23-Orphic intrest○

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"no care"

After Jungkook got back to his cell, his mind couldn't stop thinking about what happened: how he was flirting with her, while she went with his flow too, but something clicked in his mind.

It's rare that he finds someone who doesn't fear him. She doesn't fear him even after what happened that day in his cell although it could just be because she knows she's safe on her high horse. But l don't think so. She's different. He just doesn't understand why, or how.

But he knows she is. After breakfast, they led him to the same room he was in yesterday. The guards sit him down and walk across the room.

This place is so bland. She knows it has to be this way because anything could set someone off, here, but sometimes she wishes they could make it a little less... well dark.

It kinda reminds her of a scary asylum. but the thing here is that the dark color is dominating. But she doesn't find it the least bit frightening.

Sometimes she wonders what it's like to be in the shoes of her patients. Like kay, for example, he was her previous patient he suffered also from DID and bipolar disorder. Could he feel the different presence? inside of him? She'd done quite a lot of research and many believe that the host actually sends out one of the stronger personalities if they are feeling vulnerable.

She had tried to ask him before whether he can remember when a personality has taken over and what events caused it.

He can never remember. He says it's like he starts to pass out and then nothing, just darkness. They call them his blackouts. Times when other personalities take over and he has no control.

When she gets back to her new office, she takes out her schedule to see who is coming in first.

Yess, first.

Yesterday she got assigned to therapy by the other prisoners too, in order to help Jimin a little bit.

And it's jungkook.

She opens his file and rereads her notes. She can't bring herself to read his file again. All of the names of his victims are in bold print. All of them are girls.

Instead, she studied his mugshot picture as well as the photos of him on security. There is something about him that makes her forget what she's doing, it's like he just does something to her and she doesn't know if it is good or bad. It's bad. This is not okay. She will not allow herself to be attracted to someone like him, she just won't!

She closes the file and there's a knock on the door, making Jungkook walk further accompanied with a guard, looking down at his feet as chained him with her desk, before she stands up, for making a coffee for herself.

"You can go out now." y/n said she began walking toward her desk, grabbing a cup of coffee. She had to drink several cups of coffee before she got into the prison, she got to her apartment late last night, because she had to go to her parents house to a family dinner.

" Jungkook, how are you today?" y/n asks to get a cup of coffee herself.

"Our session today will include, talking about yourself a little bit, to get to know you more, as a man who has 29 years old "

"So you're now interested to know my life?" He buttered as a sly smile painted his lips.

"Yess, I'd like to talk about your hobbies first ?"

"Huh? Didn't we talk about it yesterday Miss ? " he says in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, I know that and as far as I know killing people isn't a hobby to do! "

"Well, if you say so,I don't have any '' he says as she eyes him silently, she knows that he'll not give her a clue, but she knows how to do it.

She eyes him silently from head to toes, tapping her pen on the table, while he looks at her amused by her silence.

"I like your tattoos, jungkook " y/n speaks as she pointed at his strong inked hands.

" You like them, or you like what was inked ?" he says, referring to his muscles.

"Well, both " y/n didn't deny the fact that his arms are attractive and much better with his tattoos.

"Are those Lucifer black wings?" She gasped, taking a look closer without thinking. She reached for his hand, and surprisingly enough, he allowed her to take it on her own and study the beautiful ink job. The detailing of wings was amazing.

His work was so incredible and had been
so abstract for his time. As a person, he had been a bit crazy, but he never let anyone discourage him from doing what he wanted.

She now realized that perhaps that was the reason Jungkook had tattooed them on his hand - the hand that didn't stop at anything to do crazy things either.

"So, you were the one who designed it ? " she asks as he nodded his head in approval but stops when he gets what she wanted from this talk.

"Smart enough huh ?" He says a sly smirk drew his pink lips.

"So you got a talent ? huh ?" She buttered.

"Name it as you want! "

"Okay, drawing, "she said as she began to take notes down while he stared at her.

That electrifying deathly glare he sent her before was still seared into her mind and
caused my heart rate to stay alarmingly high.

She knew that his glare should be enough to send her running out of here screaming but for some strange reason the only thing she wants is to go even closer to him. To get a better look at it, she wanted to read every aspect of his features.

Drunk in their silence, y/n decides to break it with another question.

"What are your dreams?" She asked and he furrowed his eyebrows. "We're still playing this game huh." He says and she raises a brow.

"Well, you're the one who continued it." She says and she can tell he is trying not to smirk.

"Well, I don't like leaving people in the dark." He says. She watches his mouth move but then looks back to his eyes. She can't feel like this about a patient, especially not him. He is a monster.

Maybe that is what she likes about him.

"So what are they?" She asks and he sighs.

"I don't really have any," He said and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You have just thought,'' she says and he thinks for a moment. His dark hair falls into his eyes.

And the next movement she did was unexpected.

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