5- Orphic Kindness ✓

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❝kind to the unknown ❞

"I will be watching from the monitors inside his cell, to study his reactions with you, and ofcourse if something happens, we will shot him using electric shots. Who knows what will he can do " y/n nodded her head at Jimin's words taking his words, before heading to the next session.

"I'm just going to try to gain his trust, using kidness. That's it"

"You will never guess what can happens y/n, once a criminal will always stay a criminal"

Y/n had taken the file about the medicine Jungkook takes, from the researchers that she made. She concluded that the medicine contained a type of drug. That can affect his memory and make him believe anything was told to him. And that was the goal to medicine. Having control over the prisoner.

But weren't the electric shots enough? She couldn't understand.

What if he wasn't injected? What were the probabilities of his self-control?

She should try. At least one time.

And truthfully, if the doses were taken more than enough, it could damage his brain more than it was already.

With that, a bad feeling begins to fill her guts. She should search more about his drugs containing the injections. She had to.


Y/n was sitting beside his sleepy soul, it was his time for him to take his injections after he woke up.

Jimin had given her the injection so she can do it to him after he wakes up.

She was still remembering the way he was looking at her before, he gazed into her soul; his eyes of liquid amber scrutinizing things inside of which she could only dream of seeing in himself.

His skin was illuminated, his breath toppled out of his soft lips like a ball of tumbleweed softly blowing through the sky.

He was a mystery. A dangerously beautiful mystery in which she has to find his secrets.

Caressing his head, brushing her slim long fingers through his hair, tight dark curls, all moving freely over his cheeks she noticed a small scar on his cheek, visible to the naked eye.

Her eyebrows slightly furrow upon this finding, her mind making up a bunch of scenarios on how Jungkook received that marking. Some being dumb which fit his personality.

She should just forget about it, for now, she tells herself, quickly getting up off the bed to be productive or something.

His dimples punctuated the chub rendering her more cute than she'd otherwise be.

Passing her fingers on his cheeks, feeling them, it was the cutest thing y/n had ever seen.

Her heart beats fast and there is a buzzing in her brain and together they panicked with jump-leads.

What she did next was far from kindness.

She begins poking his cheeks, she couldn't stop herself from doing so and at the same time, she was curious about his reaction. Well, she will not lose the chance to do so.

He groaned in protest as he felt someone poked his cheek. He slapped the hands like a baby away still groaning. She didn't expect it, he was like a baby, a dangerous man, she loved it.

whoever she was carried on poking him . A whinge escaped his mouth as His cover was yanked from him, leaving him cold.

His eyes open like two flashlight beams, the new temporal inserts providing enough light to illuminate whatever he looks at. It's like being shown the woods one tree at a time in some crazy memory game, but it's better than blackness.

Her eyes met his, she was smiling at him not bothering his angry eyes.

"You are awake "

"I can see clearly that you didn't understand what I've said, "Jungkook asked, eyeing her reaction which confused him.

"Did you sleep well ?" She asked, ignoring what he said completely. But he remained silent, she loved it.

"No need to answer what I already saw by myself." she said, smiling like a child to him, innocence radiated from her.

" I'd make you breakfast " y/n spoke.

"What?" he asked in confusion, as she handed him a plate where their breakfast was, she settled down next to him on his bed, before she began to dig in, not wanting the atmosphere to be more awkward.

In the tray was black coffee, with a chocolate croissant accompanied with an apple and a knife.


She wanted to see his reaction by herself. He left the cell the room open for her if he will stay, or he could easily get the knife and escape, but she had to inject him before beginning her small test.

"Would you be a good boy and eat your breakfast Jungkook? "

A good boy.

His eyes darkened more and more at what he said. He stood up and she could see the darkness in his eyes, grabbing the knife in his hold, turning his head to y/n who was just staring at him confused all over her face.

Jungkook grabbed her neck and pushed her to the wall. He shocked her and squeezed her neck tightly, glaring at her.

She couldn't breathe. Her heart was racing but she didn't want to show him. She wanted to see what's inside him, she wanted to see the monster living inside him.

But she didn't understand why?

Why the sudden change? Why? Why all of sudden?

But she stopped thinking when he uttered these words.

"I killed you" Jungkook said darkly, his voice sounded more raspy and dark. He changed his tone. Even his eyes were darker, they were two black holes.

It was terrifying.

Words of the day

Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.


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