14- Orphic Shower✓ ♧

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The sleeplessness was her torture

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The sleeplessness was her torture. While the rest of the world embraces their dreams, their eight hours of rest, y/n was thinking, thinking about him.

Did he kill those girls out of hate? Why does he don't want to open up to others?

The thing she was sure of, is that Jungkook wasn't the one who committed this sin.

And at the same time, this fact made her work more difficult. She has to deal with two people, in one body.

She knew that he was protecting himself by doing that, but is it necessary? But it was his way.

She couldn't do anything.

The more she can do is gain his trust first. But she thinks that did. Because a person like him won't let someone approach him.

She knew that he hated her for doing so, and she hated her body that betrayed her.

But, she thinks that she passed the first level.

In the ten hours she's been in bed she must have woken up six times. Not for that long each time, but enough to break her sleep into un-refreshing chunks. With every disturbance, there is a new nightmare.

Her eyes open and dart to the clock. It's two-thirty in the morning. Outside someone falls over the dustbins, sending the metal lid clattering to the sidewalk.

She wanted to wash her brain in cold water, and chill the whole thing right out but she can't.

But something was disturbing her mind badly, the injection.

As far she knows from reading the file Jimin had given her, the injection was containing sedatives so they could control the moody acts of the prisoner.

But still, she should make sure of the information in the file.

The dose that she had to inject Jungkook yesterday with, she took it. And it was illegal.

She injected the dose in her bottle of water so she can pass the daily control of the guard when she went out.

With that, she took her way to her professor Dr.Martinez. She asked him if he can manage to analyze the medicine. And inform her afterward of what it contained.

"Prepare yourself to take a shower Jungkook," Areum asked Jungkook the moment she opened the door.

Jungkook was sitting at the edge of the bed when she opened the door. He didn't say a word, he just stood up and headed toward her.

He needed a shower. It was his only way to relax his mind. but he wasn't allowed to take a shower every day. only one day a week. He couldn't do anything other than accept the fact.

Then Jungkook and Areum took their way to the entire bathroom while Yoongi was waiting outside.

"Will you just stay watching me? Jungkook mumbled groaning.

"you have a problem with that ?? " she grinned at the boy in front of her.

Jungkook was always aware of the way she was looking at him, especially Yoongi.

Every chance he can get. He knew that he was hated. He didn't know why though. Jungkook never did anything to him. They rarely talk to each other.

maybe because he was a monster ?? Why does he care anyway?

Once again. the urge of ending his life welcomed him.

He has to put an end to his life.

But his thoughts were interrupted by Yoongii yelling from the door.

"Areum the doctor wanted to see prisoner number 5490 in cell 508 now !! "

Areum signed before she started sarcastically "enjoy your shower make yourself home "


Does he know what that means?

well, it wasn't in his vocabulary.

He walked leisurely to the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. His mind was in shreds of steam filling the room as he cut the shower on.

He strips down and steps slowly into the tub, turning the water on high and letting it beat over her head in steamy rivulets. Closing his eyes to the water as the heat soaks into his skin, he leans against the cool tiles as his weak legs threaten to buckle.

The shower curtain was ripped back and he didn't even flinch, engrossed as he was with the water cascading down his body and massaging muscles long past cramped.

Everything was smoothing for Jungkook in the shower, his body felt amazing after the water was hitting his aching muscles and skin.

He felt his hands cup the water that fell from above. Showering bare naked to see past the streaks of hair that hit his eyes. He lathered soap onto his palms.

But the feeling of someone joining him, made him stop. The thing is he wasn't alone in the shower.

A hot breath fanned the back of his neck as he was pulled back by strong arms .he wanted to turn around but he stopped by placing his lips on the side of his neck, then he traced alignment with fingers on her back from his neck to his thighs, clutching them with his palms.

" Long time no see jungkook "His voice was rasping, like an old man, even though his face was Yoongi.

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