9-Orphic closeness ✓

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He found himself near the girl's lifeless body with a knife in his hand. blood was on the knife on his hands and clothes.

He killed her.

Why he would kill an innocent girl? Or was she?

He didn't undertand.

"You killed hose girls jeon jungkook"Jimin's words rang in his ears.

"But they enjoyed it first, so why worry? "and it was like that jungkook was brought into this situation.

Every day a doctor would come to examine him. Then another gave him pills. Then another giving him injections. Then Jimin would come and begin asking him questions.

The scenario repeats again and again.

He felt like a monster.

The way they watched him made him hate herself even more.

"what's is happening with you jungkook how can I help you? " Jimin asked him after he surrendered. But the boy was silent, eyes empty and full of darkness staring through the man's soul who was sitting in front of him. "Let me help you and be your friend Jungkook, " Jungkook laughed as soon as those words left his mouth. he started to make fun of him, within seconds, his eyes were a well of jet black ink, holding a gaze more fearsome than a tiger.

Talking to the Ink wasn't easy though.

" A Friend ? " he asked with a smirk on his face. "Just let me be " was his answer.

He shrugged his shoulders, looking at him as he was slightly mad, never answering his questions but always going back to recounting the practical circumstances of the story. Whilst Jimin crushed his eyebrows and his mouth twisted in annoyance.

Jungkook laughed again. He was really enjoying himself. "Are you sure you are a Doctor?" Jungkook asked the moment he stopped laughing. "Because to me, you are just an ignorant little pain in the ass "

Even with his wrists tied up with rope circling his wrists about a hundred times, he still managed to grab the doctor's neck. The guard quickly pulled him away from Jimin, this way preventing a catastrophe from occurring.

"Ah fuck it", Jungkook evilly smirked.

"You are lucky, and don't forget if I can kill old people easily I can kill young ones too, in the same way." Jimin remained there in his chair without moving a muscle. His heart was still pounding from the moment Jungkook's cold fingers met his neck. He stopped breathing for a moment there. He had to admit that the jungkook was scary.

✓ ORPHIC INK | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now