10-Orphic Confusion ✓

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Jungkook said under his breath

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Jungkook said under his breath. "Do what they asked you to do. Then leave me alone," he added.

She stared at him, shocked by what he said just now.

He wanted it.

He wanted to be drugged.

He wanted to be the rat for their experiences.

After all, he won't lose anything right? What was left to keep anyway?

But the black-haired girl wouldn't do it, she knew what was going on in his mind.

He thought that he was brave.

But he wasn't.

She could just do it and inject this drug through his veins. But she won't.

She couldn't. Because she knows that this boy in front of her right now, is the same boy who hugged her last night.

She thought so because she was sure she was not that innocent boy who was running away from reality, seeking warmth and help, who was trembling in fear all the time, like a frightened little kid. She knows that she's talking to Jungkook, also that the one who talked to the first meeting was jungkook.

He tried to protect her.

He warned her before.

"I'm ready, " he muttered.

He closed his eyes slowly as he waited for her to do her job. But before closing his eyes, he saw it. How she looked at him. It was for a second, but she saw it.

three things can not be hidden " the sun, the moon, and the truth " right?

The truth is what he was trying to hide,

So much sadness. Loneliness.

In this cell he was lonely, yet there is an art to surviving in the best shape possible. He found that he could be conscious of his choices and emotions.

he was completely and utterly alone in his mind, body, soul, and most of all, entirely alone in the world. She couldn't stand imagining someone in his state.

And she couldn't do it.

Something felt wrong.

Even though, y/n had to try and study his acts without getting the medicine. So she can decide what her sessions how would be like.

She couldn't find that monster in him. After what she saw last night. He was a little angel wrapped in the dark.

That presence gave her chills. It was the first time feeling so terrified because of someone. But now it was somehow different.

Yes, his eyes were cold, he didn't like her presence. It was clear she wasn't seeking contact or had other pervert intentions.

"What are you waiting for ?"

"I will " y/n took the needle she was holding before she begins preparing the dose she was told to do so. But she already made her decision.

Giving her back to the cameras in the cell, she filled the needle with the fake injection.

Maybe giving them a fake injection illusion will do?

That's what she thought;

Crazy, but it was the only way to study his behavior outside of the medical effect.

"Can you lift your arms for me " Her voice trailed off as he commended her request whilst she found the right vein on his arm and pretended to inject him afterward?

But she wasn't like the others psychotherapists, she was different. But even if it was, she will still have to be another one.

Another therapist.

Another pain. He thought to himself as he glared her way.

Her lips parted as she was trying to understand what the heck he was thinking glaring at her.

Somehow, he was intimidating her.

The way his eyes were burning her every time they were fixed on her.

They were fuming from inside. Not only that, they were shredding her into pieces. His eyes were his emotions along with his pained memory, he was too good to mask it.

It was something that she never saw. Jungkook didn't move from that spot, not even when she stopped in front of him. he just raised his head and looked her way with an unreadable expression.

"Can we be friends? I want to help you." Her voice rang through his ears. " And what's your intentions behind it, Doctor?"

"Nothing I've just wanted to be your friend and your close friend " His eyebrow crashed together in utter confusion.

This again?

Jungkook sighed. he felt how he was losing his patience with each second that passed.

"Ooh close right ?" She nodded.

Then he suddenly stood up, taking her by surprise when he trapped her between his strong body and the wall. "This close? "

"Look here. Yes, I am a monster, psychopath, sick, criminal, or how the fuck you would like to call it. But this does not mean that I am stupid. And I know exactly that you knew it already right ?? you have stuck this important thing in that little mind of yours, little girl ?"

"Don't insult me. I know exactly what you are planning on doing, and let me tell you that it will not work."

"What? What the fuck you are..."

"What am I talking about ?" she cut him off.

" Don't you know? Everyone around here wants something. Even that Yoongi, so you can't come with the shit "Can we be friends" thing and expect me to say yes. Please. You can't be that naive."

His eyes darkened as he was taking in every inch of her face.

"What did they tell you? To try and gain my trust?" Jungkook laughed.

"Well, if it was the case, it would just be a waste of your precious time," he said, making her confused.

"And why is that ??"

"Why? Because I have nothing to say to you. How can I? When I'm empty, I feel the chill in my blood, coldness making my brain standstill. I don't know anything about myself. I'm trapped here in my mind "

Jungkook ended, throwing her a cold glare. "No!! you know you just-" he cut her off.

"Secondly, why would I want you as a friend? "

She didn't say anything. But she knew better what she had to do.

Y/n just smiled at her, making him now the confused one.

Jungkook blinked in surprise. He was always accustomed to people throwing him weird looks, being ignored, or being pointed at. And here she was smiling.

Then her smile widened.

"You owe me," she said to her. And

Jungkook's eyes widened when her fingers touched his cheek before gently tracing a finger along his neck. And damn. His heart just made a triple flip.

"What? Why would I owe you anything?"

Jungkook asked, confusion was all she could see on his annoyingly beautiful face.

"How can you not remember how you let me hug you and comfort you and I can say that you enjoyed it," she said, smirking. A gentle flush of pink had arisen in his cheeks that made him look vulnerable, his lips parted in shock as they were looking at each other.

"I am a sick man" F.D

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