At that her lips parted in confusion, her eyes instantly shifting to Jimin who was looking back at her, in the same state as well.

"Anyway, I want to play! And we did so,'' Jungkook said calmly. 

" What type of game! don't tell me that he asked you to stab him, " She asked Jungkook when their eyes locked again.

"No he didn't want me to kill him but his game did it " Jungkook responded dead serious.

And that had a strange effect on her.

"What type of game? " This time her voice came out as a whisper, forgetting entirely that they weren't alone.

"Why asking? wanna play it too? " Jungkook's eyes darkened as he stared at her from across the table.

"Now can you stop asking me these stupid questions? And bring me to my dear cell, I missed it " 

Her eyes traveled to be fixed on his bloody hands.

"What is it? Are you afraid? But it's only blood." Jungkook mocked him, then to his 

Horror, he licked his bloody forefinger before giving it a quick suck.

he had an innocent face after doing it like it was such a normal thing to do, and it gave her chills.

"You know y/n it was your fault that I did this, so just deal with your stupidity "

She understood what he meant by that, if she injected him with the drug, they wouldn't be in such a situation.

It was her fault.

But even if it was, she can't inject him with more of it, it will damage his brain even more than it is now.

She wouldn't.

For two hours Jungkook was investigated and why not, trying to understand why he did it, even if it wasn't the first time that he injured someone in the prison.

For the entire two hours, he kept silent, occasionally throwing them smiles, here and there. 

Mocking her even more. 

But with everyone else, he was cold. He was bored with the thousand questions thrown at him, which he didn't give a damn about. 

Until they gave up.

She was disappointed, terrified like never before... Disgusted.

Her brain wants to hate this boy in front of her more and more.

Jungkook knew. Her face was so easy to read, he knew that she was now feeling guilt and regret, but he didn't need her opinion about him. He didn't care at all. He was doing it just on his way.

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